"Well? And your loves? Have you brought your last conquest to a successful termination?"

The person who was thus questioning me was Madame de Liancourt, who I was about to accompany in her carriage at the close of a Charity Ball given at the Hotel C.

"What new conquest?" I asked.

"You know! The lady with whom you were seen in the Bois the other day! It was most imprudent on your part to thus compromise her! Now, was she not the wife of Maitre B., the lawyer?"

"What? Did you really see us? Do you know her? I assure you…"

"My dear man, you are defending yourself very badly! But otherwise, my compliments to you I She really is very nice I And has she been… kind? She has the air of being a trifle too unsophisticated for you, but she is in excellent hands and will soon learn… eh? Tell me, have you already educated her to humour your… caprices?"

"Dear Madame! I assure you…"

"Come, come, — you needn't tell me this, me, your old pupil! You know I won't be jealous!"

"A pupil who has graduated with honour to her teacher and now possibly exceeds him!"

"Be polite, if you please! You men are really too awful! You teach a poor innocent girl all sorts of naughty things, and then you reproach her if she should put your lessons into practice!

"I reproach you? — on the contrary! I prefer you as you now are, so knowing, — so charmingly naughty!"

"Then tell me. "-o

"Here conies your carriage! Haven't you changed your coachman?"

"Yes and no! Baptiste drives when I go out in domestic state in the company of my lord and master, my husband. But when I go by myself, I drop the family coachman and the family state and take a hired carriage. It is better in case of any… adventures, — for then I have nobody's indiscretions to fear! Baptiste, for instance, knows you."

"Without knowing my successors!"

"You rude man! Come, open the carriage door for me!"

"May I not" have the honour of accompanying you?"

"Oh, yes! I know what you mean! You don't deserve to be allowed! But you must behave properly! Tell the man to drive to Rue de Suresnes."

Since the termination of my liaison with Madame de Liancourt, a liaison which terminated without any rupture or unpleasantness, she (so she told me) had been leading a life without restraint and unfettered by any ties. She amused herself by studies in the physiology of Love, selecting her subjects for comparison how and where she pleased. Further, we had agreed to confide to each other the result of our various amatory adventures, and we did not interdict ourselves from renewing our former intimate relations if we so desired — if our electric currents should attract us to each other and if their tension should become such as to make the contact of our naked bodies bring about a "discharge" (truly, a scientific word, but one most appropriate for the occasion)!

This evening, we were in such a condition.

Speaking for myself, the act of dancing, the sight of bare shoulders and breasts emerging from their lace surroundings as if to challenge men to consider whether what was hidden was likely to correspond with what was being shewn, all this had greatly excited me; and it did not make me any the calmer to be seated beside a lovely woman of about thirty, luscious and voluptuous to the degree at which a touch of maturity adds such spice to the charm of youth!

As for tell-tale eyes (which seemed to say "Do you remember?" and "Shall we re-commence?"), the gentle friction of her knees against mine as the carriage swayed, and a thousand other signs, showed me clearly that she was quite willing to satisfy with me the warm desire, the longing for a man which a hot-blooded woman feels after inhaling the masculine odour emanating from her dancing partners and after having abandoned herself to their more or less lascivious embrace. We could not but concentrate our ardent desires one for the other, — she, with all the burning longings of an erotically excited woman; I, with all the lustful ideas which riot through the brain of a man as he looks at pretty women and mentally undressing them imagines their appearances without clothes!

It was not therefore very surprising that before we had got half way to our destination, I threw my arm round Mme. de Liancourt's waist, brought my face against hers, and set to work to kiss her on her mouth and with my tongue to seek hers. My disengaged hand slipped up under the frilly flounces of her ball-dress, crept along over her silk clad legs and over her garters, and little by little reached her drawers and found the opening — through which it passed and commenced to touch and play with the close clustering and mossy forest of silky curly hairs.

"Wretch!" gasped my companion, as she abandoned herself to the voluptuous sensations that my finger was communicating to her as it sought to bury itself in her warm moist slit! In kindly reciprocation, her white-gloved hand travelled over my trousers, till it found the unmistakable proof of my excited condition! Quickly sundry buttons

yielded, — and then I felt against my sensitive skin the touch of dainty gloved fingers which promptly began their delicious manoeuvres, returning service for service, pleasure for pleasure!

Not a word passed! — only the sound of sighs, breathings, gaspings, as fingers and tongues busied themselves in their salacious duties! Oh, why is man not physically able (as a woman is) to sacrifice to Venus over and over again with hardly a pause, as women can? — Why must there as a rule be a break between one sacrifice and the next? With what delight would I have surrendered myself to the exquisitely maddening sensations communicated to my rampant prick by those gloved fingers and their subtle compression, even at the risk of ruining those white kid-gloves! But as I looked and hoped for a more completely satisfactory gratification of my lust before long, I managed to retain my burning ardour and keep it in reserve! More fortunate than me, Mme. de Liancourt, whose soft smooth thighs kept squeezing my hand, let herself go! — gasping, panting, quivering, she clung to me, spasmodically agitating her heaving hips and bottom — then inundated my hand with the creamy dew of her ecstatic discharge!

