Pride, envy, avarice
these are the sparks that have set on fire the hearts of all men.
Skye heard the explosion before she saw the flames in the direction of Good Shepherd.
She floored it and radioed the fire department.
“Dammit, Anthony, if you’re dead …” She would not think of it. She would not think of it.
She pictured herself standing over Anthony’s charred body in Rod Fielding’s morgue, while Rod went through his autopsy checklist.
Tears stung her eyes. Anthony was her life. She couldn’t lose him.
Her sheriff’s truck passed her. She glanced over, not sure if Anthony was in the car, but the man behind the wheel was definitely not Anthony. Big, beefy shoulders and a hat. He looked like a uniform, but he went so fast Skye couldn’t identify him.
She wanted to continue to Good Shepherd, to see if Anthony was there. To see if he was hurt. If he needed her.
But someone had stolen the truck Anthony had been driving. If Anthony was injured, the fire department would be there in minutes. If he was dead, she would know it far too soon.
Torn, but making her choice, she made a U-turn and followed the truck from a distance. There were at least three people in the vehicle.
She called dispatch with her cell phone, in case the thief was monitoring police radio transmissions. “It’s McPherson. I need to get a GPS reading on my assigned vehicle.”
“Lose it again?”
“Excuse me?”
“An hour ago I had a request for a GPS on your truck, that someone had stolen it.”
“Who made that request?”
“Deputy Young.”
Skye felt both betrayal and rage. Young-she’d worked with him for eight years, ever since he was fresh out of the police academy. He was born and raised in Santa Louisa. He was one of them? A spy-a witch-in her own department? Were there more?
“Sergeant,” she said, “I don’t know what’s going on with Young, but my truck wasn’t stolen until five minutes ago.” She wasn’t supposed to let anyone else use her official vehicle; as sheriff she was supposed to set an example. She’d have a lot to answer for when this was over.
If she survived.
“Yes, ma’am,” the sergeant said. “Here it is. I’m tracking it. Will send the coordinates to your car-what are you driving?”
“Unmarked vehicle number six-niner-zero.”
“One sec … okay. You should have it on your computer.”
She tapped a key and there was her truck five blocks ahead, still going north on Main Street.
“Thanks. I may need backup.” Who could she trust? She didn’t know anymore.
“Everyone is tied up, but I can pull a team.”
“Jorgenson. Call him in.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” He had given her the key information on Matthew Walker; he had to be on her side. She hoped she hadn’t read him wrong.
Trust your instincts.
“Jorgenson and David Collins. Have them track my unmarked car and meet up with me ASAP. Radio silence on this. Cell phones only. Over.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Ari blubbered. Jared wanted to slap her to make her shut up, but he didn’t.
He’d destroyed the first altar, the easiest one he could get to, and they’d just arrived at the second. When Ari woke up, she remembered everything and seemed to have turned into a wailing lunatic.
“Either help me or shut up,” he said. “Or both.”
“I-” She stopped. “I’m sorry, Jared.”
She was calmer now, so Jared responded, “It’s okay. It’s my fault too. I helped you.”
“I didn’t really give you a choice.”
“Of course I had a choice.”
She shook her head. “I cast a spell of compliance. I wanted you to agree with everything I wanted to do. You argued, fought it, but I got everything I wanted. Do you think you would have agreed to be part of my circle if you weren’t under a spell?”
He didn’t know.
“I’m worried,” he said. “I’ve been trying to reach Moira and Anthony. No one’s around. I feel like I should be doing something!”
“We are.” She overturned the altar and scattered the herbs, dirt, and stone far and wide.
Bright lights came up the road, followed by police lights and the whirl of a siren.
“Shit,” Jared said.
When the cop got out of the car Jared recognized him. “Dad!”
Hank Santos approached. He looked angry, but he rubbed his head as if in pain. “What are you doing out here this late? This town is insane tonight. I’ve been on call after call; I’ve been worried sick about you.”
Jared almost argued with him, but the worry and stress in his dad’s voice melted away his anger. It had been a hard two years after his mom died, and Jared had been upset when his dad started dating again a few months ago. He was being selfish and critical, and now was a good time to grow up.
