Chapter 87

‘ARE YOU SURE?’ I demand, doing everything in my power not to scream into my mobile.

‘Positive,’ Marta hisses back at me. ‘She was found wandering around the Beckton Gas Works, not far from the factory. Who was there last?’

First Petra and now you, Teagan, I think murderously as I glance at Marta’s sister next to me behind the wheel of her car. My thoughts are boiling again. But I reply cryptically to Marta: ‘Does it matter?’

‘I’d go and clean that factory out if I were you,’ Marta says. ‘They’re right behind us.’

It’s true. Over the homicidal buzz I’ve got going in my ears, I can almost hear the baying of dogs.

What a blunder! What a colossal blunder! Farrell wasn’t supposed to be freed until tomorrow morning, a diversion that would draw all police attention to her while I completed my revenge. I should have just killed Farrell when I had the chance. But no, I had to be clever. I had to pile deception upon deception upon deception. But this one has backfired on me.

My fingers go to that scar on the back of my head and the hatred ignites.

My hand has been forced. My only hope is ruthlessness.

‘Take the children,’ I say. ‘Now. You know what to do.’

‘I do,’ Marta replies. ‘The little darlings are already fast asleep.’