Just then the carriage stopped. Hastily we adjusted our dress, and after sending the carriage away, we entered the house in which Mme. de Liancourt's suite was located. A dim light had been left burning for her. As she passed the concierge's den she gave her name as Mme. Germain, telling me after we had passed inside that this was the name by which she was known here.

The suite was on the first floor. Mme. de Liancourt unlocked the door herself and ushered me into a handsomely furnished vestibule in which a rose-shaded lamp shed a soft light quite sufficient to illuminate the place. She remarked that she had done the furnishing, and that besides this there were a few more rooms. "Here's the Temple!" she exclaimed, leading me into the bedroom, the best room of the suite. In it was a bed, large and low with thick curtains, a veritable theatre of Love! In one corner was one of those long and low easy chairs which accommodate so delightfully the form of a woman, especially when she is surrendering herself to furtive fondling and groping under her clothes! Numerous cushions were scattered all over the place; in another corner was a dainty stove; against one wall stood a full-length mirror. A smaller room opening into the bedroom had been furnished as a dressing and bathroom; here one saw displayed and ready for use the whole of a woman's mysterious toilet equipage, low divans, bidet, douche, basins, jars of essences, bottles of scent; a third room also communicating with the bedroom served as a boudoir, but for the moment fulfilled the office of a supper room, as the table had been laid with a cold supper for two persons. Thick close carpets covered the whole of the floors, and each room was fitted after the convenient English fashion with gas heating and lighting apparatus, thus enabling the occupant to practically dispense with servants.

"Does your maid Justine attend on you here?"

"No, only the concierge's wife and her sister."

"But what do they think when they see you here?"

Madame de Liancourt smiled with a significant glance from her eyes and a gesture that plainly said that the presence of a gentleman would not occasion any surprise!

"Then they must have queer ideas about you?"

"My dear man, I have made the position quite simple and easy by not attempting to hide anything, but to pass as a cocotte. You see this cuts short all suppositions!"

Undoubtedly she had freed herself from traditions since I last had the honour of being entertained in her arms; and her candid admissions constituted in her quite a new attraction for me!

"Then this evening you are going to be my little cocotte!" I replied as I amorously kissed her mouth. She nodded, with a smile.

Then I proceeded to utilize with her to its best advantage her luxuriously equipped installation. I began by taking off her shoes, — and under the pretence that her high laced uppers rendered it necessary, I lifted the frilly flounces of her ball-dress and petticoats till the bewitching sight of a pretty woman's dainty underclothing was displayed to me, — the neatly shod tiny feet, the delicately rounded silk covered calves, the tempting garters above her knees, the strip of naked flesh just above them, her semi-transparent drawers with their frills, — all framed by the surrounding waves of her petticoats!

"What are you about?… come, do take off my shoes!"

But in spite of protests, I managed to deposit sundry hot kisses on the tempting bare flesh just above the garters; then in reluctant obedience I took off her shoes and helped her out of her ball-dress, — but not without permitting myself sundry libertine and wanton touches! How delicious it is to feel a girl's naked flesh under its gauzy covering, to pass one's hands over her back and loins, her hips and haunches, her bottom, when protected only by a thin chemise! — then turning one's attention to her front, to draw the light folds tightly round her so as to reveal her shapely round belly and thighs, to press the light material well in between her legs! O what delicious preliminaries! — and what riotous desires they kindle! And how girls always pretend to try and prevent the taking of such liberties, pleading shame as an incentive to induce the tickling which invariably results and which draws from them the inflaming little screams and wriggles they know so well how to give! My pretty companion did not disappoint me in this respect!

"Wait, wait!" she ejaculated as she freed herself from my audacious hands and ran towards the dressing-room, pausing at the door to say softly but significantly, "I have danced a lot to-night, and… I have not forgotten your… caprices!"

Could one be paid a more delicate attention or be given a more discreet invitation? Promptly I undressed myself, — then when Mme. de Liancourt had quitted the dressing-room, I passed in, and presently I joined her on the bed on which she had laid herself.

"Let us stay as we are on the top and not under the sheets!" she suggested, — "it is warm."

"By all means, — and we can also see each other better!"

"You are just the same, — or rather worse than ever! You have already seen me all over, — you know every bit of me!"

"Yes, — but a man can't see too much of a pretty girl."

