Chapter 11

In the total darkness of their prison, the girls lost complete track of time. Days seemed to drag on and on. But without being able to observe sunrises and sunsets, they had no idea how many days had elapsed.

They continued to rotate being on top and Gabrielle took her turns, enjoying her pets' bodies as pillows and mattresses. And neither of her girls challenged her again about anything. They had learned not to question her judgment.

They were hoisted out of the well several times and, each time, they were raped by many of the outlaws. After the second round of rapes, Gabrielle was successful in arranging baths for them. The baths were not pleasant affairs. One at a time, they were dunked into a tub of cold water and given a bar of soap. Then they were put back in the cage, still wet, and lowered back into the hole. While the baths were not what they were used to, at least the girls were fresh and clean.

To pass the time, they chatted and made love. The conversations ranged from foods to school experiences to boys and girls. Gabrielle became just one of the girls and they shared stories and giggled.

The lovemaking was also pretty egalitarian. Two girls would feast on the third's body, bringing her to multiple orgasms before they would switch and two would descend on a different girl.

Sarah especially liked it when she and Emily could make love to Gabrielle. She loved kissing her kind mistress who she increasingly liked and respected. She loved suckling on her mistress' generous breasts and marveled that breasts that large could be so firm. And she loved using her lips and tongue to toy with her owner's sex and bring her to multiple orgasms.

She wasn't sure why she enjoyed it so much or why she also enjoyed dining on Emily's body. In fact, she was a little disgusted with herself for liking the lesbian activities. She had never been attracted to girls before. But she adored the times when they frolicked in their black prison and even looked forward to the next session.

Sarah guessed they had been captive for about a week when there was an incident with the outlaws. They had been hoisted out of their hole and draped over the rail again. Each girl was being fucked in the ass while each was also servicing a second male with her mouth.

The male in Emily's bottom pushed his cock especially hard into her, sending pain shooting through her body and causing her to cry out. When she did that, her teeth accidentally raked along the cock in her mouth.

The man immediately pulled out of her and pulled on her hair, lifting her head even higher. He shouted at the poor girl, slapping her across the face several times. Then he pulled out his knife and held it to Emily's throat as he continued to shout at her.

Gabrielle spit out the cock in her mouth and started shouting at Emily's attacker. He pressed his knife harder against the girl's neck and Sarah gasped as she saw that he had broken the skin. She saw Emily close her eyes and shudder as she felt the sharp blade pressed against her soft neck.

Gabrielle and the male kept shouting at each other and then one of the other men spoke up. The threatening male slowly pulled his knife away from Emily and then put it back in its sheath. Thank goodness, thought Sarah.

But the incident wasn't over yet. Gabrielle and Emily were both pulled to their feet and dragged to a pair of poles. There, they were lashed to the poles, facing them.

Gabrielle continued to talk to the captors and Sarah could tell from the tone of her voice that she was pleading with the men. But nothing seemed to be having any impact on the outlaws. They continued to tie their naked prisoners to the poles.

The cock in Sarah's mouth finally erupted and she had barely swallowed that deposit when a new cock replaced it. The one in her ass continued to pound away, causing her belly to cramp each time it pushed in too deeply.

Two men walked up to the bound girls. Sarah gasped when she saw that they had whips in their hands. Gabrielle continued to beg for mercy but they ignored her. Instead, they prepared to whip the two vulnerable, feminine forms.

For over ten minutes, they whipped the two girls. Each of them shrieked with each blow at first. As time went on, the shrieks became grunts and groans. Eventually, they merely whimpered as the lash bit into their sensitive skin. Thankfully, none of the blows broke their skin but, when the men were finished, the girls' backs and asses and legs were a latticework of angry red welts.

But it turned out that they still weren't finished. Gabrielle and Emily were released from their poles, only to be secured to them again. This time, their backs were to the poles. Again, Gabrielle begged and pleaded with them but again she was ignored.

Sarah now had a fresh cock in her ass. The first one climaxed during the whipping of the girls' backs. The one in her mouth also climaxed while the girls were being bound to the poles again and another male had pushed his member into her mouth.

They used smaller whips this time but Sarah could tell from the shrieks and pleadings that they were just as painful as the larger ones were. The breasts were the initial targets and each blow was carefully placed to maximize the pain that the girls received. Sarah winced each time she saw a breast fly into motion after being struck by the whip. After the beautiful orbs were covered with red lines, they moved onto the bellies. More shrieks were drawn out of the two punished girls until a new latticework was patterned over their abdomens.

