April 17, 1966: The Close Encounters Chase

At the beginning of the film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a number of police officers, in their cruisers, chase lights across Indiana. It is a funny variation on the cops and robbers movies that always require a car chase. And what is more interesting is that it is based on fact. The chase happened in the early morning hours of Sunday, April 17 in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania.

The Air Force would investigate and, of course, find a mundane explanation for the sightings. They would claim that the photographs submitted of the objects were nothing more than processing flaws on the negatives. They would attribute part of the sighting to an artificial satellite. And, they would attribute the rest to that old standby, Venus. On the Project Record Card, there is a handwritten note initialed by J. Allen Hynek. He wrote simply, "Do not agree."

As you read the account, remember how the Air Force explained the sightings. Remember that their investigation consisted of a couple of telephone calls to talk to the deputies involved, Dale Spaur and Wilbur Neff and that no one from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base bothered to visit in person until forced to do so by congressional interest. And, remember that this all took place in Ohio. Yes, Wright-Patterson is at one end of the state and Portage County at the other, almost as far away as possible and still remain in Ohio. But it is in Ohio and at the time the Air Force, by regulation, was supposed to investigate UFO sightings, especially those of a multiple witness nature when the witnesses were police officers.

Portage County Deputy Sheriff Dale F. Spaur was teamed with Wilbur "Barney" Neff, an auxiliary deputy, on the early morning of April 17. They were at the scene of an accident just east of Cleveland where a driver had slammed into a utility pole. They were there at 4:45 a.m., talking to the repairman, and listening as radio traffic between Portage and Summit counties described some strange events. A woman in Akron had called to say that a bright object "as big as a house" had flown over the neighborhood at an amazingly low altitude. No one in any of the police or sheriff's departments took the call seriously, including Spaur and Neff.

Not long after that, having left the accident scene, about three miles from Randolph, they passed an old truck on the side of the road. They pulled in behind it and walked toward it. Spaur glanced over his right shoulder and saw a moving light visible through the trees at the top of a small hill. He pointed it out to Neff, thinking, "That must be the UFO that's been talked about."

The object continued moving toward them, coming from the west, climbed, turned to the right, and flew over the road. It stopped, hovering only fifty to a hundred feet in the air. The object was oval shaped and gave off a brilliant blue-white light that caused Spaur's eyes to water. He told Air Force investigators, "The only shape was the roundness of it, imperfect circle, egg shaped, almost oblong, but not real oblong." Whenever it moved, it tipped toward the direction it was going.

Spaur told the Air Force, "[It] didn't have a red light. No wind. When it came over us it lighted the whole area. The ground was lighted by this object. Like looking at arc welder, blue-white light. The only sound heard was humming sound like a power transformer, no thrust like a jet. No sudden surge of power."

Without saying a word to one another, both deputies broke for the car. Spaur, according to the Air Force file, "We ran back and had a camera. Kept under surveillance till it could be possibly photographed. Those were our instructions after we had called in."

Spaur cautiously drove toward the object. He had a better view of it and thought the craft was about twenty feet thick and about thirty-five to forty-five feet in diameter. The UFO began to drift away from them, climbing to five hundred feet and speeding up. Soon the chase was reaching speeds over eighty miles an hour. Spaur, apparently using his speedometer as a guide told the Air Force officers, "Object was first going eighty to eight-three miles an hour."

Remember, as we discuss, the descriptions that have been given by Spaur. At no point has he suggested a light in the night sky. His is not speaking of a tiny source, but a large one that is lighting the ground as it flies over. Keep that in mind as we find out what the Air Force officers concluded at the end of their telephonic investigation.

They chased the object, using the roads available to them. At one point it crossed the road in front of the patrol car, the light so bright that Spaur told his fellow deputies that he didn't need his headlights. It passed over a construction site near Atwater Center, and illuminated the heavy equipment parked there.

At the Berlin Reservoir in Mahoning County, the object climbed to a thousand feet and crossed the highway once again. Spaur was still on Highway 224, chasing the object at speeds now approaching a hundred miles an hour. Still the object maintained the same distance between the police car and itself.

The chase continued, heading toward Pennsylvania. The UFO, now on the left side of the road, was beginning to pull away. It swung around, to the south, and flew over the road once again.

With the sun rising, Spaur got a better look at the object's structure. He said it had a dome-like top surface, an antenna or "fin-like" device that was about eighteen feet long and about a foot wide at the base, jutting up from the rear-center. He was describing what he'd seen on the craft that was clearly more substantial than a point of light.

