AQ: Al-Qaeda

ARU: armed response unit

CO: commanding officer

DEVGRU: United States Special Warfare Development Group (SEAL Team 6)

DOD: US Department of Defense

EST: Eastern Standard Time

HE: high-explosive

HEI: high-explosive incendiary

HESCO: flat-packed containers filled with dirt or sand to create a protective barrier

ICOM: intelligence communication

IED: improvised explosive device

JPC: jumpable plate carrier

klick: kilometre

L Detachment: a territorial unit attached to 22 SAS, under the command of E Squadron

LZ: landing zone

MIT: murder investigation team

MRAP: mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle

MRE: meal, ready to eat

OC: officer commanding

PIRA: Provisional IRA

plate hanger: armoured operations (ops) vest

PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder

REME: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

RTU: order to return to unit

RV: rendezvous

SOCO: scene of crime officer

SOP: standard operating procedure

SUV: sport utility vehicle

UAV: unmanned aerial vehicle
