Chapter 87

Their clothes ended up in a heap just inside the door of the former prison cel.

They didn't even make it to the Finn's lower bunk before she drew him to her. They landed on the floor and he slid into her with no resistance, his eyes catching hers.

He could feel the room starting to spin and had time to think no, no, no, not yet before he came inside her with a hoarse roar.

He sank down on top of her, hiding his face in her hair.

Damn, what a failure. Coming after ten seconds. What must she think?

But she kissed his hair as he lay there panting and trying to pul himself together. Then her hips started to move beneath him.

At first he thought she wanted to get up, but when he went to move, she took a firm grip on his buttocks and held him to her, held him right there.

"Relax and go with it," she whispered in his ear as the swaying beneath him started up again. "Stay with me."

To his surprise he felt himself getting hard again almost immediately.

He did as she said and al owed himself to be swayed by her rhythmic movements. Her whole body was sucking and pul ing him into her, harder and deeper.

He noticed he was starting to breathe heavily and join in, his pulse speeding up and throbbing in his head, and when he felt the dizziness come, he stopped and looked into her eyes. Her gaze was completely unfocused. She wasn't far off now.

"Come here," he said in a gravel y voice, pul ing out of her and lifting her up onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Relax and go with it."

She stretched out on the lower bunk, her legs hard and sinewy, her stomach soft as velvet and her breasts firm and wel shaped. He let his hand glide up along her thighs as he leaned forward to suck one of her nipples.

Dessie groaned and her whole body shuddered.

He sucked and licked her entire body, and when he final y pushed inside her again she leaned her head back and yel ed. While the contractions were stil convulsing her lower body, he felt the rushing noise in his head grow into an explosion that made all sound and vision disappear for him.

When he came to his senses again, he realized he was freezing.

He rol ed to one side, sliding out of her. He fumbled for the covers beneath them and pul ed them over their bodies.

She looked at him, wide-eyed and surprised.

"Wow," she said.
