Chapter 14: Educating the New Master

That evening, the flock was gathered at the Dodd residence. Grace continued to think of it as more of a flock than a harem, but eventually it would be a harem. And either Ted would perform as the new Master or he would become the eunuch.

Ted rarely saw any of the girls wearing clothes during the rest of the day. The only time that they wore anything at all was when they would cross from one house to another. Then they looked just like any other housewife or neighbor. Nothing revealing. In fact, they usually wore something nondescript and baggy to avoid calling attention to themselves.

The girls prepared dinner while Grace and Ted talked in the living room. There were always two girls in the kitchen with one in attendance in the living room to meet the needs of the two owners. Grace talked past the slaves as she talked about them or other matters and behaved as if they were not even there. Each of the girls experienced it and each of them felt peculiarly about it. Ted had difficulty with this and was self-conscious in what he said because the girls might hear.

Grace was anxious to get Ted trained and had talked to Charles in the afternoon. Charles said that there were no openings in the upcoming week but that he could fit Ted in the following week. Ted agreed to take a week of vacation so he would be able to attend.

"What will the training be like?" he asked.

"I would imagine that they will alternate. On some days, you will be treated as a slave so that you can start to understand what it's like and how they are expected to behave. On other days, you will be taught different ways of handling and enjoying the slaves."

Ted gulped. "I'm to be treated as a slave?" What does that include?"

Grace laughed as she saw all of the color drain from Ted's face. "Not to worry. The girls survived. They spent a few days there this week. We'll have them describe their experiences after dinner."

"Girls? The girls went to training? My Meredith? I thought only Kelly went there."

Grace shook her head. "All three of them went. From what I understand, they were quite popular. But I need to correct you. It is MY Meredith now. She is your wife. She is my slave. Her body, mind and soul are my property now."

"Oh yeah," he replied. "Like I said, it takes some time getting used to."

For dinner, Grace was seated at one end of the table and Ted at the other end. Meredith knelt beside Grace's chair and Kelly knelt beside Ted's. Alana remained standing and did all of the serving and clearing.

Ted watched as Grace would cut little morsels from the food on her plate and then feed it to Meredith. Ted took the hint and similarly fed his slavegirl. There was only light conversation during dinner and certainly nothing about slavery. Grace asked Ted about his job and the two of them discussed favorite vacation spots. Finally, the last course was cleared and Grace invited Ted to join her with his coffee in the living room. She told the girls to leave the dishes until later.

Grace sat in one wing chair and Ted was in another. The girls knelt in front of them with their legs parted, their chests outthrust, and their hands clasped together behind their backs. It was all that Ted could do to keep from drooling at the sight of six gorgeous breasts being thrust in his direction. Each of the girls looked erotic and beautiful. And he saw his wife in a whole new light. She practically glowed.

"Ted will be going to the ranch in a week," commented Grace. "He was curious about what happens there. I thought that you girls might tell him what is in store for him." Grace smiled at the girls knowing that this would be a difficult topic for them. It was one thing to chat about their shared experiences among themselves. It was quite another to talk about it with someone else. Especially when that someone was the husband of one of them. She saw Meredith's eyes open wide and saw her blush extend all the way down to her nipples.

"But won't his experience be much different from ours, Mistress?" asked Alana.

Grace nodded. "Yes, it will be different, but there will be some similarities. He will get to occasionally experience the life of a slave. But most of his time will be spent learning how to handle and appreciate slaves. I thought that you should tell him what you did and what you learned."

"I learned that it's best not to piss off Mistress Gretchen," Kelly chimed in. "And stay away from Black Labs."

This caused Alana and Meredith to launch into another one of their giggle-fits and Kelly soon joined them, leaving Ted totally confused. They quickly regained their composure and Alana apologized. "Sorry Mistress. We'll try to do better."

They described the classroom settings and how they were constantly distracted while they tried to practice what they had learned. "Kelly even got fucked by a black man," said Meredith, "although she didn't even know it. So I guess it's not true what they say."

"Did you get fucked?" asked Ted of his wife.

"Oh yes," she replied but was interrupted by Grace clearing her throat. When she glanced at Grace, she saw a disapproving look and corrected herself. "I mean yes Master. I was fucked many times."

They described the dinner scenes where they were fastened to the crosses and exposed completely to everyone in the room. And they talked about the clothespins and the weights. Alana saw Ted wincing as she described the needles that had skewered her lovely breasts.

"And then there was the hunt," Meredith said.

