Chapter Six

Marissa intended on keeping her promise. She didn’t want trouble for anyone. She didn’t know why Brandon would even come to her sister’s mating ceremony, but he couldn’t touch her. She told herself that over and over again.

The seating placed her with Gage and Logan while members of her and Elizabeth’s old Pack took up two tables across the yard. The other tables were filled with Gage’s Pack. Everyone was behaving properly, but one wrong move from either Alpha could spell disaster. Wolves were territorial about almost everything, but particularly about their women. She didn’t want a Pack war at her sister’s ceremony.

Gage or Logan stayed with her the entire time. After pictures were taken, dinner served and cake cut, the dancing began. Marissa danced with Gage, then Logan, but her attention was never too far from the man in the back keeping his eyes on her.

Walking to get a refill of champagne, she stopped to talk to a few of the females who had openly befriended her from Gage’s Pack. If they knew she was a non-shifter, it didn’t seem to bother them. Logan was talking to two of the Enforcers, but kept an eye on her from a short distance.

Marissa received her refill and turned from the table, running into Brandon. She tried to step around him, but he moved also. She looked for Gage or Logan, but they were several feet away from her involved in conversations.

Sighing, Marissa pulled her shoulders back and met Brandon’s gaze. “What do you want?” she snapped.

Brandon stepped towards her. “Interesting seeing you interact with another Pack.”

Marissa dropped her eyes out of habit, her confidence leaving her as he spoke with authority.

Satisfied, he moved even closer. “We have a lot to talk about.”

“We have nothing to talk about,” she said to her feet.

“Oh, you are very wrong. As Alpha of the Pack, I now have access to all the data on you and your family.”


“So as your Pack Alpha—”

“You are not my Pack Alpha,” she interrupted.

Lifting his hand, he brushed her hair off her face. “Actually I am.”

“I was kicked out of the Pack. You have no power over me.”

“Well, funny thing about that. My father never turned in your papers to the council to let them know you were leaving the Pack. As law states, a member cannot leave the Pack and go rogue without a trial or the proper paperwork. You still belong to the Pack. To me.”

“No.” Marissa stepped back, shaking her head. She wouldn’t go back to his Pack. She’d die before ever returning to him and giving him power of her once again.

Brandon laughed. “Yes, it’s true. And by Wolf law, I have full control over you for your safety and wellbeing.”

“You don’t know anything about laws. You are a liar just like your father.”

Anger flashed in his eyes and Marissa felt true fear. Her throat went dry while her heart pounded. Reaching out, he grabbed her arm. Marissa frantically looked around for Gage or Logan, not seeing either.

“No one’s going to come to your rescue this time.” He yanked her to him.

Marissa could feel his breath against her cheek.

“And be careful of your words. I will not let you disrespect my father.”

“Let me go!” Marissa desperately tried to pull away from him, the need to run and hide almost overbearing.

“Or what?” Brandon ran his cheek over her hair. “You are mine. And you will be coming back to the territory with me.”

Tears filled Marissa’s eyes. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be. “No.”

“What? Don’t want to leave your lovers?” He spat at her. “Just how many of the wolves here have you spread your legs for?”

Marissa shook her head and again tried to pull away.

“I already know you are fucking the Alpha and his Beta. Is it just those two or did you take them all?”

As he shook her, Marissa’s head snapped back painfully. They heard a growl before she was knocked away from him. Looking up from where she’d fallen on the ground, she saw a blur of movement as two males went down on the ground.

It took a moment for Marissa to recognise the man fighting with Brandon as one of Gage’s guards.

“Stop!” she yelled to the two men. They didn’t hear her…or choose to ignore her.

It wasn’t until there was a second growl and Gage ordered, “Stop” that all movement ceased around her.

Marissa looked up to see his furious eyes boring into her. The muscle in his cheek jumped as he clenched his teeth. Marissa immediately dropped her eyes.

“Sam, go to my office,” he told his guard, keeping his voice even, not giving away what he was thinking.

Sam picked himself off the ground, looking one last time at the man he’d taken down. “Yes, Alpha.”

“Marissa, come here,” he ordered next.

Marissa moved quickly to obey. Wrapping his hand around her wrist, Gage held her next to him. Logan stepped into the middle of the group and nodded at his Alpha.

“I believe our guests have overstayed their welcome. Now that the couple has left, they shall be escorted out.” Gage’s voice was low and deadly. Daring anyone to challenge him.

“I’ll see to it, Alpha.” Logan nodded and reached for Brandon, who pushed his hands away.

Standing on his own, Brandon faced off with Gage. “I agree we should be leaving. We’ll just be taking Marissa with us,” he said smugly.

Marissa stepped behind Gage, using him as a shield. She wasn’t going with Brandon. She didn’t think Gage would make her, but if what Brandon said were true, he might not have a choice.

