Neither Karr nor Dean was at the café when Lia arrived for the rendezvous. She decided to have a glass of red wine, something she almost never did, especially when she was on an operation. She was about halfway through the glass when Dean showed up, pretending not to know her.

“You’re an American, right?” he asked.


“Mind if I ask you for a few directions? My Spanish isn’t too good.” He took out a guidebook, thumbing through it.

Oh, Charlie, just sit down, Lia thought. No one’s paying any attention.

“I’m a little lost,” said Dean.

“You may sit if you wish.”

Dean pulled out the chair and asked a question about how to get to the Museo de la Inquisici6n, which was located in Lima’s historical district.

“Let me see your book.” Lia slid the card from her sleeve into the book, then passed it back. “That’s not a very good neighborhood at night,” she told him.

“I can take care of myself.” Dean began folding up the map. “Thank you very much, señora.”

“That would be señorita. Though I am spoken for.”

Dean smiled. “Where’s Julio?”

“That’s the best pickup line you can come up with?”

“What happened to him? I thought he was supposed to escort you all day.”

“He’s not my bodyguard.” Lia frowned. “I told him I had a headache. An oldie but a goldie.”

“I’ll remember that. Thanks for the information.”

“Wait,” she said as he turned away. “Stay and have dinner.”


“Charlie. I mean it. Stay and have dinner.”

He shook his head. He had to send the data back to the Art Room as soon as possible.

“I got scared in there. Really scared.”


“In the vault. I can’t-it was nothing, but I just, I almost freaked for a minute. It was weird. I was scared.”

Lia felt the sensation again, her throat tightening.

“Do you think I’m losing it?” she asked.

“I don’t think you’re losing it.”

I came close, she thought to herself. I really did.

Instead of saying that, she told him that she loved him.

He nodded.

Watching him go, Lia berated herself for mentioning her fear. She’d known he wouldn’t understand. He never got scared of anything.
