David and Carlie Kittridge, both setters on the Mick’s Grill volleyball team that had taken third in the inter-city competition a year earlier, had their eye on the big prize this year, thanks to a Boeing recruit who had played for USC’s junior varsity. The guy could spike and block right up there with the best of them. The Kittridges were such fanatics that they had timed Carlie’s pregnancy so that she delivered between the summer outdoor and the winter indoor seasons. Trudy was a week shy of five months old. Reddish blonde hair, green eyes-the cutest, most precious baby since Evelyn, her older sister.

The Wednesday night games took place in the gym of Rainier Junior High, just four blocks from the cheapest gasoline in Seattle. Carlie teased her husband for always managing to leave his tank empty until Wednesday night. After the game they would stop and he would fill up, proud of his savings. Summer months he brought his lawnmower tank along as well. If there was a deal to be had, David was first in line.

The winner of Wednesday’s game would go on to represent Wallingford in the indoor championships. Carlie Kittridge prepared to serve against the brick wall thirty feet away where a line was painted eight feet high. Hers wasn’t the most powerful serve on the team, but it was arguably the most difficult to return because of a wicked reverse spin she had perfected.

As she stood in the backcourt preparing to serve, Carlie Kittridge glanced down at Trudy’s car seat to make sure her daughter was content, and saw the little angel’s eyes closed. Evelyn was at day care. All was well. She smacked the ball and watched its beautiful rotation, the seams running back toward her. Wednesday was only a few short days away. She looked forward to it with an antsy hunger. Mick’s Grill was currently ranked number-one inter-city. David and Carlie had every intention of keeping it that way.