Patrolman H. Wayne Huston, listening to the radio traffic, realized that the chase was coming toward him. Using the radio, he conferred with Spaur, and said that he would join him when he got close to East Palestine, Ohio. In a statement made eight days later, he said, "I saw the thing when Dale was about five miles away from me… It was running down Route 14, about eight to nine hundred feet up when it came by. That was the lowest I ever saw it."

Huston told investigators, "As it flew by, I was standing by my cruiser. I watched it go right overhead. It was shaped something like an ice cream cone, with a sort of partly melted down top. I don't know whether the bottom was solid or not. It might have been like a searchlight beam, coming to a point, but it was so bright I would say it was brighter than the sun when it came up… "

He continued, "Spaur and Neff came down the road right after it. I fell in behind them. We were going eighty to eighty-five miles an hour, a couple of times to around a hundred and five miles an hour. At one point at least, I was almost on Spaur's bumper, and we checked with each other what we saw. It was right straight ahead of us, a half to three-fourths of a mile ahead."

He finished his statement. "I am familiar enough with Rochester [Pennsylvania] and I guided him [Spaur] because I couldn't pass him in Bridgewater to lead him. At Brady's Run Park, a car started to come out, hit the traffic light treadle, and some trucks were there. We had to slow down and lost sight of it. We came on down Route 51. Just after we came out of the railroad underpass in Bridgewater, coming out of Fallston, we spotted it again, and then in front of them again as we turned to Rochester."

Another police officer, Frank Panzanella, who had just finished his morning coffee, was driving up a hill. To his right, he saw a shiny object that he thought was a reflection from an aircraft. He told Air Force investigators, "I got to Mickey's Lounge on the top of the hill and I looked back and it wasn't moving so I turned the police car around and came back down Eleventh Street and went to Adamoski Service Station on Tenth Street and Route Sixty-five. I then got out of the police car and looked at the object again. I rubbed my eyes three or four times but didn't say anything to anyone for the time being. I saw two other patrol cars pull up and the officers got out and asked me if I saw it. I replied, 'SAW WHAT!' They pointed to the object and I told them I had been watching it for the last ten minutes. The object was the shape of a half of football, was very bright and about twenty-five to thirty-five feet in diameter. The object then moved out towards Harmony Township approximately [at] one thousand feet high, then it stopped, then went straight up real fast to about 3,500 feet."

At this point there were four police officers directly involved. Each described the object in a similar fashion and if the estimates of the size don't match exactly, it's not that important. What is important is that the police officers could see the moon with Venus to its right. The UFO was to the left. And, once again, they were not describing a point of light, but an solid object.

At some point during the sighting, the chief of the Mantua, Ohio police, Gerald Buchert, headed out in search of the object. He found it, or believed that he had. He watched it for fifteen or twenty minutes as it seemed to move erratically in the sky. Using a small camera with black and white film, he took a number of pictures of the object he was seeing.

It seems obvious, from the description provided in his statement, that Chief Buchert was looking at, and attempting to photograph, Venus. When someone stares at a point source of bright light in the darkened sky, normal movement of the eyeball, called auto-kinesis, gives the impression of rapid, erratic movement. The fact that the object was a point source of light and remaining stationary suggests it was not the object being chased by the police and deputies in other locations.

Analysis of the photographs, submitted to Project Blue Book, produced little of value. Major Hector Quintanilla, Jr., then the Chief of Blue Book, wrote to Buchert on April 25, 1966. In the letter, he said, "The most probable cause of the object which you were trying to photograph was the planet Venus and this was the reason that you were unable to photograph it with your camera. In order to photograph Venus, you would have to photograph it with a time exposure. This cannot be done with the type of camera you were using. Thank you for your cooperation and your interest in this matter."

Overlooking the condescending attitude shown in the letter, complete with a lecture on the proper way to photograph Venus with a small hand-held camera, it seems reasonable to accept that analysis. The Chief saw Venus. Had he had a better camera and better film, he might have gotten a good picture. I took one of Venus near Sierra Vista, Arizona that is beautiful because of the colors of the rising sun. And no, I held the camera in my hand and didn't make a time exposure. I just used a faster, color film.

