Notes on the Texts

The following list indicates first publications and the location of unpublished Bishop manuscripts:


CPr: Elizabeth Bishop, Collected Prose, edited with and introduction by Robert Giroux, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1984

Vassar: Vassar College Libraries for Special Collections

The Blue Pencil is the student literary magazine at the Walnut Hill School

Con Spirito was a Vassar undergraduate magazine founded and edited by Elizabeth Bishop, Eunice and Eleanor Clark, and Mary McCarthy; the publications were anonymous


Facsimile: IN THE VILLAGE & OTHER STORIES table of contents (n.d.; Vassar)

“The Baptism” (Life and Letters To-day, Spring 1937)

“The Sea and Its Shore” (Life and Letters To-day, Winter 1937)

“In Prison” (Partisan Review, March 1938)

“Gregorio Valdes, 1879–1939” (Partisan Review, Summer 1939)

“Mercedes Hospital” (1941; CPr)

“The Farmer’s Children” (Harper’s Bazaar, February 1948)

“The Housekeeper” (The New Yorker, September 11, 1948, under the name Sarah Foster)

“Gwendolyn” (The New Yorker, June 27, 1953)

“In the Village” (The New Yorker, December 19, 1953)

“Primer Class” (c. 1960; CPr)

“The Country Mouse” (1961; CPr)

“The U.S.A. School of Writing” (1966; CPr)

“A Trip to Vigia” (1967; CPr)

“Efforts of Affection: A Memoir of Marianne Moore” (c. 1969; CPr)

“To the Botequim & Back” (1970; CPr)

“Memories of Uncle Neddy” (Southern Review, Fall 1977)


Facsimile: Brazil table of contents (Vassar)

(Time Incorporated, 1962; typescript: Vassar; Bishop’s annotated copy: Houghton Library, Harvard)



“As We Like It: Miss Moore and the Delight of Imitation” (Quarterly Review of Literature, Spring 1948)

Review of Annie Allen by Gwendolyn Brooks (United States Quarterly Book Review, March 1950)

Review of XAIPE: 71 Poems by E. E. Cummings (United States Quarterly Book Review, June 1950)

“Love from Emily” (The New Republic, August 27, 1951)

Review of The Riddle of Emily Dickinson (c. 1951; Vassar)

“What the Young Man Said to the Psalmist” (Poetry, January 1952)

“The Manipulation of Mirrors” (The New Republic, November 19, 1956)

Introduction to The Diary of “Helena Morley” (Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1957)

“A New Capital, Aldous Huxley, and Some Indians” (Vassar, 1958; Yale Review, July 2006)

“I Was But Just Awake” (Poetry, October 1958)

Robert Lowell’s Life Studies (jacket copy, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1959)

“Writing poetry is an unnatural act…” (late 1950s — early 1960s?; Vassar; Edgar Allan Poe & The Juke-Box, ed. Alice Quinn, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006)

“Some Notes on Robert Lowell” (originally published as “Algumas Notas Sobre Robert Lowell,” in Robert Lowell, Quatro Poemas, Série Cadernos Brasileiros, Rio de Janeiro, 1962; English translation by George Monteiro, Elizabeth Bishop Bulletin, Summer 1998)

“A Sentimental Tribute” (Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin, Spring 1962)

“Flannery O’Connor: 1925–1964” (The New York Review of Books, October 8, 1964)

“On the Railroad Named Delight” (The New York Times Magazine, May 7, 1965)

Gallery Note for Wesley Wehr (March 1967; Vassar; Elizabeth Bishop, Poems, Prose, Letters, edited by Robert Giroux and Lloyd Schwartz, Library of America, 2008)

“An Inadequate Tribute” (Randall Jarrell 1914–1965, ed. Robert Lowell, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967)

Introduction to An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry (Wesleyan University Press, 1972)

“A Brief Reminiscence and a Brief Tribute: W. H. Auden 1907–1973” (Harvard Advocate, vol. 108, 1974)


From The Diary of “Helena Morley” (Harper’s Bazaar, December 1957)

Clarice Lispector, “The Smallest Woman in the World,” “A Hen,” “Marmosets” (Kenyon Review, Summer 1964)


