Osiris has been a part of my life for a long time, and inevitably those around me have shared in both the joys and struggles of its creation. There are many friends without whose wisdom and support it would have been so much harder. It is impossible to thank everyone here, but in particular I would like to mention the following:

Kim, my sister, who reads everything first. My fabulous housemate M-P, for among many other things sitting up with me late into the nights to help work through seemingly impossible manuscript problems. The lovely and talented Clare, for taking the time to read and offer advice on early drafts of this and other works, and surely more to come. The inestimable Millcat, without whom there would be no Emcat. Björn Wärmedal, for being a joy to write with upon my first forays into science fiction. Fellow writers and friends David Bausor, Christabel Cooper, Jacqui Hazell, Dominique Jackson, Kyo Louis, Suzanne Ramadan, and Colin Tucker, for their invaluable criticism, support, and much consumption of red wine over the past five years. Bobby Williams, for always listening, and for making me the most beautiful piece of film any novelist could wish for. Alexa Brown and James Harris for giving their time and talent to film it. Mau to you all!

I want to thank my wonderful agent John Berlyne, who has believed in the book from the start and refused to give up on it even when I almost had myself. I want to thank Jeremy Lassen and all the folk at Night Shade Books for giving Osiris a home, and welcoming me so warmly into the fold.

Last but most importantly: thank you to my family, the often madhouse of Swifts, for encouraging me to follow my dreams; for being there all the way and always.
