Chapter 3

Julius was waiting in the foyer when Aquilla descended the stairs wearing a red bikini top and white fringed shorts that were too short for Julius’s liking.

“Go change your clothes, Quill,” he demanded.

“Fuck you,” she retorted.

“You should watch your mouth. If father heard you talk like that, he would wash your mouth out with soap. Go change, you are not leaving like that.”

“Yes I am, we’re going to the beach. I’m not wearing a sari just for you. Let’s go,” she demanded, walking past him, shoving his shoulder with her own.

Julius watched her walk out, eyes going right to her tight little ass. He slid her over from the driver’s seat in the sand buggy.

It was her sand buggy; she had gotten it for her 17th birthday. She was never allowed to drive it, but nonetheless, it was hers.

“You make me so mad sometimes,” she said, slumping and crossing her arms.

Julius’s eyes, once again, went to forbidden places and followed her long legs as she propped her feet on the windowsill.

“You make me mad too. Sit up and put your seatbelt on,” he demanded.

Julius, once again, watched her ass storm away from him as she walked to meet her friends. Tua threw a florescent green bouncy ball towards her. She missed. Julius thought he was going to have to adjust himself when his cock instantly observed the two ass cheeks peek from her shorts as she bent to pick it up.

He sat on a log, passing a whisky bottle with the other two girls’ bodyguards. Julius hated Tua Shumah. He wanted to walk over and tell him to keep his hands off of Aquilla. He didn’t though. He only stared with a vengeance as the boy flirted, placing his hand on the small of her bare back as they stood around the fire drinking whiskey in red plastic cups.

Aquilla was having a great time; laughing and goofing off around the fire. It was just what she needed. They ate their food and continued to drink the spiked punch while Julius steamed. He almost did get up and say something, when he watched the two of them walk out to the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Their shirtless bodies touched, and Julius was about to come unglued. He stood and paced back and forth in the sand.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Tua asked as they swayed in the water.

“Sure,” she replied, glancing up to see Julius still glaring at her. What the fuck? Who the hell did he think he was? He was worse than her father. She knew Julius would follow, she was expecting it. She, however, wasn’t expecting what was about to transpire.

Tua weaved his fingers in hers as they walked. She wasn’t sure about it. She didn’t feel the butterflies that Talin described when Salem touched her. He walked her behind a big boulder where he knew that Julius couldn’t see. He backed her up to the massive rock and moved slowly to her lips as he placed his hand on her naked ribs. Aquilla parted her lips for him, but wasn’t sure why when he kissed her. Her lips moved in sync with his, but he never inserted his tongue. It wasn’t the sexy, wet kiss that was described in the romance books that she had read. It was a dry, awkward kiss. Nope, no butterflies there either.

“Go home, Tua,” Julius demanded.

Tua abruptly backed away from Aquilla, dropped his head, and got the hell out of there. Julius could break him. He wasn’t stupid or suicidal. Aquilla wasn’t upset at all with Julius. She was glad that he had intervened. Maybe she didn’t like Tua as much as she initially thought.

Julius moved closer to Aquilla. She cautiously watched him as he placed his right hand above her head. He fidgeted with his belt with his left hand, like he was trying his best not to touch her.

“What the hell do you want a pussy like Tua Shumah for?” he asked.

“Julius, I’m 18 and have only kissed two boys my entire life. You, when I was like 12, and now Tua. That’s unheard of.”

“You don’t come from that side of the tracks, Quill.”

“Well, it’s bullshit. I’m sick of living like this. I want to go and live my life. I don’t want a bodyguard or my brother following me everywhere I go,” she exclaimed.

“I think you have known for a long time that I am not your brother,” he replied, moving closer to her. Was he going to kiss her? Her heart suddenly picked up a few extra beats right about the time that her stomach did a few summersaults. She could barely see his face in the dark.

“Who am I Julius?” she asked just above a whisper. His lips were so close. Did she want him to kiss her? Maybe she did. Maybe she could make a comparison between his and Tua’s kiss.

“Someday I will tell you,” he promised close to her lips, she could feel each word.

Julius realized what he was about to do and quickly backed away. What the fuck was wrong with him? His father would shoot him right between the eyes. “Let’s go home,” he said, turning away.

She followed, confused.