"You're very complimentary to day! Well, if you must…"

She had on only a light dressing-gown, and nothing under it! not even a chemise! One by one, I undid the fastenings in front, and soon there was nothing to hide her naked beauty from her garters to her neck, round which she had retained a loop of velvet. Her white satin-like skin lay open to my sight interrupted only by the tawny gold patch that covered the lowest extremity of her belly with its clustering curls.

"You have grown a little fatter, my love," I remarked as my hands passed over her naked flesh!

"Too much so?" she asked regarding her-self.

"Oh no, — you're just perfect, just delicious!"

"And what about you?… The same as before?" With her soft hand she began to feel me, and little by little she approached the organ she had already so deliciously honoured during the drive, — then gently took hold of it!

"How stiff it is!" she said softly — "how it swells! — it seems quite pleased to meet its old friend! Eh?… You're very pleased, old chap, aren't you… eh?… eh?… "(she spoke as if to her pet dog). And you've seen cunts of every shade of hair since you last saw mine."

"As to hairs, yes," I replied, — "but nothing so adorable as this!" — (my readers can guess where my fingers now were!) What a lot you've got!"

"More than Madame Beaupre?"

"I haven't yet seen hers!"

"Come, come, what nonsense! Haven't you then even touched it?"

"Hers couldn't possibly be more lovely than yours!"

After many a burning kiss, many a thrilling tonguing, my mouth in its turn visited and explored all that my eyes had been feasting on, — my hands meanwhile playing with her neck, arms, shoulders, haunches, and then her saucy breasts — the nipples of which I playfully bit gently as I watched the lovely owner as she lay pleased and smiling. Then going a little lower, I pressed my lips through her hairs with the intention of working my way along her tender slit, with the result that my tongue was soon inside her cunt! Madame de Liancourt no longer smiled, she was now too much absorbed in the sensations of the moment — as was conclusively evident by her broken breathing and the wriggling movements of her loins, haunches, hips and bottom!

"Together!.. both together!" she presently murmured, — then disengaged herself for a moment to pull back a curtain and reveal a large mirror in which one could see everything that passed on the bed!

"Isn't it shocking?" she laughed. Then without further delay I placed myself on my back, my head between her legs, our bodies forming that delightful posture know a soixante-neuf…Reflected faithfully in the mirror, I could see the back of Mme. de Liancourt, the adorable curves of her loins, her superb hips and haunches, the magnificent globes of her bottom — between which was visible my head framed by her plump round thighs, — while my thighs in turn flanked my voluptuous companion's bent down head, of which I could only see a few on the curls on her neck!

O what pleasures we tasted! what ecstatic quiverings thrilled through our bodies as our mouths emulated each other in their efforts to communicate to each other the most poignant and rapturous bliss! Mme. de Liancourt devoted herself divinely to her sweet function! Although her mouth was small, she succeeded in making it large enough to get into it nearly the whole of my swollen and rampant prick, her fingers supplementing her lips as regards the portion left outside and making me feel exactly as if the whole of my organ was buried inside her mouth! On my side, my tongue (admittedly agile and clever by every woman who had allowed herself the experience) excelled itself in its efforts to drive Mme. de Liancourt into indescribable ecstasy, ecstasy shared also by me, — for nothing can be more heavenly to the man than to feel the rapturous thrillings of pleasure as they vibrate through the woman to whom he is endeavouring to impart the most exquisite pleasure she is capable of tasting, and who is ready to forgive the immorality of the act so long as she is maintained in a heaven of blissfulness! Having thoroughly teased, worried and tickled her clitoris with my tongue and excited it by tender nibbles of my teeth, I attacked the quivering lips of Mme. de Liancourt's cunt, thrusting my tongue deeply between them and arousing in her a hitherto unfelt depth of pleasure, so keen and so voluptuous as to cause such violent agitation of her hips and the globes of her bottom, that although I was gripping the latter with my hands, I could scarcely restrain their plunging movements sufficiently to maintain my mouth on the dear object of its worship!

Finally we disengaged ourselves, and adopting the ordinary position I extended myself on the bosom of my voluptuous companion; she clasped me closely to her with her lovely arms, and in silence we united the parts of ourselves that our lips and our tongues now finding themselves together again sought mutually pardon for the lascivious caprice which had temporarily separated them! Oh! how delicious is the passage into a grotto that one has been kissing and sucking till the sweet interior has lubricated itself by successive spendings! — The heavenly up-and-down joggings are so delightfully facilitated, the pleasure becomes doubly sweet owing to the more intimate contact and union of sexual parts, while the girl now provoked into the highest pitch of erotic desire, quivering with unsatisfied lust and deliriously enjoying her position under her lover and the clasp of his arms, abandons herself ecstatically to the sensations of the moment in furious unison with him!

Presently, I saw Mme. de Liancourt's eyes turn upwards and half close as the first spasms of pleasure began to thrill through her.

