JANE COOPER HONG resides in Burlington, Wisconsin, with her husband Tsong-Ming, whom she met in a laundry in Taiwan, and her daughter, Aleta, whom she wishes she’d met the same way. For the last several years, Jane has made a living doing publicity and writing promotional copy, so her editor was advised to watch out for excessive words like “new” and “exciting” in this novel. Jane has edited books in the DRAGONLANCE® series, among others, and written two short game pieces for TSR. Pool of Radiance is her first novel.

JAMES M. WARD was born on May 23, 1951. He started out reading Hardy Boys and lorn Swift books and has since become a huge fan of science fiction and fantasy. When asked about becoming a writer, he always replies, “If you aren’t witty, brilliant, and insightful, you have to be persistent, dogged, and not shy. I will leave it to the world to figure out which one I am.”

Jim has three genetically perfect male children—9, 18, and 19—and a charming wife. They live in a perfect twostory red brick home in a pleasant rural community.

Jim got his start in role-playing with the design of METAMORPHOSIS ALPHA, the first science-fiction role-playing game. He has been designing games and helping others to design them ever since.

Jim credits his start in gaming to learning to play poker with his dad and brothers. It wasn’t long before he learned not to try for inside straights or to try bluffing his dad, he states rather ruefully.

When asked what he would like to do when he grows up, Jim always replies, “Commanding the starship Enterprise would be nice.”

Jim has written, or collaborated in writing, numerous books for TSR.