Valdez met them at the entrance as soon as they were home. “You need to call Deion, he needs to reroute,” he informed Julius.

Julius followed him to the office, closing the door behind them. Aquilla took a deep breath, looking around the immense quiet house. This was her life, like it or not. It was hers, and it was what she had to work with. She bounced the green ball high, catching it in the air. She did it again, but missed when it caught the corner of the area rug, sending it forcefully down the north corridor. She hesitated when she saw the light streaming from the door at the end of the hall. She wasn’t allowed on that side of the house. It was off limits to her. She had lived in the house for four years now and had only been to that location once when they had first moved there. Her father was furious with her. She never ventured that way again.

She looked around to the empty house and cautiously walked toward the ball, or the room was more like it. She was more curious about what was going on in that room. She knew from hearing talk around the house that it was the “training” room. She knew what went on in there without knowing what went on.

Aquilla guardedly made her way down the dim lit hall, looking over her shoulder as she walked. She picked up the ball, took two more steps and peered through the door with one eye closed. She gasped at what she saw; Latium was there with a beautiful Latina girl. She didn’t look any older than Aquilla. She was on her knees as Latium stood in front of her, fucking her mouth.

Julius knew he should yell at her and tell her to go to her room. He couldn’t do it. He watched as she took in the spectacle going on in front of her. He leaned against the wall with crossed arms as he observed her reaction.

Latium moved the girl to the sofa and told her to spread her legs. She submissively sat down and spread her legs. He stood in front of her and stroked himself as he viewed her wet pussy. Aquilla crossed her legs, needing contact to her throbbing clit. She was instantly wet, she could feel it.

Latium slid his fingers up the girl’s wet pussy. She moaned at his touch. He sat beside of her, giving Aquilla perfect vision to what he was doing. She cupped herself with her hand as she watched Latium finger fuck the girl.

Julius had to stop her. He was rock, fucking hard. She was fucking turned on by the show. He wanted to cup her pussy with his hand. He moved his shaft, relieving it as much as possible in his now too tight of slacks.

“You shouldn’t be here,” he claimed, causing Aquilla to jump, startled and embarrassed by his presence.

“My ball rolled down the hall and I___,” she explained, sounding like a small child getting caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She didn’t get the last word out before Julius crushed her lips with his, forcing her to open her mouth with his tongue.

Fuck, there it was. The butterflies, the fireworks brighter than the sun, and the emotions burning like wildfire. Aquilla kissed him back. She let her tongue dance with his as he devoured her mouth.

Julius closed the door to the training room when she moaned in his mouth. He spun her away from him, holding her small hands clasped by one of his. She squeezed the ball in her hand, trying to remind herself to breathe. Julius circled her body with his hand. Fuck. She felt fucking amazing, even better than he had fantasized about for the past few years.

“Have you ever had an orgasm, Quill?” he asked with hot words to her ear. He knew she had. He had watched her multiple times.

She could have said yes. She had given herself orgasms, more lately than ever. She didn’t tell him that. She lied and shook her head. She couldn’t have spoken if she wanted to. She sucked in a breath of air when she felt the button on her shorts being popped open. She breathed panicky as she felt her zipper slowly being slid down.

Julius ground himself into her back, needing to be stimulated too. He slid his fingers between her legs. Fuck, was she ever wet. He wanted to fuck her. He needed to fuck her.

Aquilla dropped her head to the wall as soon as she felt him. Shit, she was going to cum, his touch was ten times more intense than her own. Julius moved her held hands to his aching rod, sliding himself over her hand as he rubbed her nub. She could feel the size of him through his pants, imagining him sliding it in her.

Julius picked up speed on her raw core, gaining another moan. He slid his fingers down her wet pussy and back up. She cocked her leg a little. She fucking cocked her leg for him. She wanted him inside. He moved two fingers as deep into her as he could manage in that position. He finger fucked her with his two fingers while his thumb focused on her clit. He could have cum too. Dry fucking her hand, the sound of her moan, her trembling body, and the contracting walls around his fingers were almost more than he could handle.

Aquilla breathed in quick raspy breaths as she came down from the most glorious orgasm she had ever felt. Julius wanted more. He needed more.

“Go to bed,” he whispered, kissing her neck and removing his fingers before he did something even more stupid than he had just done.

