Part Three

After informing me I had to return to their house again the following night for dinner, my Parents in Law told me to get dressed, and suggested I go home and get a good nights sleep. I respectfully asked if I could go into another room to get dressed, but somehow was not surprised when they told me to get dressed in my special little corner of the lounge while they watched.

I quickly dressed, tried to think of parting words to say to my Parents in Law, but ended up just giving them an embarrassed glance as I beat a hasty retreat to the front door.

Once home I sat in my favourite chair and covered my face with the palms of my hands. I was aware I was being bombarded by an array of physical and emotional sensations. My buttocks felt warm and were tender, but surprisingly not as painful as I would have expected given my two severe spankings I had received today. My mind tried to grapple with the events of the day, and make sense of it all. It helped if I reduced events to their most simplistic base. I had foolishly misbehaved and had been punished. End of story. I tried not to think of my Parents in Law deliberately humiliating me, making me strip naked, and having to display my shaved pubic area to them. My Parents in Law surely had my best interests at heart, didn't they?

I also dare not try to make sense of the fact that my clit was swollen and sensitive.

I ran a bath and attempted to block all thoughts of the last 24 hours out of my head. I thought of Michael. My wonderful husband. I must call him as soon as I am out of the bath.

After chatting to Michael for 45 minutes on the phone I felt relaxed, although I must admit I felt a smidgen guilty when he asked me how my day had been. I told him I had had a wonderful dinner with his parents, and he commented how pleased he was they were looking after me. If only he knew!

I was tired but could not sleep. My mind kept flashing back to the day's events. I saw myself naked, humiliated, and felt the sensations of being thoroughly spanked by my Parents in Law.

My clit continued to throb unabated. I tried to ignore my need, knowing that there was no rational association between the horrors of my day and sexual arousement. But in the end I consoled myself that I had already totally humiliated myself, so completing the day by masturbating was not going to make me feel any worse.

I turned on the light, climbed out of bed, and stood in front of my full-length mirror. I pulled my tee shirt over my head so that I was stark naked. I walked closer to the mirror, as if my Parents in Law were beckoning me forward for a closer look. I could now clearly see my shaved pubic region, with my swollen lips protruding underneath. I visualised the look of lust I had seen in Ben's eyes.

I reached down and easily slid my fingers into my moist inner sanctum. It took only a few short thrusts before my body shuddered with a powerful orgasm. My legs briefly buckled and I had to put my hand on the mirror to support myself.

The strength of my orgasm shocked me, and I took awhile to come back to earth. I staggered back to my bed, as confused as ever but at least the tension within my body had been released. Finally I slept.

The following day, Saturday, I tried to focus on the tasks to be done around the house. I moved mechanically from one menial task to the next. I fought to keep my mind focused on what I was doing. I tried to banish all thoughts of what had happened to me yesterday.

But despite my very best efforts I found my mind wandering back, reliving the humiliation. At times the shame made my eyes teary, but I refused to cry. As the day wore on I found myself reflecting more on my upcoming dinner engagement that night with my Parents in Law. Jane had made it clear I would be punished for being late.

'Was that fair', I asked myself. Probably not, but I am not sure fairness has a lot to do with my situation. If my Parents in Law feel they must punish me to make me a good wife to Michael, then that is the fact of my predicament. I may not understand it, but I will submit to it. Michael would be back in two days. I will have made my peace with my Parents in Law, and I can get on with my marriage as before.

If only I knew the truth. My life was changing forever.

As the afternoon wore on I began to nervously look at the clock. At 5 p.m. I showered and by 5.30 p.m. I was ready. There was no way I was going to run any risk of being late. Time dragged by, minute-by-minute.

I began to worry if I had worn the right clothing. What does one wear when you know there is a damn good chance you may have to strip in front of your Parents in Law? Most of my bras and panties had been bought with the thought of being sexy for my husband. They were skimpy and lacy. But I was sure my Parents in Law would just see them as reinforcing my sluttish behaviour. In the end I selected a white cotton matching set that seemed to me to be the most conservative lingerie I owned.

Shortly after 6 p.m. I could stand the tension no longer and set off on the short drive to Ben and Jane's. I arrived at their home before 6.15p.m. so drove around the block twice until it was almost 6.25p.m. I parked the car and strode up to the doorway. I glanced at my watch. 6.28p.m. I rung the doorbell. I was proud of myself. Finally I had completed a task successfully. I had turned the corner. I would be a great wife for Michael.

My Mother in Law, Jane, answered the door. She welcomed me with a big smile.

'Right on time. Aren't you the organised one', she joked playfully

'Yes Ma'am', I responded, a beaming grin on my face

Once inside Ben greeted me with his usual hug. The three of us stood in the kitchen exchanging conversation, laughing and joking.

The meal was served and the open, friendly conversation continued throughout. I felt relaxed and welcomed in the home of my Parents in Law. It was such a stark contrast to the reception I had got yesterday. I began to believe that I had been forgiven. Ben and Jane had reconsidered my situation and decided I had suffered enough. Thank heavens.

