

You know how I always seem to be struggling, even when the situation doesn’t call for it? Well, I finally found a place where my struggling fits right in: the sunny Middle East. Brooding and moping doesn’t seem overdramatic in Israel or Egypt or Turkey. Today I stood in a recently bombed-out train station. I looked at the charred, twisted metal and I thought, “Finally my outsides match my insides.” Maybe I should take a tour of the world’s trouble spots and really relax. See you soon.


Sister Suzanne


Okay, here’s what I think now. Ready? I have to establish an overall plan for my overboard life. When I cross the finish line of my twenties this fall and that thirty flag goes down, I’d like to be closing in on having some idea of whatever it is that my life is about.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far: a) I’ll get back into therapy, maybe with a woman therapist this time; b) I’ll stop coloring my hair and dye it back to its normal color—I’ll artificially go natural; c) I’ll only date people I really like, so I can feel like there’s some point to it; d) I’ll fix the eating thing; e) I’m going to slip my hand out of the comforting clasp of chemicals—No More Drugs. Also, get up early every day, read more, keep a journal, talk on the phone less, do less shopping and, eventually, have a child with someone. Obviously, the plan is in a really rough early phase, so I’ll keep you posted as this gets honed down.

Honey, I’m honed.

Your elfin buddy,



Yet another offering to add to your collection of my poetic works.

Oh wow now

I’ve done it

I’ve made a mess

I feel a fool

I feel obsessed

When we get to the good part

Will I have something to wear?

I know my heart’s in the right place

’Cause I hid it there

I act so much like myself

It’s a little unreal

It’s a lot of work

It’s no big deal

My heart’s in the right place

Ticking away inside my torso

I’m just like other folks

Only that much more so

I remind myself

Of someone I’ve never met

Of someone I’d like to meet

Of someone I can’t forget

I’m not insane

But I’m halfway there

You can tell from the smoke

Rising from my molten hair

Follow me down insight road

And I’ll show you the sights along the way

I’m a flash and the world is my pan

Have a nice day

Give Granpaw a kiss if he remembers me. This is the kind of vacation I might need a vacation after. I’ll call you when I get home.

Your ever-lovin’

