‘All right, we’re in!’ Grin announced as the Spyder took control of VIO FinProm’s computer network.
Inside the MARC Computer Center, Mosley walked out of Grin’s office, which was serving as his local base of operations, and over to the semicircular console where Grin sat surrounded by keyboards and computer screens.
‘What’s happening?’ Mosley asked.
‘Nolan just opened the door into Orlov’s network. Our Spyder has latched on and taken control of network security. Right about now, it should begin issuing a series of new user log-ins and passwords to some friends of mine who are going to help us out today. These new log-ins will have unlimited access and control over pieces of Orlov’s computer networks. Every other user’s privileges on those networks will be knocked down to read-only status.’
The window displaying the Spyder’s actions showed a series of new user identities being created and E-mail messages being sent by the owners of those new identities. One of the monitors on Grin’s console announced, ‘You’ve got mail.’
Grin opened the message and scribbled down his new user name and password. He then switched to a different window on the screen and keyed the information in to a waiting log-in prompt.
‘Cal, I’m in FinProm’s accounting system.’
The third monitor on Grin’s console began filling with text as his closest friends in the hacker community began to report in. Grin turned to study his cohorts’ progress.
‘Jazz is in Orlov’s petrochemical company, and Hemmy says he’s digging into the television stuff. Way to go! Dredd, my man, has VIO shipping by the short and curlies. Oh my — Surfgrape, I bow before your greatness.’
‘What did Surfgrape do?’
‘Surfgrape, bless her heart, has just broken into Orlov’s Swiss bank accounts and is downloading his transaction history for the past decade. She’s freezing accounts as she finds them. VIO FinProm is in a world of hurt.’
‘It still scares me that there are people who can do this.’
‘Yeah, but aren’t you glad me and my crew are on your side? Fly, my pretties, fly!’ Grin shouted excitedly as updates on the electronic assault on Orlov’s business empire scrolled in.