I hope you enjoyed reading this “Mystery Project” novel as much as I enjoyed writing it. I started the project some time ago and parts 2 and 3 are already planned out. My intention is that this series will give Hawke and the ECHO team a run for their money in the high-octane, fast-paced world of action-adventure thrillers. One day, ECHO & the Raiders might even meet up;)… So, if you liked the Raiders stories and characters let me know and I will add more to the series.
As might be obvious from the title of this new series, one of the films that had the biggest impact on me as a child was Raiders of the Lost Ark — an all-time classic no matter what Sheldon Cooper says. I hope this novel captures a bit of that magic while also offering some very modern speed and excitement. As far as Occulta Manu, or the Hidden Hand, is concerned, some say they are real, but in this series they are a fictional secret society in the same vein as my other creation, Joe Hawke’s nemesis, the Athanatoi.
Finally, if you enjoyed stepping into the world of Raiders and want to have your say about this novel or the future of the series (or the Hawke, Bane & Avalon novels) then please leave a review on Amazon US or Amazon UK. It means a lot to me to get your feedback and helps keep these characters and novels visible in the bestseller ranks for other readers.
Signing off,