"Gently!.. gently!.. "she gasped!.. "Oh!.. it's just heavenly!.. gently darling!.. oh!.. oh!.. wait!.. wait!.. I'm… just coming!.. coming!.. oh!.. oh!.."

Our tumultuous plungings and heavings quickened frenziedly, then ceased in a storm of kisses!

"O darling, what a deluge! I'm absolutely full of it!" And she rushed off to wash and purify herself.

After a visit in my turn to the lavatory, we were ready for supper: pate de foie gras and old Sauterne are most excellent auxiliaries to Venus!

Mme. de Liancourt had placed herself at the table with only a dressing-gown on. This did not remain fastened for long, — and then the spectacle of her naked charms and the sensations excited mutually by our inquisitive and wandering hands quickly put us in train for more erotic scenes, which soon began to be reflected in the mirror.

"Tell me," said Mme. de Liancourt, "have you ever done this with Mme. de B."


"I can hardly believe you! Then for this particular caprice of yours you have come to your old pupil, your present one not yet being educated up to it! But no doubt you will before long gently break her to it, — just as if you were newly married husband and wife! I should like to see you at it! You might do much worse than to let me have her for a time to polish and finish her in these matters!"

"You're very kind! Only you would inspire her with 'desire for girls, not for men. You know you thus seduce all your girl friends in this particular way!"

"Come, come, — don't you speak evil of this fancy of mine, you of all people! — for except for it, you would never have met me! But don't you know that a woman can and does love to… amuse… herself with women as well as with men? I can, for instance!"

"Yes! that may be! — but there aren't many like you! Most girls go after either girls or men. You are essentially a woman of pleasure, devoted to pleasure, loving pleasure for the sake of pleasure, — ready to taste it in any form, with complete indifference to the sex of the person that is communicating pleasure to you!"

"I am not worse than you, my friend!"

"I'm not reproaching you! I'm simply stating a fact, which explains why we understand each other so splendidly! You have learnt how men can induce pleasure and how women can impart it, — and so you go from sex to sex audaciously experimenting, without being able to decide which you like the best!"

"I'm exactly like you in this respect, my friend!"

"Yes! but with this one important difference, — the feminine sex satisfies my exigencies and my curiosity and generally in every direction in which I may be tempted to pursue my researches!"

"Prettily spoken, my friend! — Still, had I your present sweetheart as a pupil, I would soon inculcate in her quite as excellent principles only more in accord with my tastes; I would impress her with myself as an example and also to keep her from concentrating herself on any one person, be it male or female! More over, unless I am deceived by the look of her eyes, she possesses the right temperament for my teaching; and I fancy it would not be long before your little innocent friend is ready and willing to lend herself to all sorts of salacious variations of carnal love, — and who knows?

— may become the mistress both of yourself and of myself!"

Mme. de Liancourt laughed merrily, then continued, — "But I won't ask for so much! I would like just to give her one lesson for your special benefit, — and I would even allow you to listen behind the door, so that you can judge for yourself whether I overstep the bounds of what a girl ought really to know!"

I fell in with her fantasy and I agreed to her suggestion. In my secret heart, the idea of having a woman as my rival in the affections of another woman was to me exceedingly piquant, — and I gladly left her to carry out her caprice.

Mme. de Liancourt accompanied me one day when I had arranged to meet Martha; and as soon as we discovered the latter she went forward by herself to meet her as from me, while I slipped off to her chambers. Mme. de Liancourt told Martha that the latter's husband was suspicious, and was endeavouring to have a watch kept on her. — And this was why I had not come to the rendez-vous, — that I had asked her to come instead to explain and to bring her to where I was awaiting her. After a little hesitation, Martha consented to accompany her to the Rue de Suresnes.

Presently (hidden in the small boudoir) I saw them come in and pass into the bedroom.

"You're quite safe here! You're in my own rooms! Here you can bill and coo as much as you please with your lover!"

Martha coloured to the tips of her little ears.

"But, Madame, Monsieur R. isn't my lover! We have never…"

"Really? My child, you have done well to tell me this, — you need fear no indiscretion on my part, for I also have a lover! The danger you were running has made me take an interest in you, and this is why I gladly brought you here at the request of Monsieur R… Really it was almost heroic of me to do so, for there are not many women who would go out of their way to bring to a mutual male friend another woman younger and prettier than herself I But it is so, dear, for you are certainly prettier than me!"

She kissed Martha. Then she invited her to lake off her wraps and to make herself at home. But when she observed that Martha remained fully dressed with the exception of her mantle, she said to her.

