WE were at my place. Susan was taking a bath and I was in bed reading Roger Angell's new book. It was ten o'clock on a Friday night. The door was locked, my gun was on the bed table, the television was playing with the sound off. All was peaceful. Susan came from the bathroom wearing a large blue towel and drying herself with it as she walked. "Is there a wonderful movie we can watch on cable?" she said.
"No," I said. "I think we'll have to make love."
"And have a late supper after?"
"We had supper," I said.
"No, we had dinner," Susan said.
"Of course," I said.
"Well, if 'tis to be done," Susan said, "better it be done quickly."
She dropped her towel and dove onto the bed. I dog-eared the page and put the book on the bed table beside the gun.
Susan made her bubbly little laugh, which, in a less stately woman, might have been construed as a giggle. She pulled the covers part way back and wiggled in under them.
"Oh good," she said. "The sheets are clean." She pressed against me.
"And," she said with her near-giggle lurking under the words, "I think you're glad to see me."
"You shrinks," I said, "you don't miss a thing."
"Some things are easier to miss than others," she said.
"I beg your pardon," I said, and she inched her body up a bit against mine and pressed her open mouth against mine.
All smiles ceased.
Susan's energy was limitless. She worked out every day, often twice a day. Her body was strong and very flexible. I was in pretty good shape myself.
When it was over we lay pressed together, our bodies wet with perspiration, our breaths coming in big heaves, our lips still touching. Susan's eyes were closed.
"I never remember how strong you are," Susan said with her lips touching mine as she spoke, and her eyes still closed.
"It's because my heart is pure," I said.
"Bullshit," she said.
"Good point," I said.
We lay like that for a bit, quietly. Then Susan rolled away from me and sat up without using her hands and got out of bed and walked across to the bedroom closet, where she kept a robe.
Eat your heart out, Paralegal.
She put on her robe of many colors and got one out for me. It was black, with a hood. I looked like Darth Vader in it. But Susan liked it. She draped it over the foot of the bed. "What's for supper?" she said.
I put on my Darth Vader robe and went to the kitchen.
When Susan came out of the bathroom I was peeling an avocado.
"That looks encouraging," she said. She came and sat at the counter on a high stool with a fluted back. I put a glass before her and poured in some Cristal Champagne. She smiled.
"To us," she said. We both drank some. "You have always had wonderful taste in champagne and women," she said.
"The taste in women is instinctual," I said. "I learned the champagne from Hawk."
I finished the avocado and sliced it over endive leaves. I added some mango slices and put over it a dressing of first-press olive oil and lemon juice and honey. I put one plate in front of Susan and the other at my place and came around the counter.
Susan poured herself half a glass more of champagne and took a small bite of the avocado.
"Yum, yum," she said.
"It's only the beginning," I said.
"How is it going with Dwayne what's-his-name?" Susan said.
"Woodcock," I said. "It's going very badly." Susan took a crescent of mango on her fork and dabbed it in the dressing and ate it in two small bites. Slowly.
"Tell me about it," she said when she was through chewing.
I did.
By the time I was through I had sliced some cob smoked turkey onto a plate with some tomato chutney. I checked the whole wheat biscuits in the oven.
"There needs to be a reason," Susan said. "Everything he cares about is pressing on him to act differently and yet he won't."
"I'm wondering, the kind of kid he is, is there some kind of jock ethic here?"
Susan clicked the rim of her champagne glass against her bottom teeth gently. I checked the biscuits again. They were golden. I took them out and put them on the counter to cool.
"Are you suggesting that he sees this gang of gamblers as his new team?" Susan said.
I shrugged. "Chantel says he thinks very highly of them. She says he needs white approval though he won't admit it, even to himself."
"Maybe why he's such a good player," Susan said. "Lot of white approval there."
"It helps that he's six feet nine and quicker than I."
"That quick . . ." Susan said. "Of course it helps. But there must be other people that tall and that quick who are not as good as Dwayne."
"I imagine."
"If so," Susan said, "won't Coach Dunham benching him change that?"
"Because Bobby Deegan and his outfit won't be so nice to Dwayne when he's riding the pines and can't help them shave points?" I said.
"Yes," Susan said.
I put the biscuits into a basket and put the platter of turkey and chutney on the counter. I got out some cranberry conserve that we had put up together last fall and set that next to the biscuits.
"I'm hoping for that," I said.
"But even if Dwayne turns against them finally," Susan said, "and tells you enough to put them out of business, how can you do it without exposing Dwayne?"
"I don't know," I said. "I was hoping if I drank enough champagne with you, I'd think of something."
"What you normally think of when you get drunk," Susan said, "will not do Dwayne any good at all."
"At least I'll be consistent," I said.