There is another aspect of the case that is puzzling as well. There are police officers who suggest that the Air Force attempted to intercept the object. Panzanella called the Rochester Police and spoke to radio operator John Beighey. He suggested Beighey alert the Greater Pittsburgh Airport about the sightings, apparently believing that the Reserve unit or National Guard unit there would be able to intercept the unknown. A short time after he made the suggestion, Panzanella saw what he thought was a vapor trail in the west. Someone came over the radio and said that the interception was in progress. At that point, the UFO shot high into the sky and disappeared.

Although Panzanella had decided to wait where he was while the Ohio police officers headed home, he was told by Beighey that someone at the Air Force office in Pittsburgh wanted to interview the witnesses. There was also some discussion about an overheard remark that someone at the airport had said the object was on the screen, meaning that it was being tracked by the airport's radar.

Panzanella, headed out, red light flashing, and caught up with the other officers, that is, Spaur, Neff and Huston. He told them that the Air Force wanted to interview them.

Another police officer, Henry Kwaitanowski, who had been listening to the discussion between Panzanella and Beighey, was standing near his patrol car when he spotted jets flying away from him. He thought they looked more like commercial aircraft than fighters, but behind them he saw a shiny, football-shaped object that he thought was about the same size and altitude as the jets.

There are other hints that an interception might have taken place. According to a statement made by police officer Lonny Johnson (who was teamed with Ray Esterly), "We went to Prospect Street partway down the hill, when we saw the object in the distance at an elevation of approximately 25 degrees, estimated altitude 10,000 — 20,000 feet… Actually, first we saw one jet, then the object in front of it. We could see the jet, the exhaust space, and the contrail. The jet seemed at the same altitude of the object, going southeast. The jet seemed to be pursuing the object. While we watched, for an estimated time of no more than two minutes, we saw two more jets coming from behind, in the same direction. These two had arcing contrails, either down or curved horizontally. The object was ([according to] Esterly) less than three or even ([according to] Johnson) 1 mile(s) away, in front of the first jet. The other two were about ten miles back."

The statement continued, "The object was a bright ball, about five times the size of the jet behind it. Its color was reddish orange, perhaps from sky reflection. Brighter than the planes. We could hear no noise from the object, nor from the jets. The object's brightness did not vary."

A few moments later, according to the statement, "We returned to the Salem Police station when the four objects flew out of view… The UFO appeared to be in level flight all the time while we watched it. When we came in, the pursuit vehicle reported its location as near (the object was above) Firestone Farms, east of Columbiana."

To add the strangeness of this end of the sightings, radio operator Jack Cramer and Police Lieutenant Richard Whinnery were startled to hear, over the police radio, an unfamiliar voice, say loud and clear, "I'm going down to take a look at it… I'm right above it… It's about forty-five feet across, and it's trailing something."

The Air Force would later deny that any intercept had been attempted, but the evidence suggesting otherwise continued to grow. While the original officers to see the craft, Spaur and Neff, said nothing about a jet intercept, Panzanella, suggested that he, and Johnson and Esterly, had seen two streaks that were reminiscent of jet fighters.

William B. Weitzel, a field investigator for NICAP, interviewed a number of the principals in the case. He found more evidence of an attempted intercept of the UFO. Columbiana County Sheriff's Deputy Dave Brothers told Weitzel, "But about all I saw in the sky was, I did see three airplanes, which was denied in the newspaper, that there was no airplane. I saw three planes, and they were going in the same direction, east, into Pennsylvania. And the planes left a little vapor trail, but they weren't jets… they were running too slow for jets, because I was keeping up to them… I could make out the image of what they were, airplanes. And I only saw one jet, but that was farther east, and it looked like he was… coming west, and he just turned around and went back east, because you could see this vapor trail when he turned around and went east. But other than that, I never spotted the object they were chasing."

An Associated Press report suggested confirmation of the intercept attempts. "Reports… came from Air Force Reserve pilots based at Youngstown, [Ohio] who said they attempted to follow the object but that its speed — estimated at 100 miles an hour — was too slow for their jet trainers."

The Air Force, for its part, denied that any aircraft, jets or otherwise were sent after the UFO. In a letter from the Headquarters 911th Troop Carrier Group, Medium (Reserve)(CONAC), based at the Greater Pittsburgh Airport, Information Officer Eugene F. Rehrer, wrote, "After the report was received a call was made to the Airport Tower at Greater Pittsburgh Airport. Nothing had been picked up on radar at the airport. The Air National Guard, also located at Greater Pittsburgh Airport had been called but not by this organization. F-102's [delta-winged fighters used by ADC at the time] were not scrambled to follow the UFO."