"Don't be afraid, dear! do make yourself at home and do as I do! You mustn't remain as you are and receive your lover so, — for men like to see their sweethearts in some dishabille when they come to visit them, — besides this, I have to change my dress for my evening's engagements. It will be pleasant to take advantage of this and see how some of my dresses will look on you, — an excellent idea — for should any one have followed us here and finds us so engaged, it will completely throw them off the scent!"

I admired the cleverness of this argument!

Mme. de Liancourt rapidly divested herself of her dress, corset, and petticoats till she had on her chemise only; then she proceeded to reduce Martha to a similar condition of undress, in spite of the latter's hesitation especially as to removing her corset, as she alleged that she should keep this on if she was to try on any dresses! This Mme. de Liancourt would not agree to!

"You wear very pretty under-clothing, dear! — no doubt you study his tastes in such details?"

This was a good guess, — for Martha had put on the corset we had bought together, also the lace petticoats and the delicately trimmed chemise. How delicate is the female instinct in the matter of attracting the male amorous desires!

"I do not know whether my dress will fit you, dear," continued Mme. de Liancourt. "I think I am bigger than you are in the bust!"

Under this pretext she threw open her chemise and exhibited her breasts, which she set to work to compare with those of Martha, after having first unfastened and opened the latter's chemise.

"What deliciously white and firm little bubbies you have, dear! I expect you have often been complimented on them! A very fortunate man is your lover, — of course I don't mean your husband, — for if the latter saw you thus, I suppose he would trop to spoil these little darlings, where as your lover would know how to show his appreciation of them by his caresses."

"Suppose he should suddenly turn up and catch us as we are!

"I should rush off into any corner that I could!" replied Mme. de Liancourt with a smile she endeavoured vainly to repress! She added:

"But at a ball we women show quite as much of ourselves as you and I are now doing! I, at all events, have my dresses cut low enough to let my nipples be seen! Besides, it is only a woman with a bad figure that objects to be found naked or practically so! I'm not one of that lot! — see!"

With a touch, she caused her chemise to fall to her feet, and stepped forward out of it in all her glorious nudity, the effect being heightened by the contrast caused by triangular patch of tawny golden hair at the junction of her belly and thighs and her black silk stockings with their rose-tinted garters worn above the knees!

"This is how I meet my lover!" she said.

Martha became scarlet!

"How you are blushing, dear! Is it because of the sight of me standing naked? If so, you remind me of one of my girl friends who declares that the sight of me naked excites her much more than the sight of a naked man would do! Every time she comes to see me, she insists on my undressing myself completely in front of her! — and then you should see how she kisses and embraces me juste as if she was playing with a naked man! Then she will go and do a thousand and one improper and indecent things to me which at first used to make me feel horribly ashamed, but which now I really like — ever to the length of paying her back in the same coin! Ot! it's lovely! And mind you, we're not deceiving our husbands! Strange, but true! isn't it, eh?"

She kissed the blushing Martha, and continued:

"Even since, I have had lovers and… enjoyed them; I still recollect how delicious those tete-a-tetes with my girl friend were! We used to caress and kiss each others breasts, like this…"

"Oh! you're biting me!"

"Doesn't your lover do this to you?… Oh! see how the pretty little nipples are stiffening and standing out!"

"Oh! Madame, you're tickling me!.. Oh I take away your hand!.. Oh! what are you doing!.. No!.. no!.. I don't want it!"

Mme. de Liancourt had seized Martha and was passionately clasping her against herself, holding her tightly with one arm round her waist while she slipped her other hand between Martha's thighs! The latter, utterly surprised by this sudden attack, could only struggle feebly!

"Oh!.. but Madame, what… are you going… to do… to me?"

"Make love with you, darling! I'm gone on you! Don't you know how one woman can adore another? — how two women can mutually prove their love for each other? — Let me show you! But you surely must know all about it! At school, didn't one of the bigger girls take charge of you, and teach you… this? Ah! — you're blushing now. Oh! you little humbug!.."

"That was so long ago!.. I quite forget it all!.."

"No, one never forgets that sort of thing! Your girl friend must have had a sweet time! Come, dear little humbug, what was it you used to… do together?…"

"Really I don't know!"

"Really and truly?… Well, I know!.. Come, you'd like to do it again, wouldn't you?… with me?"

"No, — no! Suppose… he came in!.."

"He can't, without our hearing him!.. Come, you pretty little coward, come! Place yourself against me!.. so! Take off your chemise!.. you can have a dressing gown if you like!"

She gave Martha one.

"No, don't fasten it!.. leave it quite open!.. I want to have a good look at you!.. your breasts — your belly — your hairs!.. Oh! how they curl and cluster!"

Suddenly she knelt and applied her lips to the dark triangular patch that luxuriated at the end of Martha's stomach, the latter still offering a shame-faced resistance!

"No, no!" she cried, squeezing her legs closely together.

