Jago stood warily before the Earl of Farndon in the library, his expression blank.

“I did. We’re due to have a little talk together, I believe …”

“If’n it pleases you, m’ lord.”

In the past Renzi had been deeply involved with the Duc d’Auvergne and his secret network of spies, and himself had gone out on clandestine exploits; he’d immediately recognised in Jago a touch of the night.

“… about your future here with me.”

There was no response, the dark eyes watchful.

“I know that my father was not as … how shall I put it? Not altogether open in his affairs. In fact there would be many who would say there were secrets he would rather he kept to himself, confidences that, if revealed, would prove … embarrassing.”

He played with his pen, letting the words hang.

“It is without doubt that he would need a well-trusted … assistant in this, one who would be certain to be discreet, effective and reliable. Mr Jago, I believe you must have served him satisfactorily to have stayed in your post for so long, don’t you feel?”

“M’ lord.” He was going to give nothing away.

“And I like that. You’ve been loyal and discreet-I’ve heard sordid tales of servants blackmailing their masters in a like position.”

There was no change in the man’s features, so Renzi went on, “I think we understand each other, Jago. Should your loyalty continue with me, then I see your future will be bright at Eskdale Hall.”

“Thank you, m’ lord.”

There was a slight flicker of expression but otherwise no display of emotion. It showed control and Renzi knew he had not misjudged the man.

“Now, I would have you know that I’m not always to reside at Eskdale. There will be times I desire to go abroad. Are you of a mind to accompany me? There is no requirement on you, but if you should go, it will be in the capacity of charge d’affaires, as it were, to take control of my entourage and answerable only to me. Naturally your recompense will be proportionate. How do you say?”

“I’ll go, if your lordship needs me. I’ve accompanied the last earl on more’n a few of his own trips.”

“Splendid! Well, as it happens, I’ve a journey to the Levant in mind for very soon. As head of staff, you will have your ideas on who should be with us. Would you give it some thought and let me know?”

The tea things were spread in a pleasing display of delicate porcelain in the orangery, Cecilia pouring daintily for Renzi and the dowager.

“Nicholas, your wife tells me you are to desert her for foreign parts. Can this be true?”

“Mama, it distresses me to say so but it seems I have little alternative.”

“Oh. I’m interested in what it is that takes a man from a loving wife so soon after their wedding.”

“It will be only for a short while. I’ve just received urgent word that a tumulus reputed to be that of King Midas himself has been found in Gordion, which is in Asia Minor. A princely find for scholarship but all for nothing if we cannot establish an interest before the French.”

“And it has to be you, Nicholas?” she said sorrowfully, laying her hand on his.

“That I am familiar with the region and am no stranger to travel is known at the Royal Society, who have pressed me most ardently.”

“Well, you will be careful, won’t you, dear? You have responsibilities now, remember.”

“Yes, Mama.”

Cecilia leaned across and kissed him lightly. “You will take care, darling-for us both?”
