
So there, you have it! With the prequel written, the trilogy is complete…or is it? If you read between the lines, you may have noticed a few hints as to where the series may go in the future, so there may be some more fun to come in the Post-Human world yet!

I just want to thank everyone who has downloaded a copy of this series, and especially in 2012. Since January, the series has had over 125,000 downloads on alone! Truly astounding!

How to help the series:

Are you loving this series? Want to tell all your friends? Scream it from the rooftops? I’ve got something even better! Writing an Amazon review is the best way to support the series. This is how the series is discovered, so if you want to help other readers discover the “Human Series” phenomenon, take a couple of minutes and write a review! Nothing you could do could help more (unless your name is Christopher Nolan and you want to make a Post-Human movie…in which case, yes—yes, that would be more helpful!)

I’d also love to connect with you on the Post-Human Facebook page and that’s where I do all of my interacting with readers, so if you want to chat, come chat! I can’t wait to meet you!