It had been however decreed and registered in the Book of Lesbian Venus that Mme. de Liancourt should sacrifice yet another victim on the altar dedicated to tribadic love! I didn't think it was advisable to intervene! I felt sure that my turn would come before long, — and in the meantime here was Mme. de Liancourt preparing for my delectation the most charming spectacle one could desire, one which the famous Regent would gladly have had performed before him at the Palais-Royal, yes, and paid cheerfully for it also!

Martha, now half-willing and still half-reluctant, passively allowed herself to be placed on the sofa. Mme. de Liancourt seated herself at Martha's side, passed one arm round her and slipped her other hand between Martha's thighs while she passionately kissed her, darting her tongue into Martha's mouth! Her finger, directed by both art and passion, soon produced the desired result! Martha's breath began to come brokenly, her eyes half closed, her bosom and breasts heaved agitatedly! At this moment Mme. de Liancourt, no longer content to play only the part of the communicator of pleasure, caught hold of one of Martha's hands and gently conducted it to her own cunt with a mute demand for reciprocity! And Martha did not draw it back! — she recognised the silent request, and her gentle little hand began to do its untutored best!

What a charming picture the pair made! — what a glorious group worthy of Fragonard or of Boucher! I would have paid gladly a long price for a series of photographs representing them thus! Both girls intertwining their lovely white thighs and slender legs, then separating them only to interlace them in some other way in the midst of a storm of kisses and broken ejaculations, principally from Mme. de Liancourt, who by now was simply mad with lust, her hips and haunches quivering, her body rapturously becoming more and more rigid!

"Martha!.. oh darling!.. keep on!.. oh!.. keep on!.. You're… doing it… beautifully!.. Oh!.. Oh!.. I'm coming!.. Oh!.. Oh!.. I'm spending!.. Ah!.. a — h!.."

A moment of silence followed this ecstatic crisis, Mme. de Liancourt still keeping her hand on Martha's slit!

"Oh! how wet you are!.. You've also spent, you naughty thing! Darling, we've done it together!.. Wipe yourself!" She gave Martha a handkerchief.

"Now, wasn't it good?"

"Yes!" replied Martha, timidly.

"Then let's do it together!"

"If you like!"

Immediately, our two lascivious heroines recommenced their lubricious caresses! Martha extended herself flat on her back on the sofa, and while her seducer, bending over her, looked her all over and felt and handled her as the spirit willed her, and freshly aroused in her new lust (as was manifest from the agitation of her bosom and breasts), Martha's hand, without invitation, stole to Mme. de Liancourt's cunt and resumed its loving ministration. She had caught the fancy, she, so timid with me!

Nevertheless, she began to protest when, after having tenderly sucked her breasts, her mistress in lesbian pleasures carried her lips lower down!

"No, no, — not there!" she panted, trying to raise herself.

"Yes, yes! — I wish it! let me kiss your sweet cunny with its pretty hair! I'll do it just as well as your lover can!"

But he has never… kissed me there!"

"Then he doesn't know his duties as your lover! So much the better for me! I shall now be the first to do it to you! You'll see how delicious it is! I used to be just like you at first, — but now I simply adore this way! — and you'll always do it this way in future whenever you get a chance!.. So!.. Let me arrange you, open wider these pretty thighs!.."

Then in the twinkling of an eye, the desired spot was covered with her lascivious and skilful mouth!

"No! no!.. not there!.. not down there!.. "panted Martha as she felt Mme. de Liancourt's tongue wandering over her cunt still virgin to such treatment and to the accompanying sensations!

For response, she was dragged down to the foot of the sofa, her thighs widely pulled apart, as Mme. de Liancourt falling on her knees between them murmured almost unconsciously:

"Oh! what a lovely sweet fresh little cunny!.. Oh! the beauty!" Then, like the swoop of hawk on a chicken, her mouth attacked it and remained there as if glued to it! Completely defeated, Martha fell on her back again and resigned herself as best she could to abandon herself to the voluptuous sensations that now were thrilling through her, induced by the ardent tongue of her passionate friend! Some minutes thus passed! At last Mme. de Liancourt raised herself, red, flushed, panting, almost delirious!

"Together?… together?… Will you?…"

"What?" gasped Martha.

"This!.. Let's do it together!.. Will you?…

"If you wish it!.. But how?…"

"I'll show you, darling!.. Now watch!.."

She got on the sofa, turned her bottom towards Martha's head, straddled across Martha, then placed herself astride of her face, her belly resting on Martha's breasts and her cunt seeking the same lingual caress which she was recommencing on Martha's one now lying below her lips. Her thighs hid half the face of my sweet little mistress, and I could only see a bit of her forehead and her pretty hair emerge from between Mme. de Liancourt's buttocks. As the latter wriggled and waggled her charming globes of flesh in lascivious undulations, I noted that Martha had accommodated herself to her position, and that her mouth as docilely as her hand comprehended and daintily executed the delicate function demanded from it!

