Chapter 16

“We’re investigating the murder of Dick Dickerson,” said Chase.

The President, a large man with a square face and a blond mane, stepped out of the enclosure and straight into a large kiddie pool that had been set up right next to the hog enclosure. Steam rose from the pool surface. He submerged himself into the warm water and sighed happily. “Aaaah,” he said, luxuriating. “This is the life. Who are you, by the way?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Chase Kingsley, and I’m a detective with the Hampton Cove Police Department. And this is Odelia Poole, our civilian consultant.”

At least Chase hadn’t mentioned that Odelia was a reporter, she thought with a silent sigh of relief. Her fear of being shot had lessened somewhat but was still at the back of her mind. “We understand Mr. Dickerson was a good friend of yours, Mr. President?”

“Just call me Van,” said the President. “So you’re Miss Poole, huh? I know about you. You work for the Hampton Cove Gazette.”


“You wrote that article about the ten richest people in Hampton Cove.”

“Guilty as charged,” she said meekly, nervously glancing around at the Secret Service people and hoping they wouldn’t go for their guns.

“I loved your article, Miss Poole, but I don’t understand why you didn’t give me top billing. I am the richest man in Hampton Cove, after all.”

“Yes, that has been brought to my attention, Mr. Pre—Van.”

He wagged a finger. “Don’t tell me. Otto Paunch, huh?”

“He has been calling me,” Odelia admitted.

“Good old Otto. He looks out for me.”

“So what’s up with the… hogs?” asked Chase.

The President laughed. “Have you ever been President of the United States, Detective Kingsley? Don’t answer that. It’s a rhetorical question. But if you had, you’d know that Washington is a tough town. Really tough. Those monkeys on the Hill fight dirty. So to be prepared I’ve been wrestling hogs. It’s working, too. I think I got those politicians licked.”

A Secret Service man had walked up. “Mr. President, sir,” he said. “Will you be needing the hogs or can we return them to the pen?”

The President waved a hand. “You can put them back in the pen. Oh, and give them a nice treat, will you? They played a great game.” He turned back to his guests. “I love those hogs. I even named them. Crazy Chuck, Nutty Nancy, Horrible Hillary and Bonky Obama.”

“There’s four of them?” asked Odelia.

“Yeah, Bonky Obama didn’t want to come out today. Sulking as usual. Anyhoo!” He splashed his hands in the water and a plastic yellow duck popped up. He grabbed it and dunked it down again. “Dick Dickerson. Yes, he was a friend of mine. A dear, dear friend.”

“Any idea who might have done this to him?” asked Chase.

“Well, Dickie had a lot of enemies,” said the President, thoughtful. “In fact I think you should probably talk to Damon Galpin.”

“The actor?”

“Yeah.” The President’s smile died away. “He likes to think he’s me but he’s not.”

Damon Galpin had become famous for imitating the President on Saturday Night Live, and it was obvious the real President was not a fan.

“Why would Galpin have a grudge against Dick Dickerson?” asked Odelia.

“Well, Miss Poole, you’ll have to ask him that. The only thing Dick ever told me was that Galpin hated his guts. He once even attacked him.”

“Attacked him?”

“In an underground parking lot in New York. Became physical. He got in a couple punches before someone dragged him off Dick. Dick never pressed charges, even though I told him to. He was a softie, Dick was.” The President’s features softened at the memory of his dear friend. “Heart of gold. I’ll miss him.”

“There is a rumor that the two of you had fallen out. Is there any truth to that?”

The President gave Odelia a dirty look. “Now who put that idea into your head? Dick and I were like brothers. Never a bad word between us. I loved that guy. Loved him!”

“It’s just… a rumor… Van,” said Odelia uncertainly.

“That’s Mr. President to you, Miss Poole,” said the President coldly. He then hollered to his Secret Service people, “Can you get these bozos out of here? I don’t have time for this nonsense. And someone get me President Macron on the phone!”

And with these words, their interview was terminated. The Secret Service people ushered Odelia and Chase out, first escorting them back to their car, and then watching as they drove off and left the premises.

At least nobody had shot her, Odelia thought, and thrown her body to be fed on by the hogs.