Once the meal was finished I helped Jane clear the dishes (like a good daughter in law should). We all then returned to the dining table and I began chatting again, but soon became aware that I was the only one talking. Ben and Jane were both staring at me intently, and my heart began to sink. I stopped talking. The mood had changed.

After an extended silence Ben spoke, 'It is time Kym. Go and prepare yourself. I think you know by now what is expected of you'.

'Please, please,' I begged, my voice sounding like a young girl, 'I have been punished enough and have really, really learnt my lesson'.

Ben's response could have not been more direct. 'Kym, by continuing to disobey us you are only going to increase both your humiliation and punishment. If you are ever going to mature into the young lady we desire to see as our daughter in law you must obey us without question'.

Even I could not misinterpret a statement like that. Without hesitation I rose from the table and walked around the corner into the lounge. I had seen a lot of this room in the past couple of days, and it did not hold pleasant memories.

I walked to my corner. That dreaded blind was wide open again, but I knew I dared not make any attempt to close it. Huddled tightly in the corner my fingers fumbled as I began to undress myself. Despite having some past experience at doing this the task was not any easier. My heart was beating so rapidly I felt faint.

Once totally naked I faced the corner and rested my head against the wall. It helped to steady my nerves. Again I was made to wait for an extended period, but I knew by now this was part of punishment. By standing naked in the corner my humiliation and shame was being magnified.

Finally I heard them enter the room, and take their seats.

'Come here Kym' Ben spoke quietly but authoritively.

I turned to see Ben's finger beckoning to me. I walked to the centre of room, taking two big strides as I passed the open blind.

Ben continued to beckon. I walked closer to my Parents in Law, then closer again as Ben was continuing to beckon with his finger. When he finally stopped I was only a couple of feet away from them. I could not help but feel deeply embarrassed.

'Kym, we are going to introduce some rules that you must follow.' Jane was now speaking. 'These rules are designed for no other reason than to increase your humiliation. We do this with great reluctance, but feel by doing so there will be greater incentive for you to improve your behaviour.'

I dared not speak, but I was full of dread. What could possibly be more humiliating than what I had endured yesterday and today?

'The first rule is you must keep your pubic hair shaved. This is obviously of great embarrassment to you, and not surprisingly. It also makes you look like the naughty little girl you are.'

I couldn't help but look down at the carpet in shame.

'Secondly, when we call you over to stand in front of us you will put your hands on your head and open your legs wide.'

I gasped out loud. I was mortified. I began to cry, despite my best efforts to hold back the tears.

'Please do not make me do this, I beg of you. Anything else but this'

'Kym, I know this will be very difficult for you, and will take extreme courage on your part. However we have deemed it to be essential to your rehabilitation and you will obey. Assume your position now.'

I did not move. I could not move. I tried to summons up the courage. Tears continued to flow. Ben and Jane were patient. They could see the intense inner turmoil I was going through. This was a pivotable moment. Could I abandon everything I had been taught about decency and how to act as a lady.

Time seemed to stand still for me. Even to this day I do not know how I found the courage to deal with this situation. Somehow I found the strength to lift my arms and place them on my head. I was aware of how it lifted my pert breasts and made them stick out. But my legs would not move.

My Parents in Law continued to be patient. They clearly had sympathy for my dilemma, but had no intention of changing the demands they had placed upon me.

Finally, somehow, I found the strength to begin opening my legs. My feet slid along the carpet until they were shoulder width apart.


I slid my feet out a little wider


My feet were now so wide I could feel my pussy being pulled open. I could only imagine the view I was affording Ben and Jane.

'You really do have a delightful cunt', Ben commented with a smile, 'Michael is indeed a lucky man.' Jane gave her husband a playful dig in the ribs, but was obviously in no way offended by his comment.

I glanced briefly at Ben's crotch and caught a glimpse of the obvious bulge. My cunt began to tingle in that manner familiar to me when it was becoming sexually aroused. I could not believe it. I could not understand it.

'Please do not betray me body', I silently pleaded to myself.

Fortunately at that moment Jane reached up and grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. Because of my splayed legs I fell awkwardly over her lap, and was sure Ben briefly had a full view of my pussy before I was able to bring my knees together.

'You know why you are to be spanked?' Jane enquired of me.

'Yes Ma'am.'


'Because I was late Ma'am'.


With that the spanking commenced. Despite having been spanked twice yesterday Jane showed my backside no mercy. I was sure she was spanking with more vigour this time, or perhaps my poor bottom was just more sensitive. I tried to be brave, but was soon reduced to tears. I think I had cried more tears in the past 48 hours than I had in the past twenty years.

To make matters worse she not only spanked my buttocks but also my upper thighs, which were also sensitive. Jane continued to spank me way longer than she had yesterday. I was squirming and begging for mercy, but none was forthcoming.

Eventually, finally, it came to an end. I lay on her lap, utterly exhausted. I felt Jane's hands reach under me and pull me to a seated position on her lap. She then hugged me close to her. I put my head on her shoulder and felt strangely comforted, despite the ordeal they had just put me through.

'You have been a brave girl tonight and Ben and I are both proud of you. You have a long way to go, but tonight was a big step on your journey.'

Despite my weariness I managed a small smile of appreciation.