But as for Mme. de Liancourt, she was simply mad with passionate lust! What a strange thing it is that a woman can thus procure for herself such keen and ecstatic enjoyment in thus caressing another woman! I was splendidly placed for contemplating her, — and also the object of her delirious worship! I saw her face in profile, her chin resting on the hairs, her mouth poised on the lips of Martha's slit between which her tongue was playing! These secret charms of Martha, hitherto unknown to me, made me envy Mme. de Liancourt both her place and the game she was playing! Time after time I was on the point of bursting out of my hiding place, and planting my mouth on the sweet spot she was attacking! — (our convention would have authorised the act) but I refrained! The charm of the spectacle fascinated me!

Sometimes Mme. de Liancourt seemed as if she wanted to get the whole of Martha's cunt into her mouth! — sometimes amused herself by administering little touches to the clitoris with her tongue! — then she would pass her tongue right along the tender slit from top to bottom, — sometimes she would, with her fingers, separate the sensitive lips and thrust her tongue between them as deeply as she possibly could! Frequently she stopped, inspected attentively the sweet object of her admiration with eyes blazing with lust unsatisfied, then ejaculating frenziedly in her passionate adoration. "Oh! this cunt!.. this sweet cunt!.. this delicious darling cunt!.. "She would shower kisses on it! How Martha must have revelled in bliss! I would have liked to have been able to watch her tell-tale face! She evidently was acquitting herself most satisfactorily in reciprocating Mme. de Liancourt's attentions, if one might judge by the plungings 'and joggings of the letter's body as she brokenly ejaculated "Oh!.. ch!.. you do it well!.. I can feel your tongue!.. now, do you feel mine?… wait… I'm going to shove it right inside this sweet cunt… as far in… as… it will go… There!.."

It is impossible to indicate the accent of these words as pronounced by a mouth the tongue of which was endeavouring to talk and lick at one and the same moment! What a terrible state of nervous excitement must have possessed Mme. de Liancourt, a woman so reserved and correct in ordinary life, especially in language! But the ecstatic crisis was fast approaching!.. the breathings became more and more broken!

"Martha… oh! Martha!.. oh! darling… I'm coming!.. Ah!.. Ah!.. I'm spending!.. are you?… spend!.. together!.. together!.. wait a moment!.. now!.. now!.. Oh!.. I'm spending… again!.. spend also!.. s.p.e.n.d!!!"

Their bodies stiffened, constricted, — I heard a deep sigh of unspeakable pleasures!.. They had finished!

Mme. de Liancourt slowly slipped off her position and then proceeded to give her pupil kiss after kiss of approbation and satisfaction.

"Darling! your face is all wet with what you have drawn out of me!.. And I've drunk you!.. Use my handkerchief!.. How flushed and red you are!.. Now, wasn't it good?"

"Oh! yes… much better than I could have believed!"

Was it not now time for me to put in an appearance? But what could I do with two women whose lust had thus been satiated! Nevertheless I decided to show myself, and opened the door, regretting that I had delayed so long!

Two piercing cries saluted me! Martha leaped on her piled up garments and covered herself as best she could with the first she could snatch, then hid herself behind the bed curtains Mme. de Liancourt caught up a velvet mantle trimmed with fur and threw it hastily round her, but it reached only to her fleshy buttocks and did not even cover the fur of her belly.

"What do you mean, sir," she exclaimed with a fine pretence of anger and outraged modesty, — "what do you mean by thus rushing into a lady's room without first knocking? It is a piece of the greatest impertinence! You are a mannerless brute!.. You might well have waited! We were changing our dresses so that we might with the greatest safety leave the house! I had forgotten to lock the door, — but I really considered you knew better…"

"Madame, I humbly and earnestly beg your pardon for having surprised you in this way," I replied suppressing as best I could the desire to laugh — "but I came in trusting in your promise to give a kind refuge to this lady and myself!"

"Yes! — but Madame has been waiting for you for some time now; we had given you up! Is this your idea of the proper way of keeping an appointment? But I will abide by my promise; you can have my room and my bed. Only be prudent! I know your secrets now and if I choose I can be nasty!"

She winked at me out of the corner of her eye as if to qualify her menace, then walked past me towards her dressing-room.

"Take care about the sheets!" she added with a meaningly wicked smile!

I watched as she walked her lovely plump and round bottom, quivering and waggling with every step, — I would dearly have liked to have put myself into her! But I went and dragged Martha out of her hiding place.

"What makes you so red, dear?"

"I've been laughing so much! Madame has been telling me the funniest stories…"

"You look simply charming in that dressing gown! — but don't fasten it up, it's quite unnecessary!"