“I don’t think so.” Gage didn’t sound amused as Brandon stood in front of him.

Brandon smiled. “As her Pack Alpha, I will be returning her home.”

“Pack Alpha?” Gage looked over his shoulder at her. Marissa shook her head. “I think not.”

“She was born into my Pack.”

“And left your Pack at the request of your Alpha.”

“Really?” Brandon challenged, crossing his arms over his chest. “I have no paperwork supporting that.”

“Of course not.” Gage nodded as if he understood.

Marissa panicked. “Gage.”

“Hush,” he ordered. “Well, then I suppose you have the paperwork stating that she does belong to your Pack.”

The smile faded on Brandon’s face. “I do. Not with me though.”

Gage shook his head. “I cannot in good conscience turn over a female who I don’t know truly belongs with you.”

Brandon took one step forward. “You would start a war over this slut?”

Marissa gripped the back of Gage’s shirt. She didn’t think Gage would turn her over to the other man, but doubt still made her stomach tighten with nerves.

Gage didn’t move but met the other Alpha’s stare. “Would you? You are in my territory now.”

Brandon relaxed his stance. “We’ll see about this.” He turned and walked away, his Pack members following him.

“Make sure they all leave, Logan. Then I want you in my office.”

Logan nodded first to his Alpha and then to the other Enforcers who had surrounded them. They all left silently.

Turning, Gage grabbed Marissa’s arm and pulled her towards the house.

“Party’s over,” he threw back over his shoulder at the other members of his Pack, having them disperse quickly.

Marissa remained quiet as Gage led her away. In the shoes she wore, she kept tripping. Gage didn’t slow his steps, however, he just tightened his hold. Marissa didn’t fight, scared and unsure of her future and what Gage would do.

Sam jumped up when Gage walked into his office with Marissa. Gage pointed to the couch and waited for Marissa to sit before turning to his Enforcer.

“I apologise for my action, Alpha. I have no excuse for starting a fight with another wolf without your permission.”

Gage nodded. “Yes. Especially another Alpha.”

Sam’s eyes widened. “I can only say that I was protecting the woman that my Alpha had taken as his own.”

“And for that I thank you. Stand down, Sam, you are not in trouble.”

Sam relaxed. “Is everything okay?”

Gage shook his head and walked behind his desk. “I don’t know. But I have a favour to ask.”

“Anything, Alpha,” Sam agreed without second thought.

“We have a problem with the other Pack. Marissa will be staying here at the main house. I would like for you to go to Elizabeth’s house and bring Marissa’s belongings here.”

Gage saw Marissa open her mouth and then close it quickly.

“Then we are on high alert. I want a full watch. Especially around the house.”

Sam nodded. Logan knocked and entered the office. Gage acknowledged him with a tilt of his head.

“Then I would like you stay here at the house with Logan and I, in case there is any trouble.”

“Of course, Alpha.”

Gage dismissed Sam and turned to Logan.

“They’re gone. The gate is closed and locked. I have four men on guard there,” Logan informed him.

“Good. Make sure Sam has the others doing rounds.” Gage told him even though he knew Logan would take all the precautions that were needed. Still he felt better knowing everything would be in order to protect Marissa.

“Yes, Alpha. No one will get in without permission.”

Gage wanted more security than that. “I want no one else leaving.”

“I’ll make sure of it,” Logan promised and Gage knew he would be taking care of things personally.

Gage looked over at Marissa. She had been silent the entire time. “Get me what you can, Logan.”

He didn’t need to tell Logan more for his friend to understand that he wanted everything on Brandon and the other Pack. Logan glanced at Marissa before he nodded and silently left the office.

Gage walked to Marissa and wasn’t surprised when she leaned away from him. Now was the time for comfort.

“Come here,” he said.

Slowly Marissa stood and took his hand, keeping her eyes down at her feet. Gage gently led her from his office and up the stairs. Once they reached his bedroom, he let her enter first. Marissa walked into the large room and sat on the edge of the bed.

Dropping to his knees in front of her, Gage gripped her hands. “Marissa.”

Marissa didn’t hold back her tears any longer. “I’m sorry, Gage! I’m so sorry.”

Getting up and sitting next to her, he wrapped his arms around her. It broke his heart to see her so upset. “Shh.”

“I…I…don’t know what to do!”

Gage held her close to him and tried to make her feel protected. “I’ll take care of it. Take care of you,” he promised her and meant every word.

“He’ll start a war. I don’t know why. But I know he will,” she managed to get out between sobs.

“Shh. Baby, let him try,” Gage told her as he stroked her back.

“I don’t want anyone hurt because of me. I don’t understand why he’s doing this.”

Picking her up, Gage took her to the head of the bed and pulled the covers down. He placed her gently down. “Please don’t worry, Marissa. I will take care of this.”

Tears still streaked down her face. “I won’t go with him.”

