The incessant chattering of dozens of people, the air of the room seemingly solid from a damp heat, men's faces glowing red and shiny with perspiration, women's normally pale cheeks now pink despite fans fluttering like birds' wings—Ramage envied the bright-eyed chameleon clinging to the wall beside him, head poised, tail stiff and watching everything with an air of cool detachment.

The orchestra—strong on brass and percussion but excruciatingly weak on strings—were now resting for a few moments, the brass restoring themselves with large mugs of beer. And Ramage, his uniform hot and sticky, feet swollen from so much walking and his shoes seeming too small, felt none the better for a gargantuan supper where the Governor pressed his guests to just one more slice of cold turkey than they wanted and two glasses more champagne than was wise.

Ramage had anticipated becoming bored with the ball within fifteen minutes of arriving; but despite his earlier overbearing manner, the Governor was now treating him as a guest of honour. As soon as he had arrived—half an hour later than politeness dictated, because Southwick kept him busy with various problems on board the Triton—the Governor had seized him by the arm and insisted he made a grand tour of the enormous drawing-room which, divested of most of its furniture, this evening served as a ballroom.

And he had introduced Ramage to every guest with the phrase 'I want you to meet my young friend Lord Ramage —son of the Earl of Blazey, you know.'

Ramage was not sure which annoyed him most, the untruthfulness of the 'young friend' or the 'you know' which carried the implication that, although Sir Jason did, the person being introduced would not.

But the Governor's way of displaying his social trophy was proving useful: within twenty minutes Ramage had met the Lieutenant-Governor, judge, leading plantation-owners and businessmen, ship-owners (Rondin among them, cool and remote, rich and intelligent enough to remain detached) and their wives and daughters. The women had several things in common—an irritatingly simpering manner and, as they were being introduced or spoken to, an equally irritating habit of coyly glancing sideways at sisters or daughters. They were, Ramage thought sourly, just about the sort of people one would expect to find at the Governor's Ball and behaved and talked with a dreary predictability.

All the efforts of the guests to keep cool were unsuccessful: the atmosphere was stifling—the difference between a Grenadan ball and a London ball, he realized, was that here perspiration replaced personality—and Ramage wished he could set half a dozen seamen swabbing down the whole room (and most of its occupants) with a few gallons of eau de Cologne.

The lighting, far too garish and hard on the older women's complexions, contributed to the heat: in addition to the great chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and winking their cut-glass eyes as the candles flickered, there were enough silver candelabra on small tables to satisfy the greed of any pirate looting a cardinal's palace on the Spanish Main.

Mosquitoes whined about his face and swarmed round the candles, occasionally dropping as they flew too near the flame and scorched their wings. And more chameleons and lizards ran along the ceiling and down the chandeliers with easy grace—unlike, he thought sourly, the Army officers in their garish and superbly unpractical uniforms who by now were lurching drunkenly rather than walking and risked staggering a pace or two forward when they attempted a gallant bow.

The orchestra was tuning up, the violins plinking in preparation for the next dance. Ramage, standing with the Governor and being polite to yet another plantation-owner's fat wife, was conscious of just one person left that he had to meet.

'My Lord,' the Governor said, moving on, 'if Mrs Bends will forgive me for tearing you away for a moment, I'd like you to meet my wife's companion and private secretary, Miss de Giraud...'

Ramage smiled politely at Mrs Bends and turned to the Governor and the tall woman now standing with him. For a moment she was a blur and to save himself Ramage hurriedly looked at the Governor: anything to stop the fire suddenly flooding his whole body and fight off the dizziness.

As the Governor's yellow teeth moved up and down like a horse nibbling grass, Ramage could think only of her golden skin, high cheekbones, large eyes glinting black like sparkling gems, lips full and rich, the smile friendly—or was it gently mocking? And if so, mocking him or the Governor? Or was she—well, until he looked again he couldn't be sure; but he was already certain she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

She knew she was beautiful, accepted it without arrogance, and the knowledge gave her a proud dignity. Or was it serenity? Or just straightforward confidence in her femininity so that, unlike these other stupid women, she could look a man straight in the eye without blushing, simpering, being coy, becoming tongue-tied, gauche?