"Wait, pet," said Grace. "Aren't you leaving something out about dinner?"

Meredith blushed again and cast her eyes down, nodding slowly. "Yes, Mistress. I guess we forgot."

"I see," responded Grace. "Well, let's complete the story before we move on to the next adventure."

"Yes, Mistress," said Meredith but she remained silent instead of describing the rest of the events. It was Kelly who picked up on the narrative.

"Well, it seemed that there was some kind of voting going on. Each night, each master would get a clothespin and put it on one of us. And they were pretty cruel about where they attached them." This comment caused the other two girls to nod vigorously. "And then the one with the most clothespins would be strapped down. And then they would bring in a dog and…" Her voice broke up at that point and she couldn't go on.

"The dog would fuck whoever had won," Meredith continued.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Ted.

"Kelly was given to a dog the first night. I was given to a dog the second night," Meredith went on. "They didn't do it the third night because that was the day of the hunt."

"You had sex with a dog?" asked Ted.

Meredith nodded.

"Did you like it?"

Meredith nodded again. "I did." She paused for a moment. "It was different and it was exciting in an odd way."

Ted slumped back in his chair trying to absorb what he had heard. Everything was happening too fast. He barely heard anything about the hunt or what happened after the hunt.

By the time the dinner party broke up, Ted had recovered. It helped that he would be taking Meredith and Kelly home with him for the night. At that point, his brain was dangling between his legs and it never even occurred to him that some of the things that he had heard about could happen to him starting in a week.

Grace told him that it was dark enough that the girls did not need to be dressed if he led them through the backyards. She provided two leashes and he performed his first act as a master, leading two naked slavegirls to his bed. He had Kelly use her mouth again to get him hard, although she would have sworn that he was already as hard as a rock before she started. Then he laid down in the bed and had Meredith mount him. He couldn't get over the change in his wife as her breasts bounced and her naked sex shone in the dim light of the room. Kelly was not to be left out and knelt behind Meredith, between Ted's legs. She reached around her slave sister and played with her breasts and nipples.

Ted ended up climaxing twice. The first time was into his wife while she was erotically riding his cock. The second time was into his new property as his wife suckled the teenager's breasts.

Grace finally had a chance to enjoy one of her new pets. After a week and a half of being an owner again, she still had not even taken one to bed. But this night, she took Alana to bed with her. She had Alana bathe her first and had Alana join her in the tub. The two luxuriated in the bubbles for a long time until Alana got out and helped her mistress out, toweling her dry. Then Grace led Alana to bed and the two made love for hours. And it was reciprocal lovemaking. Two tongues and two pairs of lips were involved to provide countless orgasms until they fell asleep in each other's arms, exhausted.

The next two weeks passed quickly. Alana went back to work and was soon immersed in creating designs for new buildings or figuring out how to bring old ones back to life. Meredith would split her time between tending to her own home and working on Alana's in Alana's absence, although she was always naked when she was in Alana's house. Kelly kept trying to dream up new schemes about why she should not be sent away to college. When she wasn't doing that, she would usually be with Meredith. And even when she was at Meredith's house, Kelly would be naked. Each evening, all three would end up as naked slaves, regardless of what they had done during the day.

For the first week, Ted delighted in his new role as master and took every opportunity to sample the offerings of the three slavegirls. He always had at least one girl in bed with him and frequently, he had two.

After a night that Kelly and Alana had spent with him, Alana had a talk with Meredith. "Doesn't it bother you to see your husband with another woman? Or, like last night, to know that he is with two women but you're not there?"

"Heck no," replied Meredith. "Sex with him has never been better. I don't get jealous as long as I know it's the two of you. You two are like sisters. Well maybe not sisters. It's a different kind of bond. Oh heck, I don't know what you two are but you're special. So if he wants to fuck your brains out, it makes me very happy. And besides, I keep hoping that he learns new tricks from the two of you." She grinned mischievously. "Plus I kind of enjoy private time with Mistress."

Alana nodded but was not sure that she would be so tolerant in the same situation.

The second week was interesting. All girls slept in Grace's room each night while Ted was away at the ranch. But her bed was not large enough for all of them. She could fit two of the girls onto the bed with her but that would mean that one would be left out. So each night, two girls would sleep on the floor, tied together in some unique fashion that would amuse her and keep them entertained as well. One night, Alana and Kelly were tied back-to-back but with a soft silk rope that ran between their legs and was fastened to a band that went around each girl's head. Each head movement would slide the rope through their sexes to keep them aroused but they were never able to get the right motion going to achieve orgasm. Grace sampled Meredith's charms that night.