She quickly walked away and right to her room.

Julius needed to be fucked. He went where he knew he could get relief. He flipped on the light and the girl Amantra sat up in bed.

“Take your clothes off,” he demanded, removing his own clothes.

She obeyed and stood naked in front of him, waiting for instructions.

“You ready for your boss to come in at any given minute for you to service him?” he asked, walking behind her.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Yes what, Amantra?”

“Yes, Julius,” she tamely replied.

They never used the word “master.” Romano hated that word as much as he had hated the words “sex slave.” They were called “chattels,” and were to call the men who would own them during their contract by either their first or last names. The man that would come for Amantra preferred his first name.

Romano didn’t run a sex trade. He ran a classy business where men could buy the girls under a three month contract. Once their contracts were up, they were paid very well and sent on their way. Some chose to keep them longer than the three months and would enter into a new contract, but not normally. Most of the men that used his services liked the idea of fresh meat and were ready for a new girl by the time the three months were up.

The women could break their contract at any given moment, forfeiting any due compensation and finding their own way home. The men, on the other hand, could not break the contract, and whether they chose to keep the chattel the full three months was up to him, but would render the full amount due to the girl.

He could tell this one was in it for the money. She wasn’t into him the way a lot of them were. She was there to fulfill her three month contract and would be back home with her money. That was her only goal. He had been training these women since he was 12, he could tell.

He ran his hardness up her from behind. She wasn’t wet like Aquilla had been for him. Fuck. He had to stop thinking about Aquilla. That lasted for as long as it took him to slide on a condom, bend the girl over the bed, and shove his dick inside her. He rubbed an itch below his nose, smelling Aquilla’s pussy scent on his fingers. Fuck. Shit, he thought as he pounded the hell out of the chattel, smelling Aquilla on his fingers and fantasizing about fucking her from behind.


Aquilla went right to the shower, trying to make sense of what she had just done. She tilted her head as the hot water rained on her overly sensitive body, letting the water sting her face. What on earth was she thinking? What was Julius thinking? Her father would see that his new home was six feet underground.

Once she was snuggled into her king-sized bed, under the comfortable blankets, her mind dashed from one thought to another. She could not be in love with Julius. It was sick, taboo, distasteful, forbidden, and yet, he felt so right. No, no, he wasn’t right. He couldn’t be right. He was raised as her brother. What the hell was wrong with her?

Julius lay in his own bed right next to hers, battling the same demons that Aquilla was fighting. He could not love Aquilla. It wasn’t right. There was no way for him to ever be with her. He had been fighting these feelings for years. He had watched her blossom into a beautiful young lady, which did nothing but reinforce his prohibited thoughts and feelings.

Unlike Aquilla, he had always known that she wasn’t infected with the Chavez blood. None of his blood ran through her veins. Unlike her, he was old enough to remember her coming home with him and his father that day. He was seven years older than her, of course he knew. Romano would never admit to it, but he knew. His father had always hoped that if he preached it enough, that he would eventually believe that Aquilla was indeed his flesh and blood. Bullshit, that’s what it was, and he knew it. Anyone who looked at Aquilla could tell she didn’t belong to Romano any more than she belonged to Charlie Brown. Of course no one would ever challenge him on that concept. They would bow down and agree with whatever Mr. Chavez told them to believe.


Aquilla didn’t want to face Julius at the breakfast table. She tried to get Hila to tell her father that she was ill. She ignored her tempered request, made her get out of bed, and dress for breakfast. She decided to hurry, wanting to be there before Julius. She didn’t make it. Her eyes landed right on his as he watched her take her seat. She tried not to notice, but she did. She couldn’t help it.

“Good morning,” her father spoke, standing from the table as she sat.

“Good morning,” she replied, moving her arms for coffee, trying to avoid Julius’s eyes. He didn’t care, he stared at her amused. Even after the couple of times that she had tried to give him a warning look to stop, he still stared.

“Father, may I hang out at Talin’s today?” she asked, after awhile.

“No, I need Julius and Valdez today, invite her here.”

“But she has someone coming to do our nails today,” she tried with no avail.

“He can come here too, I’m sure Mr. Rodrigues has had him checked out, he can do it here.”