He realized there was almost complete silence in the room: not just that the Governor had stopped talking, but so had nearly everyone else: he sensed they were all watching.

Something white, fluttered from Miss de Giraud's left hand and dropped to the floor. The Governor moved but Ramage was quicker—he picked up a silk glove and gave it to her.

'Thank you, my Lord.'

She gave a graceful curtsy. Yes, the eyes were mocking— but gently so; her accent was entirely English; there was none of the blurring of words, the dropping of the final 'g', the sing-song lilt of a West Indian—yet it had the same depth and warmth. But somewhere in her ancestry there was coloured blood—perhaps Indian—that would account for the long, straight hair, high cheekbones and eyes...

As Ramage stood tongue-tied—he remember just in time to bow—the Governor unwittingly came to his rescue.

'Miss de Giraud has been my wife's companion and secretary for the past year, my Lord; but I'm afraid I monopolize her services! She's become our "Lord Chamberlain" and "Comptroller of the Household" as well, and I doubt there's a governor in the King's service who wouldn't envy me!'

'Not a single man, your Excellency, let alone a governor!'

'No, indeed not! Why, she's considerably better at drafting my despatches than I am! When I was in India it took ten men secretaries to keep my desk clear of papers—but Miss de Giraud achieves that alone, as well as running the house.'

Still the smile; no blushing modesty and feeble protests. But Ramage pitied the Governor: he was an unlucky man that could appreciate only Miss de Giraud's efficiency as a secretary.

'His Excellency makes me seem formidable—a positive dragon!'

Before Ramage could think of a reply the Governor said gaily, 'Well now, let's dance.'

Signalling to the master of ceremonies Sir Jason looked round for his wife, waved to her and left Ramage with the admonition:

'I'll leave Miss de Giraud in your care!'

They both watched the Governor walk across the floor and, just as he reached his wife who was sitting amid a group of women gossiping behind waving fans, the orchestra struck up and the master of ceremonies cried, 'Please take your places for—the cotillion!'

It was a dreary dance but at once several women, obeying the master of ceremonies' directions, lined up on one side of the room and an equal number of men on the other.

Ramage, who hated dancing and was bad at it, regretted the fact for the first time in his life—this woman would be a superb dancer, accustomed to being partnered by men who spent every other evening dancing. The sort of----- 'You have a partner waiting, my Lord?'

For a moment he thought guiltily of Gianna but heard himself saying:

'I was hoping it would be you, but I dance abominably and hardly know the cotillion. Anyway, you are already taken for this dance?'

She waved her programme and said with disarming frankness:

'No—when Sir Jason told me you were coming I kept several free.'

By avoiding looking at her, Ramage felt his confidence slowly returning.

'But you didn't know I'd be so late.'

'No?' she laughed and showed him the programme. The first half dozen dances, which Ramage had missed through arriving late, had names pencilled against them. The rest were blank.

'You took a risk. For all you knew I might have had a wooden leg!'

'Wrong again, my Lord: I saw you this afternoon at Government House.'

No trace of coquettishness—or forwardness: just this frankness. Why was it so surprising? No reason—except it was so unusual.

'I must have arrived with my eyes shut: I didn't see you.'

'No, you were too busy talking affairs of state with Colonel Wilson. But come, shall we—oh no, we're too late! Henry'— she motioned towards the master of ceremonies—'will get into a terrible state if we join the line now.'

Ramage had already spotted through the big doors that there were several empty chairs on the balcony running along the entire front of the house.

'I'm a stranger to Grenada, so why don't you point out St George's beauty spots from the balcony?'

She nodded and offered her arm.

The view down on to the little town and across the lagoon was as beautiful by night as by day. Here and there cooking fires glowed red outside native huts; in the lagoon boats rowed swiftly back and forth, a man in the bow holding aloft a flaming torch to attract the fish, a second standing poised beside him like a statue, a long trident in his hand, and a third man rowing.

All round the house and down the hill fireflies winked their bright blue lights, tiny stars flashing for a second, and out here the incessant liquid croak of tree frogs almost drowned the orchestra. In the clearness of the tropical night the stars were almost too bright to be credible and over the hill on the east side of the harbour entrance Ramage could just see the uppermost star of the Southern Cross, and Sirius and Jupiter, to his left, were almost unbelievably brilliant, the brightest stars in the sky.