Elizabeth Bishop and Anne Stevenson (1963–1965; Modern Literature Collection/Manuscripts, Washington University)


“On Being Alone” (The Blue Pencil, June 1929)

“A Mouse and Mice” (The Blue Pencil, 1929)

“The Thumb” (The Blue Pencil, 1930)

“Then Came the Poor” (Con Spirito, February 1933)

From “Time’s Andromedas” (Vassar Journal of Undergraduate Studies, 1933)

“Gerard Manley Hopkins” (Vassar Review, February 1934)

“The Last Animal” (Vassar Review, April 1934)

“Dimensions for a Novel” (Vassar Journal of Undergraduate Studies, May 1934)


The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


Abreu, Casimiro de

Adams, Franklin P.


Aiken, Conrad

“Aleijadinho” (Antônio Francisco Lisboa)

Alencar, José de

Alves, Castro: “The Slave Ship”

Alves, Rodrigues

Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

“Anaphora” (EB)

Andrade, Mário de; Hallucinated City

Andrade, Oswald de; Brazilwood; “Last Ride of a Tubercular through the City by Streetcar”

Annie Allen (Brooks): reviewed by EB

Anthology of Brazilian Poets of the Romantic Past

Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry: Introduction by EB

Anthon, Kate

Appletree, Gwendolyn

“Armadillo, The”

Armstrong, Phyllis

Artists’ Gallery, New York

Assis, Armando

“As We Like It: Miss Moore and the Delight of Imitation” (EB)

As You Like It (Shakespeare)

“At the Fishhouses” (EB)

Auden, W. H.; “A Brief Reminiscence and a Brief Tribute” (EB, on Auden); “Refugee Blues”; “Spain”

Azevedo, Álvares de


Babel, Isaac

Baez, Joan

Bahia, Brazil

Ballad of Reading Gaol (Wilde)

Bandeira, Manuel; Anthology of Brazilian Poets of the Romantic Past; Ash of the Hours

Banville, Théodore de

“Baptism, The” (EB)

Barbosa, Rui

Bardot, Brigitte

Barnes, Djuna

Barton, Emma

Batista do Vale, João

Baudelaire, Charles; Le Balcon

Beach, Sylvia

Beerbohm, Max: Zuleika Dobson

Belém, Brazil

Belitt, Ben

Bell, Alexander Graham

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Benicio de Loyola, Manoel

Berhing, Edith

Berlin, the City, and the Court (Laforgue)

Bernanos, George

Bernardes, Artur

Bernardes, Sérgio

Berryman, John

“Bight, The” (EB)