No way was Phillip coming there. He didn’t really do their nails. She wanted to argue the whole being 18, you can’t tell me what to do issue, but refrained. It wouldn’t do any good. She would still be living under his roof when she was 30, he’d see to it.

“Invite your friend here today, you can go swimming,” her father said as he got up to answer his cellphone. He kissed her on top of the head and left them.

She crossed her arms and slumped in a pout.

“Sit up, are you okay?” Julius asked.

She knew that he was asking about the mind blowing orgasm he had pulled from her body, but feigned ignorance. It was the easiest way. “Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked, straightening her posture.

He snickered, got up, and walked behind her “I could take care of that bikini wax for you,” he whispered hot words to her ear.

“How do you know about that?” she asked in a panting voice. Why the hell was she having such a hard time talking around him now? Why couldn’t she breathe all of a sudden?

“I had my hand down there, and I heard you on the phone talking about it one day,” he replied, moving her long strands of blonde hair to her back. Jesus, her pussy just woke from the dead. “I like these two buttons opened,” he whispered to her neck with soft warm kisses, undoing the two buttons and brushing her nipple through the thin fabric.

He kissed her cheek and left her sitting with a pounding heart and a wet, throbbing core. He cursed himself as he walked away from her. He was having an exceedingly hard time trying to stay the hell away from her and not touch her. What the fuck was he supposed to do with her?

Vennah and Talin hung out at the pool with Aquilla the biggest part of the day. She had lunch with her friends, played in the pool, flipped through magazines, and surfed for music to download on their not so smart phones. Vennah was the only one of the three that had free access to the internet. Her laptop was the only one that would do anything important. Aquilla’s and Talin’s were limited and pretty much worthless for any teenage girl.

She didn’t see her father or Julius again that day. They had been locked in her father’s office the entire day, planning a transport, she was sure. She had overheard Julius telling him that he didn’t like it, and something bad was going to happen. She knew he was speaking of drugs. She’d known that they were involved with smuggling for years. Her father didn’t know that, of course. He still thought she was convinced that he was trading stocks. She wasn’t an idiot. She knew they didn’t live in a house like that, employ servants, and have the money that they had from trading stocks.

She went to her room after supper, chatted with her friends on the restricted secure chat, took a shower, and sat on her bed and played her flute.

Julius showered and opened the little vent, listening to her make beautiful music. She could play the most dramatic tunes, causing emotions that he didn’t know he even had to surface.


Julius hadn’t touched her for over two weeks. He never mentioned their encounter at all. It was driving her crazy. It was driving him crazy. He was afraid to touch her. He wanted to fuck her, taste her, and slide his cock in her mouth. He had to stay away from her. He was afraid of what he would do to her.

Aquilla had a powerful persona about her. She came from power. She was raised that way. She was as rigid as her father and Julius. Romano made sure of it, but he couldn’t help but be turned on when he thought about her trembling body, her unsure posture, and the fear that surfaced that night in the corridor. He instantly became hard when he let himself think about it. He fantasized about her submitting to him like the chattels did. Would she let him control her? The thought was overbearing.

Romano knocked on her door. She sat up from reading a romance novel, knowing that he was going to bitch about her clothes and the book. He did.

“Why do you read this stuff?” he asked, turning over the romance novel to read the cover. She wanted to tell him that was the only way she was ever going to find a man, but didn’t. She only shrugged her shoulders. “And why do you insist on dressing this way?” he asked, looking at her short shorts, and low cut V-neck shirt.

“I’m 18, I’m suppose to dress this way,” she assured him.

“Where do you get them?” he asked.

“Vennah orders them for me from a catalogue,” she lied. She wasn’t about to tell him that Vennah had free access to the internet. He already didn’t like her hanging out with her.

He rolled his eyes and let it go. “I’m getting ready to head to Panama for a few days. I need Valdez with me, so you’re going to have to find something to do until I get back. Julius will be here, working,” he said, moving her golden hair around her shoulder.

“Are you going to be doing something dangerous?” she asked. She hated it when he left for business. She knew that it was dangerous and always worried that he wouldn’t come back.

“No, just everyday business,” he assured her, lying. “I’ll be fine.”

“Can Vennah and Talin come here?” she asked.

“I’d rather them not, not until I get back. Julius is going to be pretty busy. He’s not going to have a lot of time to look after you.”