As they stood watching Ramage realized she had not with drawn her arm.

'You like Grenada, my Lord?'

'Yes—though so far I've seen very little of it.'

'Of course—you left us for Martinique so soon after arriving ! How did you find it?'

'More French than France.'

'And the ladies—they're very chic.'

Teasing, bantering, and her voice fascinating.

'So I'm told; but I was there only a few hours and met none.'

'Shame! Fort Royal is something to linger over—like a good brandy.'

One of the men in the boats suddenly lunged with his trident and a moment later held a large fish aloft, the red light of the torch reflecting on the wriggling body.

'I'm afraid sailors can rarely linger...'

'A wife in every port?'

'A deliberate falsehood spread by jealous soldiers!'

She laughed. 'Another illusion shattered... But an attractive notion, n'est-ce pas?'

'Yes—though I hardly think a wife would want to share a husband,' Ramage said dryly.

'Oh, I don't know: a woman would be more likely to share a husband with another woman—if she loved him—than a man to share his wife.'

'Indeed? This is most instructive—do go on,' Ramage teased. 'Is this an old Carib custom?'

Again that natural laugh and as if by accident her arm moved so the back of his hand rested under her breast. The material of the dress was thin, and even as she laughed he sensed 'She wore nothing beneath. He turned his head to look at her: the front of the dress was cut low and square; the valley between her breasts----- 'Ah there you are!'

Cursing to himself Ramage turned to find Colonel Wilson beaming at them.

'Excuse me m' dear fellow, but the Governor wants to talk to you. Rather urgent, I'm afraid—they're here, your Excellency!'

Sir Jason followed Wilson on to the balcony.

'Sorry—excuse us, Miss de Giraud—but Ramage, these blessed ship-owners have just been talking to me: fancy interrupting the ball like that. Want to sail their schooners: they say the cargoes are spoiling and they'll miss the next English convoy from Jamaica unless the schooners reach Martinique in a few days.'

'If they sail them now,' Ramage said grimly, 'they probably won't even reach Martinique, let alone ship the cargoes in the next Jamaica convoy.'

'We've told 'em that,' Wilson said, 'but they say they'd sooner risk that than let the cargoes rot.'

'They lose the schooners too,' Ramage pointed out 'Soon they won't have any ships left.'

'They collect their insurance though,' Wilson said bitterly.

Ramage sensed the Governor's attitude had definitely changed: he was trying to persuade him to let them sail, not blustering and vowing they could go. A sudden idea crossed his mind but he dismissed it.

'Is any one owner more anxious than the rest?'

'Two are making the fuss.'

'But three are loaded. What about the third owner?'

'That's Rondin. Didn't say much—seemed more inclined to go by what you said. At least, that was my impression— agree, Wilson?'

The Colonel nodded. 'Has more sense than the rest of 'em put together.'

Ramage shrugged his shoulders. 'It's madness to sail now.' He asked Wilson: 'Have you mentioned our suspicions to the Governor?'

Again the Colonel nodded.

'Very interesting they are, too,' Sir Jason said in a flat voice belying his words, 'but it doesn't help the present situation.'

'If you'll pardon me, your Excellency, I should have thought it provided a very definite answer.'

'Well, it doesn't, I'm afraid. At least two of these gentlemen insist their schooners sail tonight.'

Tonight! Ramage tried to keep his temper. It seemed comical that you had to order men to keep their ships in port for their own safety. It'd make more sense if they were protesting because Ramage was ordering them to sail.

Wilson coughed to attract Ramage's attention. 'Lieutenant —I don't think his Excellency will mind me telling you that one owner proposes to sail his schooner tonight whatever Sir Jason or you say------'

'That's so,' Sir Jason interrupted.

'Very well,' Ramage snapped, as the idea came back more forcefully, 'just to maintain some semblance of authority—I don't imagine anyone wants me to put men on board to prevent it—I'll give permission for that one schooner to sail, though it's making a virtue out of a necessity.'

'Ah, splendid,' purred the Governor. 'Splendid, I knew you'd be reasonable.'