Bilac, Olavo

Biographia Literaria

Biribiri, Brazil

Bishop, Elizabeth: biographical information; COLLECTED POEMS MENTIONED IN HER PROSE WRITINGS: A Cold Spring; Questions of Travel; CORRESPONDENCE: EB AND ANNE STEVENSON; EARLY PROSE: “Dimensions for a Novel”; “Gerard Manley Hopkins: Notes on Timing in His Poetry”; “The Last Animal”; “A Mouse and Mice”; “On Being Alone”; “Then Came the Poor”; “The Thumb”; From “Time’s Andromedas”; ESSAYS, REVIEWS, AND TRIBUTES: “A Brief Reminiscence and a Brief Tribute: W. H. Auden”; “As We Like It: Miss Moore and the Delight of Imitation”; “Flannery O’Connor: 1925–1964”; “Gallery Note for Wesley Wehr”; “An Inadequate Tribute” (Randall Jarrell); “Introduction to An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry”; “Introduction to The Diary of ‘Helena Morley’”; “‘I Was But Just Awake’” (Walter de la Mare); “Love from Emily: Review of Emily Dickinson’s Letters”; “The Manipulation of Mirrors” (Jules Laforgue); “A New Capital, Aldous Huxley, and Some Indians”; “On the Railroad Named Delight”; “Review of Annie Allen by Gwendolyn Brooks”; “Review of The Riddle of Emily Dickinson” (Rebecca Patterson); “Review of XAIPE: 71 Poems by E. E. Cummings”; Robert Lowell’s Life Studies (jacket blurb); “A Sentimental Tribute” (Marianne Moore); “Some Notes on Robert Lowell”; “What the Young Man Said to the Psalmist” (Wallace Fowlie); “‘Writing poetry is an unnatural act…’”; POEMS MENTIONED IN HER PROSE WRITINGS: “Anaphora”; “The Armadillo”; “At the Fishhouses”; “The Bight”; “Brazil January 1”; “Cape Breton”; “Chemin de Fer”; “Cirque d’Hiver”; “The Colder the Air”; “A Cold Spring”; “Cootchie”; “Exchanging Hats”; “Faustina”; “The Fish”; “Florida”; “From the Country to the City”; “The Gentleman of Shalott”; “The Imaginary Iceberg”; “Insomnia”; “Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore”; “Jerónimo’s House”; “Large Bad Picture”; “Love Lies Sleeping”; “The Man-Moth”; “Manners (for a Child of 1918)”; “Manuelzinho”; “The Map”; “A Miracle for Breakfast”; “The Monument”; “Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance”; “Paris, 7 A.M.”; “Quai D’Orleans”; “Questions of Travel”; “Rain Towards Morning”; “The Riverman”; “Roosters”; “Valentines”; “Varick Street”; “Visits to St. Elizabeths”; “Wading at Wellfleet”; “The Weed”; STORIES AND MEMOIRS: “The Baptism”; “The Country Mouse”; “Efforts of Affection: A Memoir of Marianne Moore”; “The Farmer’s Children”; “Gregorio Valdes, 1879–1939”; “Gwendolyn”; “The Housekeeper”; “In Prison”; “In the Village”; “Memories of Uncle Neddy”; “Mercedes Hospital”; “Primer Class”; “The Sea and Its Shore”; “To the Botequim & Back”; “A Trip to Vigia”; “The U.S.A. School of Writing”; TRANSLATIONS: “From The Diary of ‘Helena Morley’” (excerpt); stories by Clarice Lispector

Bishop, Gertrude Bulmer (EB’s mother)

Bishop, J. W. (EB’s paternal grandfather)

Bishop, William Thomas (EB’s father)

Bissier, Julius

Black Orpheus (movie)

Blake, William

Blyth, R. H.

Bogan, Louise

Bolislavsky, Richard: Acting

Bolívar, Simón

Bonifácio, José

Booth, Philip

Borden, Fanny

Bosco, Saint John

Bowers, Grace Bulmer (EB’s aunt Grace)

Brandt, Carl

Brant, Alice Dayrell (“Helena Morley”): in excerpt from The Diary of “Helena Morley”; in Introduction to The Diary of “Helena Morley”

Brant, Dr. Augusto Mario

Brasil, Emanuel


Brazil: agricultural economy; architecture in; arts and handcrafts; background; Carnival in Rio de Janeiro; characteristics of Brazilians; Christmas in; coffee production; colonial rule under Portugal; currency in; discovery by Cabral; geography; government after fall of monarchy; history; inflation in; “Introduction to An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry”; language in; mineral resources; modernism; monarchy in; music in; “A New Capital, Aldous Huxley, and Some Indians”; “On the Railroad Named Delight”; painting in; poetry in; race relations in; relationship with United States; rubber production; sports in; staple diet; sugar production; war against Paraguay; women’s rights in

Brazil (Time-Life World Library)

“Brazil, January 1” (EB)

Brazilwood (Oswald de Andrade)

Brecheret, Victor

Brecht, Bertolt

Breton, André

Bridges, Robert

“Brief Reminiscence and a Brief Tribute, A” (EB, on Auden)

Brooks, Gwendolyn: Annie Allen

Brown, Ashley

Browning, Robert

Buber, Martin

Bulmer, Aunt Grace, see Bowers, Grace Bulmer (EB’s aunt Grace)

Bulmer, Aunt Mary, see Ross, Mary Bulmer (EB’s aunt Mary)

Bulmer, Aunt Maud

Bulmer, Gertrude, see Bishop, Gertrude Bulmer (EB’s mother)

