It had to do with context. If you see a workman among a slouch of workmen, that’s all he is. Similarly, you don’t look twice at an airline passenger aboard a plane-load of passengers, not when you’ve got your mind on more pressing matters. But when one of those passengers, standing alone in the Port Vila terminal building, held his head tilted at a certain angle, Niekirk knew that he’d seen him before. A minute later the answer came to him: Wyatt, meeting the fence on a park bench in Melbourne.
Where was Springett? On the island? Coming by a later flight, a different airline?
Niekirk, keeping well back in another taxi, tailed Wyatt to a cliff-top mansion on the other side of the harbour. He saw Wyatt get out and check casually for outside cameras and sensor alarms. Later he tailed Wyatt to the ferry stop for the island resort across the harbour.
He recalled that there had been a few passengers in first class when he boarded in Sydney, and the man had been among them. The surveillance photograph had shown only the man’s inclined head, animated by the woman’s company, and his shoulders. Now Niekirk had a clearer image of him: hooked, pitiless kind of face, black hair pushed indifferently off his forehead, tall and loose in the frame, a habit of touching his jaw every few minutes. The guy had a poor dress sense for the tropics: trousers, shoes, long-sleeved shirt rolled back at the wrists. Niekirk was wearing yellow shorts, sandals and a ‘Life’s a bitch, then you die’ T-shirt so that he’d melt in with the Australian yobbos who populated Asia and the Pacific.
Niekirk couldn’t watch two places at once. He’d come here for De Lisle, so he went back to the house on the cliff top and slept fitfully through the night in the passenger seat of a rental car. He had a story ready, but no one came near him.
The first rattling diesel motors of the day woke him at five-thirty. He crossed the road. The house still had its shuttered look; the yacht still hadn’t docked.
Niekirk drove down to the wharf, bought coffee and sandwiches, and returned to his watch over De Lisle’s house. He wondered what Riggs and Mansell were doing. Maybe they’d shot each other by now. When told what De Lisle was up to and that there’d be no more jobs, Riggs had gone very still, dangerously quiet, and Mansell had blustered. Neither man felt ready to quit: ‘Not when we’re onto something good,’ Mansell said. The only analogy Niekirk could think of was grief: it was as though a loved one had been snatched away and they wanted a sense of closure before they could put the grief to rest. He’d given them the address of De Lisle’s house in the hills behind Coffs, told them they might pick up some goodies for themselves there, told them to keep De Lisle on ice if he happened to show up.
Niekirk saw the shutters open at three o’clock in the afternoon. He crossed the road and stood where he could see down between the houses to the water. The yacht had come in. As he watched, a water taxi called in at the dock and De Lisle stepped aboard. He saw it sweep among the moored yachts and tie up at Reriki Island. Certainty began to settle in Niekirk. Wyatt was here to meet De Lisle. Wyatt and Jardine had been fencing stuff on behalf of De Lisle all along.
He sweated it out, only relaxing when he saw the water taxi skimming back across the water, De Lisle upright in the back. When De Lisle got out, he had the tartan suitcase with him. So, the island was the drop-off point.
Niekirk went back to his car. But maybe Wyatt had been ripped off, too, and was here to even the score. Niekirk sat there for an hour, sticking to the vinyl seat, baking in his glass and metal cocoon. He was still there late in the afternoon when De Lisle appeared again, walking this time.
Niekirk began to hate it all. If he shadowed De Lisle on foot, he risked losing him if the little shit got picked up by a vehicle later on. If he took the car, there was the hassle of traffic and parking in the narrow streets. In the end he got out and tailed De Lisle on foot. De Lisle wasn’t carrying anything, so at least he wasn’t on the run with their stuff.
De Lisle made for a cafй called Ma Kincaid’s. Niekirk was watching it from under a Cinzano umbrella across the road, face disguised by a straw stuck in a frosty glass of iced coffee, when Wyatt appeared from an alley behind Ma Kincaid’s. He had his mouth open, his tongue apparently exploring the back of his mouth, and he was carrying a parcel and seemed pleased about something. Niekirk liked none of it.