He said, “Dad, I need your help. Please. You’re the only one I can turn to. I need you.”
Hank stared at him. Tears came to his eyes; he took off his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose, then put the glasses back on. “You still need me?”
“I’ll always need my dad. We’re family, and that will never change.”
The relief and love on Hank’s face eased Jared’s mind. Family mattered, Hank used to say. And now Jared realized why it was so important. Forgiveness meant pushing aside all the crap, the hard feelings and mistakes. They loved you, unconditionally, if you let them.
“Tell me what’s going on, son.”
Jared sighed with relief. “It’s going to be hard to believe, but I swear it’s the God’s honest truth.”
“After the things I’ve seen tonight, I’d believe just about anything.”
Good Shepherd was a wall of flames so hot and bright that Rafe and Moira didn’t dare get close.
“Where’s Anthony? Where’s Father?” Moira said as she jumped out of the car.
Rafe followed. “Hold on, Moira,” he said.
“No, no! What if they’re inside? I told them to come here! I told them-”
Rafe spun her around and gave her a shake. “Moira. Listen to me.”
Her brows came together and he felt her biceps flex. She didn’t like being manhandled or ordered around, but he needed her one hundred percent focused. “Let go,” she said quietly.
He loosened his grip but didn’t let go. “No panicking.”
“I don’t panic,” she said, but glanced down. “I’m sorry.”
“Can you feel any magic?”
“No! I can’t feel anything-”
“You need to relax. Be calm.”
“I can’t, dammit! What if they’re dead? Because of me?”
“Moira, listen. The only way you can help them is to focus, and you can’t use all your senses if you’re panicking.” Rafe took her hands in his and squeezed tight. “I’m right here. Relax. Is there any magic at work? Can you sense if anyone is inside? Injured?”
The heat from the blaze uncomfortably warmed the air around them. His back was hot, sweat was beading on his brow. He watched Moira work to get her emotions under control.
“I can’t,” she said, though she was breathing easier.
Rafe stared into Moira’s eyes. “Yes, you can. Breathe. Now let it out.”
He saw the moment she found her balance. Her entire body relaxed as if the panic had whooshed out. Her grip relaxed in his hands, but he didn’t let her go. “What do you sense?”
“Old spells. Old demons. They’re burning. There’s a new gateway here. Dammit! They opened another gateway. Too many and we’ll lose control-”
Rafe interrupted, calm but firm. “That’s for another day. Right now, is anyone working a spell?”
She shook her head. “No. No active spells. Nothing-” She stopped, her mouth dropped open, and she stared over his shoulder.
“What is it?” He glanced behind him, saw nothing but the evil building engulfed in bright orange flames. The fire was spreading, but the fire department hadn’t arrived yet. He saw nothing unusual and turned back to Moira.
She didn’t say anything, her gaze unfocused, her body shaking uncontrollably. Sweat poured from her skin, from something other than the blaze. What was happening to her? Fear clawed at Rafe. He needed Moira. He couldn’t do this alone.
“Moira? Please, please, snap out of it. Tell me what’s happening, dammit!”
He pulled her to him, hating that she was suffering. Something-had Fiona sent a nightmare to her as she’d done to him? Was Moira reliving pain of her past? Did she have to watch over and over people she cared about die? Painful, horrible deaths? He would take it from her if he could.
He repeated a prayer for deliverance, over and over as he held her close. She stiffened in his arms and he tilted her chin up, but she pushed him back and started running, staggering, down the street.
He caught up quickly and grabbed her hand. “Watch out, the debris.”
“Anthony!” she shouted. “He’s here. The building is about to collapse and if we don’t get to him first, he’ll die.”
He didn’t ask how she knew-she’d had a vision. It was the only explanation.
“He’s in the back of a truck. He fell into the back of a pickup, but when this building goes it’s going to suck everything down with it.”
“Get the car. Now. I’ll find Anthony.”
She nodded, and ran down the street to where they’d parked.
Staying on the opposite side of the road, Rafe ran past the burning building. He searched for trucks. None in the church parking lot. He looked in front of the building next to Good Shepherd. There!
He ran across the street, the heat searing his skin, making the claw marks on his chest burn. He jumped into the bed of the pickup, his hands burning on the hot metal, and there was Anthony, on his back, trying to get up, blood running down his face and into his eyes.
