—Kirkus Reviews

“Unfolds in a masterly fashion, sure to satisfy devotees of the classic puzzle; at the same time its insight into nineteenth-century British character and wealth of period detail ensure that it will please Anne Perry’s many readers.”

—Houston Chronicle

“A big pleasure in the arrival of a new Thomas and Charlotte Pitt mystery lies in greeting old friends, learning what changes have come into their lives, seeing how the children have grown, and discovering that Thomas is gaining more confidence with his new responsibilities and status. Pentecost Alley delivers all that, and the fact that there’s a fine mystery included is simply icing on the cake.”

—Detroit Free Press

“Demonstrates Perry’s trademark skill for enhancing well-designed mystery plots with convincing historical settings and cleverly drawn relationships among characters … As Perry edges toward her surprise ending, she crafts her tale with elegance, narrative depth, and gratifying scope.”

—Publishers Weekly (starred review)
