
The Japanese plan: Dotted lines indicate Operation FS as conceived by Japanese planners who failed to consider only one element in their strategy… the battlecruiser Kirov, a ship they soon come to call “Mizuchi” after the name of a legendary Sea Dragon.

Admiral Isokoru Yamamoto leads the Imperial Japanese Navy as it confronts the USN and a strange phantom ship that has unhinged operational planning from Darwin to the Coral Sea.

Battleship Yamato, involved in the final hunt for the phantom ship that had bedeviled Yamamoto’s navy.
Her 18.1 inch guns had 26 inch armor and could range out to 45 kilometers! Her side armor was 16 inches thick, with 200mm deck armor.
She is opposed by the most powerful battlecruiser ever conceived in the modern era, a clash of titans that spans three full chapters in the novel.
Heavy Cruiser Tone.
Kirov’s new AR-710 Gatling gun system in stealth turret.
The older Kashtan integrated Gun/Missile system.