Sarah gasped at the next indignity but continued to suck on the cock in her mouth. Men pulled the girls' feet apart and tied them to stakes, leaving their pussies exposed and vulnerable. Riding crops were used now and the leather implements of pain rained their punishing blows into the girls' pussies, starting a new round of shrieks.

Emily thankfully passed out after the fifth blow to her sex. But she was revived when the men threw a bucket of cold water into her face. The whipping continued until she passed out again. At that point, both men focused on Gabrielle's sex until finally she passed out too, leaving silence in the air once again.

The two cocks using Sarah's body climaxed in her and she was lifted off of the railing. She trembled with fear as she worried that she was to be whipped now. But instead of whipping her, they stuffed her back into the cage and lowered her down into the black prison. She spent the night alone and finally cried herself to sleep.

Sarah woke up to the shuddering of the cage as it was being raised again. It was daylight but she had no idea if this was the same day or the next day. She looked around as she was used by a half dozen men who alternated between fucking her in the pussy and in the ass. It was so insulting to be tossed over the railing to be raped. Hadn't these guys ever heard of a bed?

She couldn't see her sisters anywhere. She had started to think of Gabrielle as more of a sister now, after all that they had been through together. Maybe she would view her as a mistress again but for now, she was simply a slave sister. She wondered where they were. She looked around for some clues but could not tell where they might be.

After the last of the males deposited his seed in her bowels, she was given some water, for which she was thankful and which she greedily drank down, and a biscuit. Then she was locked into the cage once again and lowered into her prison. And once again, she cried herself to sleep, worrying about her sisters.

The pattern continued for several days and she started worrying about her sisters even more. There was no sign of them. Were they being raped? Had they been taken some place else? Had they been sold? And then she shuddered. Had they been killed?

She was brought up once again. This time, she was given a bath before the raping began. Fortunately, there were only three men this time so it was all over quickly. As she was being stuffed back into the cage again, Gabrielle and Emily were led out of a nearby building. They looked exhausted and disheveled but at least they were alive. As they got closer, Sarah gasped. Each of her sisters now had a nose ring. She knew that Emily's nose was already pierced so that wasn't new. But they had defiled her mistress' body.

Each ring was about two inches in diameter and was made of steel. They rested on her sisters' upper lips. Gabrielle and Emily were crammed into the cage and then all three of them were lowered into the pit.

Even before the cage dropped below the rim, Sarah was all over her sisters, hugging them and kissing them. "Where have you guys been? I've been so worried about you. I've been worried sick. Oh, I missed you both. I missed you so much."

She gave them each another hug and then went back to kissing them. "I couldn't imagine what they were doing with you. And I couldn't imagine life without you. I was so worried."

Gabrielle smiled but they were already in the blackness so nobody saw it. She reached out and stroked Sarah's cheek. "Hush, little one. We're okay. And we're together again."

"Oh, Mistress," Sarah said as she started to sob. "I'm so happy that you're back. What have you two been doing?"

"We have been entertaining our captors, pet," Gabrielle replied.

"Why did they take you away from me?" asked Sarah, choking back the tears.

Gabrielle described how Emily's teeth had accidentally touched the male's cock three days earlier. The man was going to kill Emily in retaliation but Gabrielle had protested and argued that it would reduce the money they would get in ransom. One of the other men had intervened to prevent the lost profits. "They decided instead that they would whip both of us."

"But what happened after that?" asked Sarah.

"We were raped. For two days they raped us. I have no ideas how many times we were fucked, but it was a lot; maybe hundreds. When they grew tired of us, they gave us to the dogs and they raped us."

"Oh, Mistress, that sounds horrible." Sarah hugged Gabrielle and then hugged Emily but found that Emily was already sound asleep.

Sarah propped her back against the wall of the cage so she was sitting. The cage was so short, however, that she had to tilt her head to the side to sit up. Then she arranged Emily so that she was lying with her head on Sarah's thigh, using it as a pillow.

"Mistress, lie down," said Sarah. "You need some sleep."

"Thank you, pet," Gabrielle replied. "Yes I do." Sarah helped her mistress to lie down and soon she had two sleeping sisters with their heads in her lap.