She knew what he was going to be busy doing. She didn’t like it. She had watched the three new girls come in through her window the night before. It also pissed her off that her father insisted that she have a constant babysitter.

“Make sure you do your art lesson on Tuesday,” he added, kissing her on the head and leaving her to her sappy romance novel.


It was that night that she had her second encounter with Julius. It was the stupid book’s fault. She couldn’t read the graphic sex scene without needing relief. Unbeknownst to her, Julius watched her move the book to the side, lie back, and slide her fingers through her panties.

He watched on his knees while she pleased herself. Fuck. Shit. He needed to see her face, but he couldn’t. He could only see her long pale legs and her fingers dancing in her silky panties. He pinched the head of his cock, trying to relieve the ache with the contact. He didn’t want to jack off. He wanted in-fucking-side of Aquilla. As soon as he heard the faint moan, he was off the bed before he had time to process what he was doing.

He didn’t knock. He burst in, wearing jeans, no shirt, and an excruciatingly painful erection.

She sat straight up, removing her hand as fast as she could. She was so embarrassed. Julius did not just catch her masturbating. How mortified could she be? She couldn’t speak. No words would form in her brain, telling her mouth what to say. He didn’t speak either. He stood with a ravaging look, holding the doorknob.

“Can you fucking knock?” she was finally able to say. That was the only way she could talk to him. That’s what worked. She could tell him to fuck off and go to hell. That was easier for her than talking about this stupid shit searing between them that confused the fuck out of her.

He didn’t reply. He couldn’t speak either. He closed the door after what seemed like hours and walked to her. She couldn’t speak. She was so humiliated and her heart was going crazy, beating in her chest. Julius crushed her lips with his, wrapped his arms around her satin nightgown, and devoured the taste of her freshly cleaned mouth.

She was glad he kissed her. It helped with the shameful feelings. He slid her nightgown up and over her head, pulling back and glancing at her perky breasts with erect crimson nipples. She was mute, unable to think for herself. She moaned as his hot lips painfully took her nipple, sucking and teasing with his tongue, causing electrifying sensations to radiate through her entire body.

She was suddenly scared shitless when he stood. She could see the head of his hard cock sticking out at least an inch in his jeans. Was he going to fuck her? She was sure that it wouldn’t fit. Fuck, he was big.

He slid the matching panties over her hips. She lifted her body, letting him. What the fuck was she doing? What the fuck was he doing?

“Spread your legs,” he demanded in a low raspy tone, staring at her sex and not her eyes. She opened her knees, trembling from head to toe. He felt her quiver as much as he sensed it. He fucking loved it. That was his favorite part of training a new girl for his clients. He got off on dominating their scared, frightened bodies. It was ten times more intense coming from Aquilla.

He looked into her terrified eyes as he ran his fingers lightly from her ankle, up her leg, and straight to her pussy. Fuck. Shit. Mother fucker. She was wet. She was so fucking wet. She shuddered at his touch, dropping her head to the pillow and closing her eyes.

“Always keep your eyes open, Quill,” he demanded. She opened them. Shit. What the fuck was he doing? He was fucking training her. This wasn’t some chattel, this was Aquilla.

“Does this feel good?” he asked, sliding his fingers through her silky slit.


“Yes what?”

She looked at him. What did he want her to say?

“Yes, Julius,” he helped. Fuck. He was training her. He couldn’t stop. He needed to stop. He didn’t want her to feel inferior to him, but yet he did. It turned him on.

She pulled her foot up to her body and moved her knee out. Shit, she cocked her leg for him again. She wanted him inside of her. He wanted to feel her as much as she wanted to feel him, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get out of fucking training mode.

“Did I tell you to spread your legs?” he asked. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. Get a fucking grip, Julius!

Aquilla quickly shook her head and moved her foot back down. Her heart was going to explode. She was sure of it. She had never been so aroused in her life, but the frightened feeling that caused her heart to jump from her chest kept her at bay.

Julius’s finger danced lightly on her swollen little nub. He needed her open. He needed to see her fucking pussy as he touched her.

“Why did you spread yourself, Quill?” he asked as he watched his finger on her pussy. He couldn’t look at her. He was fucking controlling her. She would do anything he told her to do, he was sure of it. Fuck, he needed to stop

She shrugged her shoulders. How the hell was she supposed to answer that? He saw her shrug without looking up.

