It wasn't quite as hot as the Caribbean in Denny's London house, but it wasn't all that far off. Both her lovers, for different reasons, liked the central heating turned up high. Denny felt the cold after the steamy heat of Indonesia, and after his sojourn in icy southern climes, Ed had sworn that he never, ever wanted to feel cold ever again.

Laurie padded back from the bathroom and stared fondly at the two of them, both stretched out in the extra wide bed they all now shared. Ed had turned over, and was lying like a neat little schoolboy, his hands tucked under his chin, looking adorable, especially with the roguish goatee that was all that was left of his full Antarctic beard. Denny was lying on his back, limbs akimbo, and had spread out into the area she'd been lying in. He'd come home with shorter hair, and a leaner more weathered look, but he was still the golden god from their first holiday.

Clutching her glass of water, Laurie couldn't help but beam at them, and the way things had turned out. How many women in the world had been given the opportunity she had? She'd been gifted with the chance to start an exciting new life after being kicked in the teeth by a broken engagement; the chance to spend her days with not one, but two gorgeous loving men.

They'd all got to know each other properly during the men's absence, crazy as that seemed. Long, shared emails, online chats, and even phone calls had cemented their bond. They'd somehow reached a deeper understanding than she'd ever achieved with Jim, and when Denny had suggested she move to London, and his house, she'd not thought twice. Nor had she had the slightest qualm when he'd pulled strings to get her a job as school secretary at the exclusive private college he'd once attended.

It'd been lonely for a while, waiting, but then first Ed, then Denny had returned, and once reunited they'd become a completed picture instead of three pieces of a jigsaw.

"What are you doing loitering around there out of bed, woman?" Denny's eyes snapped open and glinted shrewdly in the darkness, even though his familiar voice was sleepy. Across the bed, Ed stirred and rolled over towards him at the sound of it.

"Just getting a drink of water," she replied, setting down the glass as Ed sat up and hitched across to make some space for her.

"Well, get back here. We've missed you." Ever the boss, Denny too slid aside to make more room, pushing down the covers and patting the expanse of sheet between him and Ed.

Laurie climbed onto the bed, not knowing which way to look and spoiled for choice between the two of them. Even though he was still half asleep Ed was sporting an erection, and Denny's cock was suddenly high and hard too. Lying down between them, Laurie gave each a loving stroke.

"Mm… nice," purred Denny, shimmying closer and pressing his lips to the side of her face, gently kissing her as his warm hand sought her breast.

Ed just nuzzled her neck and slid his fingertips down her belly and into the moist cleft of her sex.

Desire surged, and love made her glow. She wriggled against the mattress, her body alive with sensation, her face wreathed with smiles. Would she ever tire of this? Would she ever get bored with the sheer wonder of having not one man loving her but two? She doubted it. Rubbing her thumbs against each of their cocks she made them groan.

While Ed slithered his fingertip in wicked little circles around her clit, Denny's fingers in turn rolled and tweaked her nipple. Conscious thought slipped away, and raw, primal instinct took its place. The glittering prize of orgasm drew quickly closer.

Denny bent over to kiss her nipples, first one then the other, and then unexpectedly lifted his head to look her in the eye.

"You know I love you, don't you?" His voice was serious, despite what he and Ed were doing to her. "And Ed loves you too, and I think you care for both of us as well."

"Yes! Yes, I do!" she gasped, more shaken by the sudden words even than by the feeling of Ed's fingertip flicking devilishly at her clitoris.

"Well, I was thinking that if we all still feel the same way in a month or two, then it might be a good idea for one of us two guys to marry you." He bent his head, and kissed her nipple again, this time drawing it between his lips for a delicate suck. "It's a bit annoying that they don't do these civil contract thingies for three people who want to get together, but I think we can make do with one wedding between the three of us as a reasonable substitute. What do you think?"

"I… oh God! Yes! Whatever!" she gasped as Ed's finger slid inside her and his thumb settled fair and square on her clitoris. Not to be outdone, Denny nipped at her, bedeviling her nipple. Whatever she'd thought she was going to say dissolved as she climaxed hard.

Sometime considerable time later, happy and glowing sticky with semen, Laurie managed to think straight enough to remember.

"Unless I'm not mistaken," she said, glancing from one man to the other, as they lay on either side of her, each propped up on an elbow, "I think I heard some kind of a proposal in there before things got a bit crazy."

"Yes, I heard it too," remarked Ed with a grin, reaching to brush her hair out of her eyes, "How about you, bro?" He stared across as at Denny.

"You heard it. I meant it. And I know Ed concurs." He glanced at the darker man, even though Laurie felt his smile encompass them both. "I know it's a bit complicated, with three of us instead of the usual… um… configuration. But I think with a bit of finagling we could make it work, together."

The men seemed to wait, and Laurie understood the expression baited breath at last. Neither Ed nor Denny seemed to breathe until she finally gave her answer.

"I'd love to… but…" Happy tears started to form, and from either side of her, her men swept the moisture away tenderly from the corners of her eyes. "Well, the question is, which one of you do I marry? Please don't ask me to make a choice between you. You choose!"

"Well, I'd be thrilled to do the honors," said Ed with a soft smile, "But seeing as how Denny's rolling in money, and is quite likely to be a lord one of these days, I think he's probably the better candidate from the point of practicality, and finances, etcetera."

"Are you sure, man?" Touching first Laurie on the cheek and then Ed, Denny sounded awed, but happy.

"It makes sense." Ed leant over to kiss Denny, and then dropped a kiss on Laurie's brow.

"Well, if you're happy with that, sweet Laurie, I'd say it's more or less settled then," Denny murmured, before yawning hugely and reaching across to tousle first Ed's hair then Laurie's, "So let's get some sleep then… and tomorrow we'll go out for a slap up lunch somewhere to celebrate."

"Sounds great!" Ed snuggled up, draping his arm across the two of them while Denny nuzzled his face against Laurie's neck like a sleepy puppy.

"Sounds wonderful," sighed Laurie, eyes closing, already drifting blissfully.

Tomorrow a new adventure lay ahead of them — love and challenge and a future to the power of three — but for now she surrendered to sleep, between her men.