Bulmer, Uncle Arthur

Bulmer, William Brown (EB’s maternal grandfather)

Bulmer family

Burle Marx, Roberto

Burns, Robert

Burton, Richard: Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil


Cabral de Melo Neto, João; Stone of Sleep

Cabral, Pedro Alvares

Café Filho, João

Calder, Alexander

Callado, Antônio

Caminha, Pero Vaz de

Camões, Luiz de

Campion, Thomas

Campos Sales, Manuel Ferraz de

“Cape Breton” (EB)

Cape of Good Hope

Castelo Branco, Humberto

Ceará, Brazilian state

Cendrars, Blaise

Ceschiatti, Alfredo

Chacón, José

Chapelbrook Foundation

Chatto and Windus

Chekov, Anton

“Chemin de Fer” (EB)

“Chessplayer” (Poe)

Christian Science Monitor

Cicero de Menezes, Antonio

“Cirque d’Hiver” (EB)

Clark, Kenneth

Clarke, Eleanor

Clarke, Eunice

Claudel, Paul

Cleland, William

Cleveland, Grover

Cocteau, Jean

“Colder the Air, The” (EB)

Cold Spring, A (EB, collected poems)

“Cold Spring, A” (EB, title poem)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Columbus, Christopher

Come Hither: A Collection of Rhymes and Poems for the Young of All Ages (De la Mare)

Company She Keeps, The (McCarthy)

Comte, Auguste

Conceiçãozinha (Maria de Conceição)

Constant, Benjamin

Contemporary Brazilian Architecture (Mindlin)

“Cootchie” (EB)


Corbière, Tristan

Costa, Lucio

Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas)

“Country Mouse, The” (EB)

Cowper, William

Crane, Hart

Croll, M. W.

Cruz, Oswaldo

Cruz e Souza, João da

Cummings, E. E.; The Enormous Room; XAIPE: 71 Poems

Cunha, Euclides da


Dana, Richard Henry: Two Years Before the Mast

Dante Alighieri

Darwin, Charles

Dayrell, Alice Mortimer

Dayrell, Felisberto

Dayrell, Dr. John

Debret, Jean-Baptiste

De la Mare, Walter: Come Hither: A Collection of Rhymes and Poems for the Young of All Ages

Delamonica, Roberto

Denby, Edwin

Deodoro, Marshal, see Fonseca, Manuel Deodoro da

D’Eu, Count

Dewey, John

Dial, The (magazine)

Diamantina, Brazil

Diary of a Small Winner, The (Machado de Assis), see Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas

Diary of “Helena Morley,” The; EB’s introduction to her translation; excerpt

Dias, Gonçalves

Di Cavalcanti, Emiliano

Dickinson, Emily; Emily Dickinson’s Letters to Doctor and Mrs. Josiah Gilbert Holland, reviewed by EB; The Riddle of Emily Dickinson, reviewed by EB

Dickinson, Susan

“Dimensions for a Novel” (EB)

Disney films

Dom Casmurro (Machado de Assis)

Donne, John

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Dreiser, Theodore

Drummond de Andrade, Carlos

Dryden, John

Dunham, Katherine

Dutra, Eurico


Edwards, Jonathan

“Efforts of Affection” (Moore)

“Efforts of Affection: A Memoir of Marianne Moore” (EB)

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

“Elephants” (Moore)

Eliot, T. S.; “Tradition and Individual Talent”; The Waste Land

Elvin, Anne, see Stevenson, Anne, EB’s correspondence with

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Emily Dickinson’s Letters to Doctor and Mrs. Josiah Gilbert Holland: reviewed by EB

Empson, William

Ender, Thomas

Enormous Room, The (Cummings)

Ephrussi, Charles

Ernst, Max

Esenin, Sergei

Evtusheno, Evgeny

“Exchanging Hats” (EB)

Explorations of the Highlands of the Brazil (Burton)


“Farmer’s Children, The” (EB)

Farrar, Straus and Cudahy

Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Farwell, Miss

“Faustina” (EB)

Fawcett, Colonel Percy

Firbank, Ronald

“Fish, The” (EB)

Fisher, Vardis

Fizdale, Robert

“Flannery O’Connor: 1925–1964” (EB)

“Florida” (EB)

Fonseca, Manuel Deodoro da

Fonseca, Valentim da

Fontenelle, Col.