Of course, it could be pointed out that these comments refer only to the Greater Pittsburgh Airport and to F-102s. It seems from the descriptions given, and the locations given, that neither Pittsburgh nor F-102s were involved. That does not rule out other aircraft at other locations.

However, Colonel Hendricks, of the Youngstown Reserve, was interviewed on April 18. He said, "We have been erroneously quoted by the AP, also have been falsely quoted. Have had no contact with the media. In the initial release of a plane being two (sic) fast or two (sic) slow, nothing. I have attempted this morning to find out who in the organization may have had contact. Could find no one. News media had called last night and were informed that they had no information. Spoke with the writer of the Cleveland Plain Dealer ([identified in the letter only as] Bloomfield) who claims the Air Force planes were too fast. He doesn't know where the info came from. They were quering (sic) the AP wires. Youngstown did not have any aircraft airborne. Major [Quintanilla) asked him if there were any other units close. Air Force information flight in Cleveland…"

So the round of denials began. No one had any aircraft airborne and none of the radar facilities had anything unusual on their scopes. But there were deputy sheriffs who claimed to have seen some kind of aircraft attempting to close with the object. And our new stealth technology suggests that the lack of a radar return proves nothing. If we can fly aircraft over enemy anti-aircraft emplacements without being spotted, it stands to reason that an advanced technology might also be able to do that.

Weitzel, the NICAP investigator, could not find any answers to the problem. He wrote, "I checked in person at Sheriff's Office Base Radio Stations in Portage, Columbiana, and Mahoning Counties, the Youngstown Police Department, Salem Police Department, and Chippewa Barracks, Pennsylvania State Police. Could not track down the source of rumors (and signed statements) about jet or radar reports. John Beighey, Rochester Police Radio Operator, denies hearing jet or radar reports such as Panzanella mentions, and is reluctant to discuss the event. Panzanella claims something may have come via phone-microphone, if Beighey had his button down; but there is still a conflict between Beighey's and Panzanella's testimony."

Weitzel thought it might be possible that the police radios had received, briefly, the aircraft radio transmissions, though they would have been on different frequencies. He thought this was highly unlikely. In the end, he had no explanation for the problem, but did accept the Air Force denials that they had any aircraft attempting intercepts. He thought it was possible that the witnesses had seen commercial jets in the area, that the jets had nothing to do with attempted intercepts, and that their presence was a coincidence. It was not a very satisfactory explanation.

The three police officers who had been involved in the chase, that is Spaur, Neff, and Panzanella, drove to the police station in Rochester, and called the Air Force at Pittsburgh. Spaur later said, that some colonel had spoken to him briefly and then tried to persuade him that they had seen something conventional. Spaur was less than enthusiastic for that, and the colonel promised to forward the information on to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. If the colonel had kept his promise, the response from the base, and from the officers of Project Blue Book was luke warm to nearly nonexistent.

According to Spaur, he received a phone call on April 18 from a "Mister" Quintanilla, who said, "Tell me about this mirage you saw." Again, according to Spaur, he was asked if it had been in view for more than a few minutes. Spaur said they had chased it across several counties and into Pennsylvania, and had it in sight for over half an hour. At that point, Spaur said the man lost interest in the conversation. The colonel had interviewed him longer and asked more questions.

Quintanilla called Spaur a second time and again questioned him about the length of the sighting. When the deputy assured Quintanilla that he had watched the object for more than a few minutes, and had, in fact chased it, Quintanilla ended the conversation.

Less than a week later, in fact, on the following Friday, April 22, the Air Force announced the solution for the sighting. Quintanilla called the Portage County sheriff, Ross Dustman, and told him the case was resolved. His deputies had seen, first, an Echo communications satellite moving from northwest to southeast and when it was out of sight, Spaur had mistaken Venus for the same object. Spaur believed the object maneuvered in the sky because the highway changed directions giving the illusion of movement. When Quintanilla finished, according to Dustman, he (meaning Dustman) "laughed out loud." The solution was ridiculous.

Dustman told reporters for the UPI, "I go along with my men. It was not a satellite and not Venus. I've seen Venus many times, but I never saw Venus 50 feet above a road and moving from side to side like this… I have never seen Venus controlled like this seemed to be."

