
1 См.: Mandell A. The Neurochemistry of Religious Insight and Ecstasy //' Art of

the Huichol Indians. N. Y., 1978. P. 71-81.

2 Elkin A. Aboriginal Men of High Degree. Sydney, 1945. P. 66-67, 72-73.

Глава 1. Открытие пути

' Рассмотрение шаманизма Хиваро Фуллером можно найти в: Harner M. The Jivaro: People of the Sacred Waterfalls. Garden City, 1972; Harner M. (Ed.) Hallucinogens and Shamanism. N. Y., 1973.

Глава 2. Путешествие шамана. Введение

1 Eliade M. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. N. Y., 1964. P. 5.

2 Lowie R. Primitive Religion. N. Y., 1952. P. XVI-XVII.

o 3 Rasmussen K. Intellectual Culture of the Igjulik Eskimos. Copenhagen, 1929. P. 112.

4 Ibid. P. 118-119.

5 Eliade M. Shamanism... P. 138; Elkin A. Aboriginal Men... P. 96-97; Howiti A.

The Native Tribes of South-East Australia. L., 1904. P. 406, 582-583.

6 Harner M. The sound of Rushing Water // Natural History, 77(6), 1968. P. 28;

Harner M. (Ed.) Hallucinogens... P. 15-16.

7 Bogoras W. The Chukchee. Leiden, 1909. P. 441.

8 Ibid. P. 438.

9 Rasmussen K. Intellectual Culture... P. 124.

10 Elkin A. Aboriginal Men... P. 107, 108.

11 Halifax J. (Ed.) Shamanic Voices. N. Y., 1979. P. 56.

12 Spencer W., Gillen F. The Arunta: A Study of a Stone Age People. L., 1927. P.

424, 266.

13 Eells M. The Twana, Chemakum and Klallam Indians of Washington Territory

/7 Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for Year Ending 1887. Part 1.

Washington, 1889. P. 667.

14 Rasmussen K. Intellectual Culture... P. 126.

15 Ibid. P. 127.

16 Popov A. How Sereptie Djaruoskin of the Nganasans (Tavgi Samoyeds)

Became a Shaman // Popular Beliefs and Folklore Tradition in Siberia. Bloomington,

1968. P. 138.

17 Essie Parish of the Kashia Porno, personal communication, 1965.

18 Boas F. The Mythology of the Bella Coola Indians // Memoirs of the American

Museum of Natural History. V. 2. 1900. P. 37.

19 McGregor J. Southwestern Archaeology. N. Y., 1941. P. 259-260.

20 Bunzel R. Introduction to Zuni Ceremonialism // Bureau of American

Ethnology, 47 Annual Report, 1929-1930. Washington, 1932. P. 528-534.

21 McGregor J. Southwestern... P. 259-260.

22 E. g., Ibid. 301-302.

23 Vastokas J. The Shamanic Tree of Life // Artscanada, Nos. 184-187. 30th

Anniversary Issue, Stones, Bones and Skin: Ritual and Shamanic Art. 1973/74. P. 137.

Harner M. The Way of Shaman. N. Y., 1975. Перевод M. Т. Ойзермана