“I know, baby. I wouldn’t let you even if you wanted to.” Gage wiped the tears from her face before bending down and kissing her cheeks, nose, eyes, forehead before placing a light one of her lips.

“Sleep now. I’ll be here when you wake.” Gage waited until her eyes closed before he stood and thought about what to do next.

* * *

Gage stood from where he sat at the table in his room. True to his word, he worked up here instead of his office. He studied the papers he’d gotten when he’d first looked into Marissa. Logan and Sam were in his office trying to find something else—anything else.

A phone call to another Alpha—Lamont from three territories away—had helped. He had even offered to send his best Enforcer and son Cain down if Gage needed any help.

Grateful to have the older Alpha behind him, Gage relaxed. As Lamont had stated, there had always been something wrong with Marissa’s original Pack. And while they would probably find papers to claim Marissa as theirs, Gage could turn around and file a claim that Marissa had been thrown out and had not been protected by her Pack. Gage knew he had a good case for that. Marissa had been on her own for the past ten years.

It also meant that Gage would have to take her into his Pack to file those papers and keep her from Brandon. He didn’t mind having her there. She’d be a good member, but he wanted more. He wanted a commitment from her. He’d found his life-mate.

The light knock on the door took his attention from his thoughts. Walking quietly to the door, he opened it to Hannah, one of the older females who helped with his house. She had worked for his father before him and had always been a surrogate mother to him.

“I brought you both some bread and soup. And made her some tea,” she told him.

Gage opened the door wider to let her come in with the tray. She placed the tray on the clean side of the table before looking up at him. Hannah had been with the Pack for fifteen years. She had come to his father after a member in her old Pack had assaulted her. Her Alpha hadn’t done anything and Hannah had run away. Gage’s father had gladly taken her into his Pack and his home. She had cooked for the wolves and kept his house ever since.

“You’re doing a good thing,” she said, and Gage could see tears in her eyes.

Gage shrugged at the admiration in her eyes. “I’m not only doing it for her.”

“I know.” She placed one hand on his cheek. “She wouldn’t make it there. It would take everything out of her until she slowly died.”

Gage placed his hand over hers, sharing comfort with her. “I will protect her. Even if it costs me my life.”

“I know.” She smiled sadly. “And that is why I choose to follow you like I did your father.” She left him with that.

Gage walked over to Marissa. She was curled up and had dried tears on her face. Running his fingers over her cheek, he watched her blink awake.

“Hi,” he greeted once her eyes opened.

She blushed and looked away. “Hi.”

Leaning over her, he took her lips. Marissa opened for him before wrapping her arms around his neck. Gage moaned into the kiss and pressed her back into the bed. The power and control she held shimmered beneath the surface. She pulled at his shirt, finally getting it over his head. Reaching up, she ran her tongue over his chest. The muscles under her mouth quivered and his breath brushed against her cheek.

Gage used his lips on her shoulders, then pulled the straps of her dress down her arms. She still wore the dress from the ceremony and he wanted it off her. Reaching behind her, he unzipped it, baring her to him.

The rest of the clothes were quickly removed as they touched and kissed each other’s skin. When he positioned himself over her, he held her legs open with his own. As he entered her slowly, they watched each other.

Marissa lifted her hips up to allow Gage to slip in smoothly all the way. He filled her, and she started to move under him. Gage kept his strokes slow and deep, watching the emotions in her eyes as he brought her pleasure. Her mouth opened and small sounds came from her. Gage grunted as the natural pace picked up, his body demanding he take her, the wolf demanding he claim her.

Crying out, Marissa wrapped her legs around his waist, taking him deeper. “Yes. Gage Oh yes.”

“Mine,” he growled. “Mine.”

“Yes.” Marissa eyes glowed, showing the rare glimpse of her wolf. “Yes, Gage, take me.”

Gage slammed into her over and over. “More. I want more.”

“Yes,” she cried out.

“Tell me you’re mine. Mine.”

“Yes. I’m yours. Take me Gage. Claim me.” The words came out, flowed from her without hesitation.

That was all Gage needed to hear. He pulled out and turned her over. He placed her on all fours and entered her quickly, going all the way to her womb.

Gage thrust into her fast and hard. He slammed into her, holding her hips, his mouth running over her back. When he felt her body start to tremble and she cried out her release, he opened his mouth. His canines lengthened, and he bit down, sinking his teeth into her shoulder. Her blood filled his mouth and he claimed her as his own.

Licking at the wound, he cleaned it as he found his own release, pulling her along with him one more time.

Empty and satisfied, he turned her back over and took her mouth. He shared her blood with her, licking the inside of her mouth before biting down on his tongue, filling his mouth with his own blood. He held the back of her head firmly as he forced his blood into her mouth.

With the claiming and blood exchange finished, they collapsed as mates.