Another night, Meredith and Alana were together on the floor. They were tied together facing each other and pressed tightly against one another. With their legs tied together, they were unable to achieve a climax but enjoyed the feel of their soft bodies against each other and spent the night kissing each other until they finally fell asleep. Despite the fact that Kelly was now a slave, Grace could not bring herself to having oral sex with her. That seemed to intimate and incestuous. But she had no concerns about putting on a strap-on and fucking her daughter silly.

A third night, Alana enjoyed the bed with her mistress and Kelly and Meredith were tied together in a sixty nine position. Every time that Alana woke up during the night, she heard slurping sounds. In the morning when the girls were finally released, a disheveled and bleary-eyed Meredith stood up on wobbly legs. "Oh Mistress," Meredith pleaded, "please don't do that to me again. She's insane! She never sleeps! She's insatiable!" Kelly just grinned impishly with her face still glistening from Meredith's juices.

Ted returned from the ranch on Friday and was very quiet. He looked sullen and confused. Grace decided to sent the girls shopping so she could have some time alone with her new partner.

"It was horrible!" he finally blurted out after Grace had been patiently questioning him for over a half hour. "They're demons! They're cruel and sadistic! I'm not sure I'm cut out for this lifestyle."

"There, there," said Grace soothingly. "I'm sure it wasn't as bad as all that."

"It was worse!" he retorted.

"Now, now," she reassured him. "Maybe if you talk about it, we can sort it all out and you can put it in perspective."

She asked what the best part. As she expected, the answer was the sex. He also enjoyed being taught how to use things to heighten a slave's arousal and to keep them on the edge. Whips and crops and hot wax were the first things he listed. But he also liked learning how to use ropes and cuffs and chains and cages.

"That doesn't seem so bad," she offered. "What didn't you like?"

"They made me suck cocks!!!!" he wailed.

"Well, I've done that. It couldn't have been all that bad," she said.

"It was horrible!" he exclaimed. "And it wasn't just one cock. They had me kneel in the middle of six of the masters and I had to give each one a blowjob. And they laughed at me and teased me because my cock was hard. It was humiliating. I'm not gay but they kept accusing me of that."

"We know you aren't gay, Ted," Grace replied. "You love pussy too much to be gay. You were probably hard the entire five days because you were in such an erotic setting. Were you hard all the time?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes. Most of the time, at least."

Then he went on to describe some of the other things that happened to him. After dinner one night, he had been placed in the same rack that his wife had occupied two weeks earlier. Instead of a dog, however, they had a male slave fuck his ass as everyone looked on. For some reason, that didn't seem nearly as distasteful as sucking cocks, however.

He had only been treated as a slave for the first two days. For the remainder of the time, he was taught to be a master. During his time as a slave, he had also had his cock trapped inside a tiny cage as Gretchen massaged him and tried to arouse him. He told Grace that was the most uncomfortable massage he had ever received.

As a final exam, he had to demonstrate that he could lovingly but effectively control a slave. He was given Gretchen for a twenty four hour period and she apparently gave him his final score. "That woman's truly incredible," he said. "It's too bad she's a mistress. I'd take out a second mortgage to be able to buy her."

Obviously, Ted had passed his final exam. Grace made a mental note to get some feedback from Gretchen. And she made another mental note to figure out a way to own the Norse Goddess. She too wanted the blonde mistress as a slave.

Grace focused Ted back on his two days of slavery. "We know that there were some things that you did not like. Were there any things that you did like?"

Ted thought for a moment. "Well that massage that I told you about was one thing. It was torment, but it was delicious torment."

Grace nodded in understanding. "Go on."

"I didn't mind being displayed on that cross at dinner. I didn't like what happened after dinner, but it was kind of thrilling to be on display and having people look at me. And I was erect the entire time," he said proudly.

"I'm sure you were," smiled Grace. "So let's review. As a slave, you learned that you liked some things and you found some things repulsive. You have been given some knowledge and some skills that are designed to make you a better master. How will you use that?"

"It made me understand limits," he responded. "Each person has their own limits. For me it was cocks attached to other men. For each girl, I have to find their limits. I can test a limit and sometimes even stretch it a little. But I can't violate it."

"Good boy," Grace smiled brightly. "You have learned a valuable lesson. There's hope for you yet. Now you need to think about what you will tell the girls."