“Anthony!” Rafe opened the back of the pickup. “Come on, it’s coming down right now.”
“Walker,” Anthony said, his voice dry and low.
“Later, buddy, we got to go.”
Headlights came at him and he jumped out, helping Anthony, who staggered under his own weight.
Moira leaned over from the driver’s seat and opened the passenger door.
“Get in now!” she said as the earth started shaking all around them. Anthony fell to the street and Rafe half dragged him to the car. He got in first and used his weight to pull Anthony in after him. The door wasn’t even closed when Moira floored it.
“Hold on!” she yelled, going from zero to sixty in six seconds. The door swung closed, and Anthony struggled to sit upright as the two large men were crammed in the front next to Moira.
Rafe turned his head and watched as Good Shepherd blazed bright red and disappeared into the earth. The pickup truck Anthony had fallen into was sucked in with it, along with the buildings on either side.
By the time Moira reached the top of the hill on the edge of town, all that was left of Good Shepherd was scorched earth.
Candlelight flickered inside Rittenhouse Furniture. The inventory shielded the activity, but each piece was outlined by the light, casting odd, dancing shadows out the large showroom windows and into the fog. The street lights along the edge of the small parking lot shined in interlocking circles, revealing several empty vehicles. Warehouses and light industrial businesses on this road were all closed at night. No one else was around for miles, and with the thickening fog and damp air, Moira felt as though they were the only people in the world as she approached, fifteen minutes after Good Shepherd disappeared in a blaze of hellfire.
She drove without headlights to the back of the building and parked behind the Dumpsters. It didn’t conceal them completely, but at least they weren’t obvious at a glance. She hadn’t even stepped out of the car, but the dark magic rolled off the building as the fog rolled in from the ocean: slow, ethereal, unstoppable.
She breathed deeply, concentrating all her senses on the building and surrounding area. She felt small, cleansing spells and bigger, more dangerous protection spells. She didn’t sense anyone outside watching the back door. There was a river of fear flowing through the building. She didn’t know whether it was residual emotions from the violence of the night before or fear being generated right now.
“That’s Skye’s truck,” Anthony said.
She opened her eyes and looked where he gestured. On the far side of the back lot, the sheriff’s truck was parked in the shadows.
“Is she here?” Moira said. “Is she crazy?”
Anthony said, “Walker and Deputy Young must have taken it after they tried to kill me at Good Shepherd. Thank God. It’s here.”
“Why?” asked Moira, taken aback that Walker was one of them. Why had he helped her earlier?
“The tabernacle. It’s inside the truck. We need it to trap the demon.”
“Trap? You don’t know how to send it back?”
“Not yet, but we can contain it,” Anthony said.
“You’re certain?” Rafe asked.
Moira concentrated. “There are many spells in play; I’m having a hard time discerning them,” she said. “Let me try again, see what they’re doing right now.”
The harder she concentrated, the greater her headache until she visibly winced. Rafe grabbed her shoulders. “Stop. You’re going to hurt yourself.”
“I have to figure this out!”
“Sometimes you have to have faith.”
“I’m going for the tabernacle,” Anthony said. “Stay here.”
“You need backup,” Moira said.
“I’ll go,” Rafe said.
“No,” Anthony and Moira said together. Then Anthony added, “I don’t need backup. The truck is only a hundred yards away.”
“It’s not up for debate,” Rafe said. “I’m going.”
Reluctantly, Anthony agreed. Moira didn’t like this at all, but she didn’t have an alternate plan.
“Be careful. And, um, take this.” She handed him her dagger.
He took it, then squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”
She watched the two men sprint across the back of the parking lot until they hit the trees. She breathed easier when they had some camouflage.
And she waited. And waited.
The car door opened.
“It’s about-”
She stopped.
Matthew Walker stood there looking bemused.
“Somehow, I knew you’d end up here.”
She spat in his face.
His face hardened until she thought he was capable of pummeling her to death, then he relaxed. “Tom,” he said to the cop standing behind him, “make sure she doesn’t have any friends hanging out around here.”
To Moira, he said, “Come inside. Your mother’s waiting for you.”