Spaur also had some words about the Air Force investigation and solution. "I don't know how much investigation [the Air Force] made, but evidently it wasn't a very lengthy one, or it didn't involve me… I'm definitely sure that I wasn't chasing Venus or observing Venus and running wildly over the countryside. I'm not quite that bad off."

The Air Force statement failed to mention that there were other witnesses including Spaur's partner that night, Neff. Some of those other witnesses described events that were remarkably similar to those of the police officers. About 5 a.m., two New Castle, Pennsylvania couples, while driving just a few miles from the Ohio border saw an object across a field to the west. They described it was a "hamburg" or an "ice cream cone" and that it was brilliant, "sort of like looking into a spotlight." They stopped the car and rolled down the windows, proving to themselves that it was not a reflection on the glass. At one point it flew across the road, and it always stayed about a quarter mile to a half mile in the air. Eventually it disappeared in the distance.

The whole explanation was so ridiculous, that almost no one accepted it. Ravenna [Ohio] Record-Courier reporter Carol Clapp told Weitzel that U.S. Congressman William Stanton wanted to know more about the sighting. Weitzel wrote a four-page letter outlining the problems with Blue Book's investigation and solution.

A few days later, Robert Cook, a Portage County Judge, wrote to Stanton, telling him that the officers involved were men of integrity, and that he felt "it is grossly unfair to them for the Air Force to reach any conclusion in this matter until it has conducted a real and complete investigation."

Cook wrote that, "Deputies Spaur and Neff said that they had a good look at the object and at times it was within 100 feet of them. Chief Buchert took a picture of what he saw from a greater distance… It is my further understanding that their [the Air Force] investigation of these sightings has merely consisted of telephone conversations with several of the eye witnesses and an examination of the photographs taken by Chief Buchert… The conclusion that the object sighted was the planet Venus is so ridiculous that the United States Air Force has suffered a great loss of prestige in this community."

Stanton, after receiving that communication, decided to take another step. He sent Weitzel's letter, as well as the results of his own investigation, to the Air Force commanding general. When he received no reply, he went to the Pentagon and spoke to Air Force Lieutenant Colonel John Spaulding, who conceded that Blue Book should have made an on-site investigation. He promised that such an investigation would be conducted shortly.

Maybe we should take a moment here to point out, once again, that the Air Force had the mission of investigating UFO sightings. Air Force regulations demanded it. Yet no one inside the Air Force seemed to care enough to do anything except deny and to try to prove that no intercept had been attempted. The only reason they responded to those questions was because they seemed to believe, based on the tone of the responses, that they were being unjustly accused of lying about the intercepts. I could point out that now they knew how it felt when a witness was told that he was too dumb to identify Venus in the morning sky.

The point is, however, that once again we have a case that provides good, solid information. No, it doesn't contain physical evidence, or rather, we have been told that it doesn't, but it does have solid observations by police officers, made of a long period of time. Even with that, the Air Force choose to spend less than five working days investigating, and then conducted all their investigations over the telephone.

On May 10, about two weeks after the Air Force had tried to suggest satellites and Venus in combination, Quintanilla arrived in Ravenna to interview Spaur. Alerted by a message from Quintanilla, Spaur had called Weitzel and asked him to attend the meeting and to record it. Weitzel not only liked the idea, he tried to get both Panzanella and Huston to make the meeting, but both had to work. It strikes me as odd that Quintanilla didn't bother with this somewhat routine idea.

When Quintanilla arrived, he was met by Spaur, Sheriff Dustman, two reporters Clapp and Tom Schley, Weitzel, and Dave Webb. Before the official interview began, Neff and Deputy Robert Wilson arrived. And then Quintanilla asked Weitzel and Webb to leave. Shortly after that the two reporters left, supposedly on their own. That left only Quintanilla and the police officers in the room with Weitzel's tape recorder which no one had bothered to turn off. So much for Air Force security.

It seems, however, that this wasn't really an investigation by the Air Force, but an attempt to push an idea off on the witnesses. Quintanilla tried to get Spaur to accept the Air Force explanation. He said, "I don't know whether you realize it or not, but there are at least thirty satellites that are visible to the naked eye. And these things have a northeasterly and a southeasterly component… And I checked thoroughly… And this is why I made the determination specifically, because of the directions which you gave me. That you had first spotted the satellite coming over, and then focused on Venus. Venus at that night, that's a typical night, was at a magnitude of -3.9. Which is the brightest thing in the sky except for the moon."