Ford, Ford Madox

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

Fowlie, Wallace: Pantomime

Franco de Andrade, Rodrigo Melo

Frank, Anne

Frankenberg, Lloyd

Frick, Henry

“From the Country to the City” (EB)

“From The Diary of ‘Helena Morley’” (excerpt of translation by EB)

Frost, Robert; “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Futurist Manifesto (Marinetti)


“Gallery Note for Wesley Wehr” (EB)

García Lorca, Federico

Gautier, Théophile

“Gentleman of Shalott, The” (EB)

“Gerard Manley Hopkins: Notes on Timing in His Poetry” (EB)

Giacometti, Alberto

Gibbon, Edward

Ginsberg, Allen

Giroux, Robert

Goiás, Brazilian state

Gold, Arthur

Gomes, Carlos

Gonzaga, Thomas Antônio

Goulart, João

Graham, Maria

Grandjean de Montigny, Auguste-Henri-Victor

Greenberg, Clement

Green Mansions (Hudson)

“Gregorio Valdes, 1879–1939” (EB)

Gronchi, Giovanni

Gropius, Walter

Group, The (McCarthy)

Gudin, Eugênio

Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship

“Gwendolyn” (EB)


Hall, Donald

Hallucinated City (Mário de Andrade)

Hamlet, or the Consequences of Filial Piety (Laforgue)

Hardwick, Elizabeth

Hardy, Thomas: The Return of the Native

Haring, C. H.


Harris, Mamie

Hauser, Arnold: “The Philosophy of Art History”

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

Hemingway, Ernest

Hemingway, Pauline

“Hen, A” (Lispector)

Herbert, George

Heredia, José María de

“Hero, The” (Moore)

Hess, Myra

Hitchcock, Henry-Russell

Hoffa, Jimmy

Hoffmansthal, Hugo von

Holland, Elizabeth Chapin

Holland, Josiah Gilbert

Hopkins, Gerard Manley; “God’s Grandeur”; “That Nature Is Heraclitean Fire”; “Windhover”; “The Wreck of the Deutschland”

Houghton Mifflin

Hound & Horn

“Housekeeper, The” (EB)

House of the Dead (Dostoyevsky)

Housman, A. E.

Hudson, W. H.: Green Mansions

Hudson Review

Hugo, Victor

Huntington, Evelyn

Hutchinson, George

Hutchinson, Robert

Hutchinson, William

Huxley, Aldous

Huxley, Julian: “The Size of Living Things”

Huxley, Laura


Il Guarany (The Guarani) (opera, Gomes)

“Imaginary Iceberg, The” (EB)

“Inadequate Tribute, An” (EB, on Jarrell)

Indian Protection Service, Brazil

“In Prison” (EB)

“Insomnia” (EB)

Institute of Arts & Letters

“In the Village” (EB)

“Introduction to An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Brazilian Poetry” (EB)

“Introduction to The Diary of ‘Helena Morley’” (EB)

“Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore” (EB)


Isabel, Princess

I Thought of Daisy (Wilson)

“‘I Was But Just Awake’” (EB, on de la Mare)


Jack, Peter Monroe

James, Henry

James, William

Jarrell, Randall; “An Inadequate Tribute” (EB, on Jarrell); Poetry and the Age

Jefferson, Thomas

“Jerónimo’s House” (EB)

João VI

John Bosco, Saint

Jordão, Vera Pacheco

Joyce, James; Ulysses

Jules Laforgue and the Ironic Inheritance (Ramsey)


Kafka, Franz

Kazin, Pearl

Keaton, Buster

Keats, John

Keene, Donald

Kenyon Review

Kéti, Zé

Kierkegaard, Søren

Kirkpatrick, Ralph

Klee, Paul

Kon-Tiki (movie)

Kubitschek, Juscelino


Lacerda, Carlos

La Fontaine, Jean; Fables

Laforgue, Jules (Selected Writings)

Lahey, G. F.

