Chapter 21

Joey and Isobel approached the mine entrance — the concrete building that marked it was no more than a black outline against the darkening sky. In the quietness of the evening, the scrunch of their feet over the gravel path sounded very loud. Joey’s instincts were prickling. “I think we’re headed for trouble,” he told Isobel.

“I’m worried,” she said softly.

He wanted to take her hand, or to put his arm around her; to offer her physical comfort and security. But that wouldn’t be right, he decided. Better to support her with words alone.

“We’re only going to look,” he said, glancing down at a sandy channel where he could see the faint indentations of footprints. “If we see anything wrong, we call the police.”

“I agree we should do that, but that’s not why I’m worried. I think... well, it’s a big coincidence that my coordinates brought us here. Why do the truck stops all occur so close to this supposedly closed mine? What if Brogan’s involved in this illegal mining, and he’s transporting the gold?”

“It would suggest a connection. But, logically, if a transport truck was collecting large quantities of ore from the mine, it would be heavier after leaving, not lighter. And if they were processing the gold on site, then the weight difference would be negligible, since it takes tons of ore to create only a few ounces of gold. But even so, let’s not rule it out, if you suspect it. You have good instincts.” In fact, Joey realized, in the short time they’d known each other, he had developed the utmost respect for Isobel’s guts, her judgment, and her intelligence. It bothered him that her husband didn’t seem to appreciate these qualities as much as he should.

Then he stopped dead, taking Isobel by the arm. Her skin felt warm and, to his surprise, she grasped his arm in turn.

“What is it?” she breathed.

“It’s broken open.” Joey stared at the concrete building that marked the start of the tunnel. The boards that sealed its entrance had been ripped away, and the door beyond was forced wide.

The zama zamas were back.