Spaur responded, "Well, I don't know anything about it, but… I'm under the impression that… [you are saying] I have a misconception of… "

"No, you aren't Dale. It's not a misconception, Dale. It's — you're not the first to chase that… "

"No," said Spaur, "I know damn well I wasn't chasing a satellite, first of all — "

Quintanilla interrupted then, and said, "You weren't chasing a satellite. I didn't say you were chasing a satellite."

Spaur continued, "I think that if it was in the atmosphere as close as this thing was, as large as it was, it would probably have burned up at that speed. Second of all, I'm under the impression that our satellites doesn't (sic) stop and go and go up and down… "

Quintanilla interrupted again. "Well, they zig-zag. They don't zig-zag 'cause a satellite is in perfect motion. But it gives you the illusion of zig-zagging. It gives the illusion of movement. But it's not because the satellite itself is moving, it's because the eyeball does this. Your eyes, my eyes, his eyes… "

But the problem here is that Quintanilla is referring to auto-kinesis that occurs when someone stares at a point of light that isn't moving. Staring at bright stars, or Venus, at night, makes it seem that they are dancing around in the sky. But, if you look at the track of a satellite as it crosses the sky, the zig-zag movement suggested by Quintanilla isn't in evidence. That attempt at convincing Spaur of his mistake is as transparent as all the others.

Failing to convince him of the satellite portion of the explanation, Quintanilla moved onto Venus. Spaur attempted to tell Quintanilla what he had seen that night. "Now, this, this thing, is this large — this big and this low… I follow it, and I have Barney with me. We're going down the road. So you're gonna discount, well, there's two nuts. We're running Venus. Now Venus… "

Quintanilla interrupted again. "Now, now wait a minute… "

"Well, wait a minute," said Spaur. "Let me speak."

Quintanilla said, "You used the wrong word… I'm an officer in the United States Air Force… "

"Right. You definitely are."

"And I don't call anybody a nut."

But it didn't stop there. Spaur said, "No. Okay. I have hallucinations then. But this is what I've been saying… "

Quintanilla interrupted. "I didn't say you were having hallucinations…"

"What I'm trying to say is this. I'm going down the road. Now this thing that I am following."

But Quintanilla, who obviously has no interest in hearing the tale again said, "And treat me with the same respect that I treat you."

"I will, sir. I am. I'll treat you with more respect than I've been treated in the last… "

That sort of describes the whole of the interview. Neither side wanted to concede a point to the other. Eventually Weitzel and the reporters were allowed to enter the room, and the situation didn't change. Weitzel and Quintanilla got into a nasty argument as Weitzel tried to suggest that the satellite and Venus explanation didn't fit the reported facts. Quintanilla was in the unenviable position of having to admit that he hadn't heard of some of the witnesses. Quintanilla finally excused himself.

Weitzel later said, "Several people from the radio and newspapers tried to get statements from Major Quintanilla and me that afternoon. The major had nothing to say, and I declined extensive comment until I could hear the entire tape recording. I did suggest, and now believe, that Major Quintanilla had come to Portage County with his conclusions ready, and only listened politely, which on the whole he did, to testimony. At no time while he was interviewing the men did anyone see him taking notes… The deputies and Sheriff Dustman were fed up, and made no bones about their discouragement."

Weitzel's suggestion seems to be borne out by the lack of change in the Air Force conclusion. They had already issued their statement about the solution for the sighting, and even though Spaur had mentioned the craft close to the ground, even though they had talked of it lighting the road under it, and even though it wasn't a point of light, Quintanilla stuck to the conclusion it was Venus and a satellite.

The astronomer who had thought that Venus might provide part of the explanation, based on hearing second-hand reports, eventually gave up on the idea. William T. Powers, a systems engineer at the Dearborn Observation, Northwestern University, had originated the idea without talking to any of the witnesses. He eventually wrote to Spaur and Neff, "Apparently I found out considerably more about this event than the Air Force investigator did, because I cannot agree with the evaluation publicly released a few days after the sighting. What you reported to me could not possibly lead to such a conclusion: a satellite satisfies none of the characteristics of your reported object. As a matter of fact, Dr. Hynek agrees with this. He was not consulted before this news release was put forth."