Landscapes and Impressions (Laforgue)

Larbaud, Valéry

“Large Bad Picture” (EB)

“Last Animal, The” (EB)

Last Poems and Two Plays (Yeats)

Latin American Architecture (Russell-Hitchcock)

Lawrence, D. H.

Leão, Nara

Le Balcon (Baudelaire)

Leconte de L’Isle, Charles

Leitchic, Bertha

Letters of Emily Dickinson (Todd)

Lévi-Strauss, Claude

Life magazine

Life Studies (Lowell), EB blurb for

Lima, Jorge de

Lisboa, Antônio Francisco (“Aleijadinho”)

Lispector, Clarice; “A Hen”; “Marmosets”; “The Smallest Woman in the World”

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Lorca, Federico, see García Lorca, Federico

Lot in Sodom (movie)

Lott, Henrique

“Love from Emily: Review of Emily Dickinson’s Letters” (EB)

“Love Lies Sleeping” (EB)

Lowell, Amy

Lowell, James Russell

Lowell, Robert: COLLECTED POEMS BY: Imitations; Land of Unlikeness; Life Studies; Lord Weary’s Castle; The Mills of the Kavanaughs; EB’S WRITINGS ABOUT: blurb for Life Studies; in her letters to Anne Stevenson; “Some Notes on Robert Lowell”; POEMS BY: “The Dead in Europe”; “Inauguration Day”; “My Last Afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow”; “The Scream”; “Skunk Hour”

Luiz, Washington

Lyticia, Anna


Mabe, Manabu

Macedo Soares, Lota de

Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria

Maciel, Antônio

MacIver, Loren

Magalhães, Aloisio

Magalhães, Gonçalves: Poetic Sighs and Longings

Magazine, The

Magic Mountain, The (Mann)

Malfatti, Anita

“Manipulation of Mirrors, The” (EB, on Laforgue)

“Man-Moth, The” (EB)

Mann, Thomas; The Magic Mountain

“Manners (for a Child of 1918)” (EB)

Manoel I (king of Portugal)

“Manuelzinho” (EB)

“Map, The” (EB)

Margolies, Fred G.

Maria I (queen of Portugal)

Marília de Dirceu

Marinetti, Emilio: Futurist Manifesto

“Marmosets” (Lispector)

“Marriage” (Moore)

Martins, Luis

Marvelous Journey (Putnam)

Matarazzo, Francisco

Mather, Cotton

Mato Grosso, Brazilian state

Mauricio, José

McCarthy, Mary


Meireles, Cecilia

Melville, Herman

“Memories of Uncle Neddy” (EB)

“Mercedes Hospital” (EB)

Milholland, Inez

Miller, Margaret

Minas Gerais, Brazilian state

Mindlin, Henrique: Contemporary Brazilian Architecture

Minha Vida de Menina (My Life as Young Girl); see also Diary of “Helena Morley,” The: EB’s introduction to her English translation; excerpt from EB’s English translation

“Miracle for Breakfast, A” (EB)

Miracle of the Roses (Laforgue)

Mistral, Gabriela

Modern Art Week, São Paolo

Monroe, Harriet

Montale, Eugenio

“Monument, The” (EB)

Moore, Marianne; COLLECTED POEMS BY: Collected Poems; Observations; Selected Poems; EB’S WRITINGS ABOUT: “As We Like It: Miss Moore and the Delight of Imitation”; “Efforts of Affection: A Memoir of Marianne Moore”; in her letters to Anne Stevenson; “A Sentimental Tribute”; POEMS BY: “Carnegie Hall: Rescued”; “Efforts of Affection”; “Elephants”; “Four Quartz/Crystal Clocks”; “The Frigate Pelican”; “He ‘Digesteth Harde Yron,’”; “The Hero”; “The Jerboa”; “Lovingly, Rose Peebles”; “Marriage”; “Nine Nectarines & Other Porcelain”; “An Octopus”; “The Pangolin”; “The Paper Nautilus”; “Peter”; “The Plumet Basilisk”; “Rescue with Yul Brynner”; “Silence”; “Spenser’s Ireland”

Moraes, Vinícius de

Morais Barros, Prudente José de

Morash, Georgie

More, Thomas

Moreira, Jorge M.

