Above all else, it takes faith and friends to survive. I’ve been blessed with a lot of friends, and they have helped to strengthen my faith in Almighty God.
This novel is dedicated to the not-so-fictional Group: Conor, Dave, Hugh, Jeff, Ken, Linda, Mary, Meg, P.K., Roland, and Scott. Keep your powder dry!
My thanks to the readers of SurvivalBlog.com and the many other folks who encouraged me, who contributed technical details, who were used for character sketches, and who helped in the editing process: Arne, Barbara, the Bee Man, Bill L. (with the French Resistance, 1943–1944), Bob “The Soap Maker,” sharp-eyed Dr. Boris K., “R.F. Burns,” the HAM wizard, Carolyn, The Chartist Gnome, Cheryl the Economatrix, Chris the Rocky Mountain Diver, Commander Zero and his new bride, Dr. Craig in New Zealand, Col. “CRM
Discriminator,” David in Israel, the late Jonathan Davis, Debbie, Pastor Dennis, 1/2 M.O. A. Dick in Orofino, Quiet Donny, Dr. Eric, Fred theValmet-Meister, Frank in “Nah-lens,” Gayle, “The Glock pro” in Connecticut, Pastor Hale, the anachronistic H-man, Huff the dynamite shooter, “Joe Clutch,” “John Jones”
in the desert, Kirk and Karen in Montana, “All-Grace-No-Slack-Really-Reformed” Kris in Oregon, Lance in Moscow, “LVZ” in Ohio, “Froggy”
Mark, Marshall the Cyberpunk, Marvin “The Wordmonger,” “The Mill-wright,” Nadir, Nick in Australia, Patton, Peter in Switzerland, PPPP- the Pioche Professional Polymer Pistolero, Preston, Ranier, Roland in Germany, Rolf and Sandy (both in Washington), Sara the Reenactor, Sherron, Stefan in Sweden, Tina “The S.C. Clone” in Kooskia,Wes in Boise, and MRE Woody.
Thanks also to those who have provided web space, outlets, publicity, motivation, and/or prominent links for my novel: Howard Albertson, Patrick Ales-sandra, Joseph Ames Jr., Jeff Baker, Billy Beck, Ed Bertsch, BOHICA Concepts, Bill Brumbaugh, John Bryant, Ammon Campbell, The Christian Survival Intelligence Network, the late Jeff Cooper, Jim Crews, Captain Dave’s Survival Page, Richard DeCastro, the late Carla Emery, First Virtual Bank, Detra Fitch, “The Frugal Squirrel,” The Fraud Information Center, The Gos-pel Plow, Bob Grenert and the Sacred Covenant Resource Center, Bob Gris-wold and the staff of Ready Made Resources, Mikael Häggström, Ken Hamblin, Michael Heinze, Fred Heiser, Richard Horton, Peter Huss, The Staff of the Idaho Observer, Dean Ing, Devvy Kidd, Mark Koernke, John Leveron, Acknowledgments
Live Oak Farms, Dr. Lawrence Martin and Lakeside Press, Henry McDaniel, Mike McNulty, Mike Medintz, The Mental Militia Forums, Patty Neill, Dr.
Gary North, Nick Norwood, Mark Nowell, Michael Panzner, Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Maj. John Plaster, Jerry Pournelle, Larry Pratt, Project Epsilon, Steve Quayle, Dr. Norm Resnick, John Ross, “Rourke,” Kurt Saxon, John Stadt-miller, David Stott, Gabe Suarez, Kurt and Angie Wilson of Survival Enterprises, Nancy Tappan, Truth Radio in Delano, Two Toes Consulting and Design, Ed Wolfe,Weapons Safety, Inc., Tom Woolman, and Aaron Zelman of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
Thanks to Paul B. and Randy K. for their sharp eyes in editing the previous edition.
Most importantly, this novel is dedicated to my excellent wife (“The Memsahib”). She has patiently put up with the heaps of supplies in the barn and garage for twenty-plus years. She suffered through nine months of voluntary separation while I moved to Idaho alone to pound nails and write the first draft of the novel. She cheerfully joined me for the following eighteen months with no running water, living amidst Sheetrock dust in a half-finished house. She helped fill the chest freezer with her livestock, garden produce, and wild game.
She “wrote the book” (or at least the chapter) on home birth. Most of all, I praise her for displaying the patience to live in loving Christian submission with a husband who spends far too much time clicking away at a keyboard. I am truly blessed!