
I researched this book by picking the brains of many scientists, either in person or via telephone lines and modems. Thanks go in particular to Larry Roberts, who read the entire manuscript. I salute all of these scientists as any parasite must salute its host. My thanks go to:

Greta Smith Aeby

Jonathan Baskin

Nancy Beckage

George Benz

Manuel Berdoy

Jeff Boettner

Daniel Brooks

Janine Caira

Dickson Despommiers

Andrew Dobson

Thomas Eickbush

Gerald Esch

Donald Feener

Michael Foley

Scott Gardner

Matthew Gilligan

Bryan Grenfell

Iah Harrison

Hans Herren

Eric Hoberg

Jens Høeg

Peter Hotez

Stephen Howard

Frank Howarth

Michael Huffman

Hillary Hurd

Todd Huspeni

Mark Huxham

John Janovy

Daniel Janzen

Aase Jesperson

Pieter Johnson

Martin Kavaliers

Christopher King

Jacob Koella

Stuart Krasnoff

Armand Kuris

Kevin Lafferty

Curtis Lively

Philip LoVerde

David Marcogliese

Scott Miller

Katherine Milton

Anders Møller

Janice Moore

Thomas Nutman

Jack O’Brien

Richard O’Grady

Norman Pace

Edward Pearce

Barbara Peckarsky

Kirk Phares

Stuart Pimm

Ramona Polvere

Mickey Richer

Larry Roberts

David Roos

Mark Siddall

Joseph Schall

Phillip Scott

Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa

Biola Senok

Michael Strand

Michael Sukhdeo

Suzanne Sukhdeo

Richard Tinsley

John Thompson

Nelson Thompson

Mark Torchin

Joel Weinstock

Clinton White

Marlene Zuk

Also, thanks to David Berreby for some insights on history, Jonathan Weiner for making the worm connection, Grace Farrell for hosting the parasite movie marathon and otherwise tolerating a strange obsession, Eric Simonoff for recognizing fertile gruesomeness when he saw it, and my editor, Stephen Morrow, who, as ever, makes it all happen.