Morley, Helena, see Brant, Alice Dayrell (“Helena Morley”)

Morse, Mary Stearns

Moss, Howard

“Mouse and Mice, A” (EB)

Muser, Frani Blough


Nabuco, Joaquim

Napoleon Bonaparte

Narborough, John

Nash, Ogden

Nashe, Thomas

Nation, The

Neddy, see Uncle Neddy

Neruda, Pablo

“New Capital, Aldous Huxley, and Some Indians, A” (EB)

Newton, Isaac: Optics

New Yorker, The

New York Review, The

Niagara Falls

Niemeyer, Oscar

Novaes, Guiomar


Observations (Moore)

O’Connor, Flannery

“On Being Alone” (EB)

“On the Railroad Named Delight” (EB)

“Opinion” (Rio stage show)

Optics (Newton)

Osser, Maya

Os Sertões (Cunha)

Ostrawer, Feyga

Ouro Prêto, Brazil

“Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance” (EB)


Pantomime (Fowler)

Paraná, Brazilian state

Paranhos, José Maria da Silva

“Paris, 7 A.M.” (EB)

Paris Review

Partisan Review

Passos, Pereira

Pasternak, Boris

Patriquin, Gwendolyn

Patterson, Rebecca: The Riddle of Emily Dickinson

Pedro I

Pedro II

Peebles, Rose

Peixoto, Floriano

Penna, José Meira

Perro, Mr.

Perse, St.-John

Petrópolis, Brazil

Phaedra (Racine)

“Philosophy of Composition, The” (Poe)

Picasso, Pablo

Pichia, Menotti del

Pillowbook of Sei Shonagon

Poe, Edgar Allan; “Chessplayer”; “The Philosophy of Composition”; “The Raven”

Poesias (Bilac)

Poesias Infantis (Bilac)

Poetic Sighs and Longings (Magalhães)

Poetry (journal)

Portinari, Candido

Portinho, Carmen

Post, Frans

Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas (Machado de Assis)

Potemkin (movie)

Potter, Beatrix

Pound, Ezra

Prentiss, Miss

Prestes, Luiz Carlos

“Primer Class” (EB)

Pritchett, V. S.

Prokofiev, Sergei

Proust, Marcel

Prudente de Morais, see Morais Barros, Prudente José de

Psichari, Ernest

Putnam, Samuel: Marvelous Journey


Quadros, Jânio

“Quai D’Orleans” (EB)

Quarterly Review

Queiroz, Rachel de

Questions of Travel (EB, collected poems)

“Questions of Travel” (EB, title poem)

Quincas Borba (Machado de Assis)


“Rain Towards Morning” (EB)

Ramsey, Warren: Jules Laforgue and the Ironic Inheritance

Ransom, John Crowe

“Raven, The” (Poe)

Rebellion in the Backlands (Cunha)

Rebouças, André

Recife, Brazil

“Refugee Blues” (Auden)

Reidy, Affonso

“Review of Annie Allen by Gwendolyn Brooks” (EB)

“Review of The Riddle of Emily Dickinson” (EB, on Patterson)

“Review of XAIPE: 71 Poems by E. E. Cummings” (EB)

Ribeiro, João

Riddle of Emily Dickinson, The (Patterson): reviewed by EB

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Rimbaud, Arthur

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; architecture; as capital city; Carnival; Conceiçãozinha (Maria de Conceição) story; favelas; Flamengo Park; open trolley cars; origins; Portuguese court in; samba; theater in; topography

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazilian state

“Riverman, The” (EB)

“Robert Lowell’s Life Studies” (EB)

Robinson Crusoe

Romariz, Dora

Rondon, Cândido Mariano

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Theodore

“Roosters” (EB)

Rorem, Ned

Ross, Mary Bulmer (EB’s aunt Mary)

Rossetti, Christina

Rothko, Mark

Rugendas, Johann Moritz

Ruskin, John


Sailing Alone Around the World (Slocum)