“You need to answer me, Quill.”

“I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do. Did you want to show me your pussy?”

“Yes,” she whimpered.

Fuck. He couldn’t take it. Her scared little body was fucking doing things to him that no chattel had ever done.

“Do you want to spread your legs for me?”

“Yes,” she moaned in that same shaky voice.

“Spread your legs, Quill,” he demanded, looking into her bright blue, frightened eyes. Fuck, he shouldn’t have looked at her. He loved the fear. He fucking thrived on the fear. Fucking, mother fucker. This is Quill, he tried telling himself. It didn’t work.

Aquilla lifted her knees for him. He did control himself and pushed her knees apart, rather than telling her to do it like he wanted to. Her fucking pussy was the most glorious thing he had ever seen in his life. She was so fucking wet he could see her juices glistening.

He watched her face as he slipped two fingers deep inside her core. She let her eyes drift closed, and then sharply open them, remembering his request. He smiled a little at her compliance. She would be so fucking easy to train. She was already obedient to him.

Julius lifted both her legs. “Hold your legs,” he whispered. She did. He pushed her knees apart, exposing the puckered nub in her ass. He needed it to be visible. She tensed when his moistened finger slid out of her and to her pucker. He sensed her uneasiness and moved his thumb up to circle her swollen clitoris. That relaxed her a little, but was also going to make her cum.

Julius pressed a little firmer on her clit as his middle finger paused, resting on her sphincter. He ran it up her wet pussy one more time as she closed her eyes, anticipating the quivering orgasm that was seconds away. As soon as he felt her body tighten and let go he slid his finger deep, quick, and forcefully in her ass.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She came. She came hard and was sure his middle finger in her ass intensified her quavering orgasm. He smiled a victorious smile, she fucking loved it. He could tell.

He kept her in her sprawled position while he removed his jeans. She lay there holding her legs as he stroked himself. Shit. She didn’t know if she was allowed to drop her legs. He didn’t tell her she could. Fuck. Why did she give a shit what Julius wanted?

She wanted to reach over and take him in her own hand. Her shy, self-conscious self wouldn’t let her. She hadn’t been able to say a Goddamn word since he had burst into her room, catching her playing with herself. She still couldn’t speak, and the only sound she could make was the pleasurable moan when he brought her to her bliss.

“Do you want to touch it?” he asked, taking her hand from behind her knee. He wrapped her fingers around his girth himself and moved her hand up and down, showing her what to do.

Holy shit, was he ever big. Her fingers didn’t reach around him. She stroked him, studying his rock hard cock. He moved his hand back to her wet pussy again, letting her take over his shaft. She kept up the momentum with her hand as his matched her strokes. Fuck. She was going to cum again. He sensed it too. He opened her more with one hand while he used three fingers flat on her aching nub, rubbing with forceful friction.

She felt it exculpating. She knew what was about to happen to her body. He stopped and moved himself between her legs on his knees. Her manifesting orgasm was seized. Her heart sped up more, if that were even possible. Her eyes widen and she clinched the covers in two fists.

“Relax, I’m not going to fuck you, Quill,” he assured her. She did relax. She wanted him to fuck her, but didn’t. Any virgin would know what that meant, she was scared.

He moved his rod to her clit and continued to penetrate her with his head. Fuck, she felt good. He wanted to ram it in her tight little pussy. He didn’t. He pumped himself, letting the head of his cock spear her pink little nub. He felt his own manifesting orgasm when he watched her naked body writhe beneath him. Her lustful eyes watching his dick violate her pussy, the emotional expressions and the moans were more than he could handle. He was going to blow his load. Fuck. He wanted to move to her lips and tell her to swallow him.

As soon as she came, he was spewing hot cum between her folds. He moved her hand to her pussy and rubbed his essence into her delectable pussy with her own fingers. Fuck, it was hot. She thought so too. His hot cum between her legs, was enough to cause her clitoris to pulsate again as she massaged his cum into her.

Julius squeezed the head of his cock, ejecting that last drop onto her clit. He got up, slid on his jeans and left her without another word. He had to get away from her. What the fuck was he thinking? What the fuck did he just do? FUCK!

