Finished, programmed, having received a downloaded education in language and other basics, Erika Five lay in the sealed glass tank, awaiting animation.
Victor stood over her, smiling. She was a lovely creature.
Although four Erikas had failed him, he had high hopes for the fifth. Even after two hundred years, he was learning new techniques, better design solutions.
He keyed commands into the computer that was associated with this tank-number 32-and watched as the milky solution in which Erika lay was cycled out of the container to be replaced with a clear cleansing solution. Within a few minutes, this second bath drained, leaving her dry and pink.
The numerous electrodes, nutrient lines, drains, and service tubes connected to her automatically withdrew. At this decoupling, she bled from a few veins, but only for a moment; in members of the New Race, such small wounds healed in seconds.
The curved glass lid opened on pneumatic hinges as a triggering shock started Erika breathing on her own.
Victor sat on a stool beside the tank, leaned forward, his face close to hers.
Her luxurious eyelashes fluttered. She opened her eyes. Her gaze was first wild and fearful. This was not unusual.
When the moment was right and Victor knew she had passed from birth shock to engagement, he said, "Do you know what you are?"
"Do you know why you are?"
"Do you know who I am?"
For the first time, she met his eyes. "Yes." Then she lowered her gaze with a kind of reverence.
Are you ready to serve?"
"I'm going to enjoy using you."
She glanced at him again, and then humbly away.
Arise," he said.
The tank revolved a quarter of a turn, allowing her to swing her legs out easily, to stand.
"I have given you a life," he said. "Remember that. I have given you a life, and I will choose what you do with it."