As a parenthetical note, it could be that Hynek was not consulted after the "Swamp Gas" disaster. Hynek, on hearing about the sightings in Michigan in March 1966, made an off the cuff remark that it "sounded like swamp gas." Reporters hearing that, ran with the explanation. It resulted in a memo from the Air Force suggesting that Dr. Hynek not issue any more statements because of the negative publicity.

Powers continued, writing, "I thought at first that during the latter part of your experience, after you had lost the object and then re-acquired it, that you and Mr. Houston (sic) might have spotted Venus, and thought it was the same object at a higher altitude: I spoke to Major Quintanilla on the telephone at the time I gave him the results of my telephone interview, and told him of this idea. Now I have additional information, chiefly from Mr. William Weitzel, which appears to make that hypothesis incorrect. I now understand that you and other witnesses did notice Venus and the Moon, and saw the object in motion relative to them, as well as being able to see a shape. At no time, however, did I suppose that the earlier part of the sighting involved anything other than an airborne object."

It made no difference to Blue Book investigators. They had a theory to explain the sighting. It made no difference to them that the witnesses were talking of seeing an object, not a point of light, that it had been within a hundred feet of them, and had illuminated the highway. The purpose of Project Blue Book by this time was to explain UFO sightings and that is exactly what they had done.

Although there were attempts by several people to persuade the officers at Blue Book to change their opinion, it never happened. Hynek, the scientific consultant even suggested the case be re-evaluated as an unidentified. James McDonald called the satellite and Venus explanation an "absurdity."

McDonald, in fact, wrote, "The fact Officer Huston saw the object coming in out of the northwest sky clearly rules out his seeing Venus, yet at that time the first two officers had been following the object for a much longer time than Echo requires to transit the full sky. This, plus the four-witness descriptions of vertical ascent at the termination of the sighting are calmly swept aside… "

The facts of the case were overlooked and ignored as the Air Force worked to hammer the explanation into the hole they had created. What strikes me is that the witnesses reported the size and shape of the object, seeing it close to the ground, and watching it as it lifted into the sky. It was in sight long enough for them to get a good look at it. Yet all of this is ignored as the Air Force reported the various witnesses had seen a satellite and Venus.

If we go through the Air Force files, and I have done that, we can find dozens of cases of Venus being reported as a UFO. These are easy to find. The witness will talk of a bright point of light that seems to fly erratically, never far from the horizon. If it was a morning sighting, then the object disappears, slowly fading from view as the sun comes up, this is clearly Venus. If it is an evening sighting, with the object eventually lost on the horizon, then this too, is Venus.

The point is, there are very distinctive descriptions that allow us to suggest Venus as the real culprit when appropriate. Yet, there isn't a case in which Venus is the answer and in which the witnesses provide a description of the object, suggest it close to the ground, and who also see Venus in the sky where it should be.

Once again we have a case that has a label slapped on it, but we have no answer. The police officers saw something very unusual early that morning. They chased it until it lifted into the sky, disappearing. It was not Venus, a satellite, or any of the other mundane explanations that have been offered about it.

There is a post script to this report and that revolves around the lives of the men involved in the case. It has little to do with the Air Force investigation, though the answer offered by Quintanilla certainly made them look like they were not the brightest humans to ever walk the face of the planet.

Within six months of the sighting, Spaur had left law enforcement and was working as a painter. Spaur's marriage ended in divorce. One night he walked into the house, and for reasons that he said he did not understand, flew into a rage, grabbing his wife and shaking her. She filed charges and he spend a brief period in jail.

H. Wayne Huston resigned from the police force within months of the sighting. He moved to Seattle and became a bus driver. He told reporters that he had quit because of the sighting. He said that people laughed at him. He suggested that city officials didn't like police officers who saw flying saucers. Or maybe it was that city officials didn't care if police officers saw flying saucers, they just didn't want them to report those sightings to the Air Force.

Neff's wife said that the chase had changed him as well. He had been in a state of shock when she first saw him after the chase. Later he refused to talk about it, saying that he would not tell a soul if one landed in his backyard. According to his wife, he had been through the wringer.

These weren't the first, nor the last, police officers who had lost their jobs after reporting flying saucers. The list is long and almost endless. And, in a few cases it seems to be the result of an effort to discredit the officer who made the report.

But the facts remain. The police officers, in communications with their superiors, chased something across parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania on April 17. Other officers, hearing those radio messages, went out and saw the same thing. If Blue Book was a search for the truth, and for information, they would have done more than make a few telephone calls, and one "investigative" trip. They would have attempted to find out what really happened.
