
Most of all I want to thank my best friend, Diana. (She was also kind enough to marry me a few years ago.) Without her patience and support, this book would not exist.

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I’d also like to thank my father, Gus Carlson, Ph.D., engineer, former department head at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and all-around smart guy. He’s been an excellent sounding board in my research and brainstorming, not just with the nanotech featured in Plague Year but for a good deal of the concepts in my other stories as well.

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Kudos also to my bright and tireless editor, Anne Sowards, and to Ginjer Buchanan, Susan Allison, and everyone else who’s been so great at Penguin USA. Also a tip of the hat to my agent, Donald Maass, and to Cameron and Stephen in the office there.

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There are other people deserving of mention for their contributions and friendship: Patti Kelly and Ute Kelley, both super grandmas; Meghan Mahler for her maps; Peter Kelley for his amazing work in my corner of the Internet at; Derek, Troy, and Darren for the skiing; and of course, Steve and Naomi.