Saldanha da Gama, Admiral

Sandburg, Carl

Santa Catarina, Brazilian state

Sao João del Rey Mining Company

São Paolo, Brazil; Modern Art Week

São Vicente, Brazil

Scarlatti, Domenico

Schwartz, Otto

Schwitters, Kurt

Scott, Kate

“Scream, The” (Lowell)

“Sea and Its Shore, The” (EB)

Seeger, Pete

Selected Writings of Jules Laforgue (Smith)

Sennett, Carmen

“Sentimental Tribute, A” (EB)

S.E.S.P. (Servico Especial de Saúde Pública)

Seurat, Georges

Shakespeare, William; As You Like It

Shapiro, Karl

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Shenandoah (magazine)

Shonagon, Pei

Sitwell, Edith

Sitwell, Osbert

Skidmore, Tom

Slave, The (Brazilian opera)

“Slave Ship, The” (Alves)

Slocum, Joshua: Sailing Alone Around the World

“Smallest Woman in the World, The” (Lispector)

Smith, William Jay: Selected Writings of Jules Laforgue

“Some Notes on Robert Lowell” (EB)

Souza, Tomé de

“Spain” (Auden)

Spender, Stephen

Stein, Gertrude

Stevens, Wallace; “Harmonium”

Stevenson, Anne: EB’s correspondence with

Stevenson, C. L.

Stewart’s Cafeteria, New York City

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strachey, John

Strand, Mark

Swenson, May

Swinburne, Algernon Charles


Tarde (Bilac)

Tarnowska, Countess

Tarquínio de Souza, Octavio

Távora, Juarez

Tennyson, Alfred

“Then Came the Poor” (EB)

Theresa, Saint

Thomas, Dylan; “Refusal to Mourn”

Thoreau, Henry David

“Thumb, The” (EB)

“Time’s Andromedas” (EB)

Tiradentes (“Toothpuller”)

“To the Botequim & Back” (EB)

Todd, Mabel Loomis: Letters of Emily Dickinson

Toklas, Alice B.

Tolkien, J.R.R.

Tourel, Jennie

Toynbee, Arnold


translations: EB translates stories by Clarice Lispector; EB’s views on translating; excerpt from The Diary of “Helena Morley”; Marianne Moore as translator; Robert Lowell as translator

Treaty of Tordesillas

Trial, The (movie)

“Trip to Vigia, A” (EB)

Trollope, Anthony

Twayne Publishers

Two Years Before the Mast (Dana)


Uialapiti Indians

Ulysses (Joyce)

“Uncle Neddy”; see also “Memories of Uncle Neddy” (EB)

“U.S.A. School of Writing, The” (EB)


Valdes, Gregorio

“Valentines” (EB)

Van Doren, Mark

Van Gogh, Vincent

Vargas, Getúlio

“Varick Street” (EB)

Varnhagen, Francisco Adolfo de

Vassar College

Vespucci, Amerigo

Vigia, Brazil

Villa-Lobos, Heitor

Villas Boas, Claudio

Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de

“Visits to St. Elizabeths” (EB)


“Wading at Wellfleet” (EB)

Wagner, Richard

Waiting for God (Weil)

Ward, Theodora Van Wagenen: Emily Dickinson’s Letters to Doctor and Mrs. Josiah Gilbert Holland

Watson, Sibley

Webern, Anton von

“Weed, The” (EB)

Wehr, Wesley

Weil, Simone; Waiting for God

Welles, Orson

“What the Young Man Said to the Psalmist” (EB, on Fowlie)

Whitman, Walt

Whittier, John Greenleaf

Wilbur, Richard

Williams, William Carlos; “Asphodel”

Wilson, Edmund

Windsor, Duke of (Edward VIII)

Winters, Ivor

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Woolf, Virginia; The Waves

Wordsworth, William

World War I

World War II

“‘Writing poetry is an unnatural act…’” (EB)


XAIPE: 71 Poems (Cummings): reviewed by EB

Xavante Indians

Xavier, Joaquim José da Silva; see also Tiradentes (“Toothpuller”)



Yeats, William Butler: Last Poems and Two Plays


Zangwill, Israel

Zuleika Dobson (Beerbohm)