"Oh!.. very well. But wait a minute. Don't look!"

She disappeared into the lavatory, and while she was engaged in clearing away all traces of her recent pranks, I undressed myself; then when she reappeared I took her in my arms and carried her to the bed, on which I gently laid her. Her desires which I had feared were by now dormant were quickly restored to life again, having another promise of satisfaction in a different way! Her modesty after so rude an experience had become less troublesome, — and I did not meet with any marked resistance on her part when after bestowing a thousand kisses all over her body, I did to her what Mme. de Liancourt had so sweetly inaugurated — the deliciousness of which she now fully appreciated as with her two little hands she pressed my face against her slit so as not to lose a single movement of my tongue!

I thought of Mme. de Liancourt, and wished she could see us! But she did even better than this; she stood stark-naked by the side of the bed and while I was busy between Martha's thighs, she kissed her lips and squeezed her breasts, — while the former, having within her reach her friend's thighs, slipped her hand between them and let it disappear under the plentiful cluster of curling hairs, without interrupting my ministrations.

Excited, inflamed, burning with hot desire, I rose to throw myself on Martha and quench in her the fire that was raging in my veins! But at that moment Mme. de Liancourt carried her hand to the lowest point of my belly and seized the object she found there in a state of furious erection!

"Look, Martha!" she exclaimed, "look at it! Have you ever seen it before? isn't it splendid! See, how stiff it is! — that's in honour of you, my dear! Oh! I must!.. I can't help it!.."

I was then kneeling on the bed. With a single quick movement she seated herself with her head at the required height, — then covered with hot kisses my member which she found just on a level with her lips. She kissed and re-kissed the gland, the hairs, the testicles, murmuring endearments, then she took my prick into her mouth and sucked it madly in front of Martha, who in utter astonishment was watching her!

"Now, Martha, you take it, — it's your turn! Suck it! Do as I did!"

"I don't know how to!" stammered Martha, — it's so big! '

Now redder than fire she approached it, kissed the tip and tried for some time in vain to take it into her mouth — when all of a sudden it slipped in, as if in spite of her, completely filling her mouth, and she then proceeded to suck me violently! Oh! my raptures! It was Martha! Martha herself that was sucking me! It was not with the lascivious skill of Mme. de Liancourt, — but her inexperience itself gave to her caress a special and indescribable spice of pleasure!

Finally I put Martha flat on the back, — I let myself fall between her arms and legs, and shoved my prick into her burning cunt! — tasting delights hitherto unknown, divine, delirious! Already I could see Martha's eyes slowly turning upwards and half-closing, indicating her approaching ecstasy — when Mme. de Liancourt, no doubt jealous of our transports, put herself astride across Martha's face, blindly seeking for her cunt a further caress which it was impossible to refuse to her! Being thus suddenly driven away from Martha's lips and tongue I transferred my kisses to the two luscious globes of flesh which I had at my mouth's command, kissing them, nibbling and playfully biting them in spite of their squirming and constant agitation!

Dear readers, I will confess that my tongue at times lost itself in the furrow which separated these temptingly superb buttocks, so much did the sight of them and the subtle perfume which emanated from them madden me!

But everything must end! We three spent simultaneously! The blissful ejaculations of sperm calmed us! One by one we came to our senses and rose to purify and refresh ourselves!

"My gracious! I've got it all over me!" cried Martha in pretty confusion, — "even on my stockings!.. they're quite wet!"

"Well, dear," said Mme. de Liancourt to her, you've done very well for one time! You must be very tired! By the time you get home, your eyes will have dark rings round them, — and then what will your husband think, eh?"

"Ah! I'll risk that! That won't stop me from… doing it again."

"What, to-day?"

"Why not?… When one has tasted the forbidden fruit, one must bite it well!" she replied, dropping her eyes. "Now I know what it is to be libertine! And I fancy it won't be long before I am nearly as clever at this game as Madame, your old pupil, with whom you evidently have been practising, eh?"

"How do you know?"

"By this!" she replied, pointing to an article that stood on the toilet table, which she and I had bought together and which I had left at Mme. de Liancourt's.

"But I didn't want this proof after what I have seen to-day!" Martha continued chaffingly, — now if I had been jealous…"

"Your jealousy would have deprived us from the delicious time we have had together!" replied Mme. de Liancourt.

"I quite agree with you!" said Martha with a smile.

Mme. de Liancourt showed herself a good teacher, and rapidly she educated her apt pupil, till it only remained to put her lessons into practice and delight her "amant" and her "amante"! And after the cares of the toilet had been attended to and a few glasses of champagne taken, we arranged that all three should meet at Mme. de Liancourt's chambers on the first day that Martha was able to come, and we separated with longing for the time when we should next find ourselves in Mme. de Liancourt's delicious boudoir for a seance a trois!