Aquilla lay paralyzed, trying to wrap her own warped mind around what was going on between her and Julius. She couldn’t stop massaging his cum around her pussy. It felt fan-fucking-tastic.

Julius couldn’t believe it when he peeked through his little window to make sure she was okay. She was going to fucking cum again. She fucking did cum again. His cock stood right back to attention as he watched her rub her nub with his cum.

Aquilla cleaned herself up. She wanted to call Talin or Vennah. She needed to talk to someone. She didn’t though, she knew she wouldn’t do that. She lived in a house full of secrets. She wouldn’t talk about it to anyone.

Aquilla didn’t see Julius the entire next day. She knew that he was in the “training” room with one of the chattels. She wanted to interrupt and ask permission to go to Talin’s. She was bored. She wanted out of that house, and sitting by the pool, reading romances, thinking about what he was doing with another girl wasn’t helping. She didn’t bother him.

Julius would have been totally into this new girl had Aquilla stayed out of his mind. Seri was fucking beautiful. She was a hot little Romanian with a perfect ten body. Her long dark hair flowed brilliantly around her tanned face. Her lips were fucking luscious, and her Romanian accent laced in her English vocabulary was an aphrodisiac in itself. He just wished Aquilla wasn’t in the room with them. He couldn’t get her out of his fucking head for shit, not even with this beautiful girl.

He was unquestionably fucking this one. He couldn’t wait to sink balls deep into her pussy. He even loved the tattoo on the small of her back. That normally would have disqualified her from being a chattel. He wasn’t about to send this one packing. She was too fucking, searing hot. He had to fight Latium for her with a coin toss. He had won.

Aquilla walked down the long corridor once and almost knocked. She chickened out. She did try the handle to the door beside the training room, wondering what was in that room. It was locked too. She spent her day alone. She never saw him again until the next morning at breakfast. She was confused as hell by him. He treated her as he always had, reminded her of the stupid art lesson, denied her request to go to her friend’s house, and told her to sit up and to not slouch.

The next two days weren’t any different. She wished her father would get home with Valdez so that she could get out of the house. She needed to do something to occupy her mind. Talin did drop her off a couple of DVD’s that she watched. They never did have cable T.V. Her father wouldn’t allow it. They could have gotten it on the island, Vennah had cable television. She watched it when she went to her house, mostly MTV and the entertainment channel. They would watch the shows, fascinated by the reality shows and the fashions that the girls wore.

She had never even watched a movie until she moved to Jamelia Lei. They didn’t even have a television. She popped the DVD’s in her laptop when Talin or Vennah would sneak them to her. Vennah got them more than Talin. Talin’s father was almost as bad as hers. She wasn’t allowed to do normal things either, but at least her father did like Salem, and he was allowed to visit her. Aquilla would never have that. Romano didn’t trust anyone, he never would.

“Julius!” Aquilla called before he could disappear to the north wing for the day.

He turned back to her.

“Can I please go to Talin’s for a while? She wants me to help her plan her birthday party,” she begged.

“No, I’m too busy today. Wait until my father is back.”

His words didn’t go unnoticed. He said MY father. He had never said that in the past. It was always our father or just father.

“Please, Julius, I can’t stay in this house one more day. You can drop me off and pick me back up. You can even call her father. I promise I won’t go anywhere but there.”

Julius looked at her with a defeated look. Yes! He was giving in.

“If I find out that you so much as walked out of that house, I will beat your bare ass,” he threatened, giving in. Fuck if his dick didn’t just twitch at the thought of what he had just said.

“I won’t, I promise,” she assured him.

Julius did call Mr. Rodrigues. He was going to drive her over to Talin’s and when her personal bodyguard drove Talin to her violin lesson, he would bring her home.

Aquilla spent most of the day at Talin’s. Vennah and her helped with her party arrangements. They decided on a 1920’s theme, and picked out dresses that would coordinate together, thanks to Vennah’s unrestricted computer. Aquilla was having a blast until her friends decided that they needed to pick out the costumes for the boys too. She was no longer interested in Tua. She didn’t want to be his date at the party.

She was glad when Juan interrupted their party to drive the two girls’ home. Aquilla texted Julius from the car, letting him know that she was on her way, like she had promised that she would do.