'But on two conditions,' Ramage said, thinking quickly and looking at his watch—eight o'clock.

Sir Jason sighed like a child impatient with its parents.

'One is that she's under way by ten o'clock and no one but the owner and the master are told after being sworn to secrecy —not even the crew must know until they're ordered to cast off the lines; second, the owner must sign a document in front of you, Sir Jason, declaring that he's sailing at his own request, at his own risk and very much against my wishes and advice.'

'And mine too, if that helps,' Wilson added.

'Very well,' the Governor agreed. 'I'll speak to him now and he'll sign the document in my study.'

'And one more thing, Sir Jason, on which I'm afraid I must insist...'

Suddenly he realized Miss de Giraud had several minutes earlier tactfully walked a few yards along the balcony.

'... I must insist on absolute secrecy. None of the other owners must know; nor any of your staff or Colonel Wilson's. Just the owner and the master of the schooner.'

'But my dear fellow,' grumbled Sir Jason, 'are you implying—'

'Otherwise the schooner doesn't sail, sir; I'll put some of my men on board all three. And the other two owners must be told nothing—except they can't sail for the time being. They can have explanations tomorrow why one vessel left.'

'It's most irregular,' Sir Jason expostulated, 'why, they'll probably think this owner's bribed me.'

'Bribed me,' Ramage corrected. 'I'm permitting it to sail, your Excellency; you can make that quite dear.'

'Very well. Come along Wilson, we'll get this fellow down to my study. I'll see you later, Ramage,'

For a moment Ramage stood thinking. Had he let himself be rushed into a silly decision? There was no denying he was angry; but then he smiled. It wasn't a handsome smile; it was coldly cynical. All this could be a blessing in disguise—oh yes, he thought, very much a blessing! A spy could be caught only when he passed information; so first he had to have information. And probably the only information this particular spy sought was the time a schooner sailed.

Eventually, Ramage reflected, he would have been forced to sail a schooner as bait, knowing it would almost certainly be captured. That would be the price for just one attempt at trapping the spy, and it'd be a high price because if the owner ever discovered his schooner had been used as bait he would create the devil of a fuss. Ramage could imagine the angry letters—from the Committee of Underwriters at Lloyds, from the West India Committee and from anyone else moved to put pen to paper—streaming into the Admiralty, all blaming Lieutenant Ramage of His Majesty's brig Triton!

But here, by an unexpected piece of luck, was an owner actually insisting his schooner sailed—insisting to the Governor. And presumably prepared to put his signature to a document drawn up by the Governor that the vessel sailed at the owner's risk...

Ramage gave a short and bitter laugh and then turned to Miss de Giraud, but the balcony was empty. She had probably gone to—well, women did, and with much more discretion than men.

He stood a foot up on the chair and, leaning forward, stared across the lagoon. The bonfires in front of the huts were dying out. With their meals cooked and eaten, the people would be going to bed ready to rise at first light and begin their work. Only one of the boats was still fishing with a burning torch.

There was no sign of movement along the Careenage—just the dark outline of the three laden schooners secured alongside. Was the spy watching even now?

Mosquitoes hummed in his ears and absent-mindedly he waved a hand to brush them away. Itching round his wrists told him they'd already had a good meal.

St George must be one of the most beautiful small harbours in the world. Out here the breeze was cool and behind the orchestra was muted; the guests' idle chatter too was masked by the clicking of the frogs.

Yet to him the night in the tropics was always faintly menacing; always an air of mystery. Strange, almost human, animal noises from the jungle and the hysterical whine of flying insects. Scorpions moving crabwise, centipedes crawling with deceptive speed, and the sudden scurry of a lizard across your shoe. The tap, tap, tap—in the Governor's House at least—of death watch beetles steadily chewing their way through the roof timbers. Beneath the lushness he always sensed the death and decay.

And what was Gianna doing? He added four hours to the present time to allow for Grenada's distance west of Greenwich. Wherever she was she'd be in bed and asleep. But at the moment he could not remember her as clearly as he did last night. Curious, the picture was fainter, and he found it hard to recall even her voice. He must write, though God knew when any ship would leave with mail. And her letters—was she writing letters in the form of a diary and posted in time to catch the West India Packet sailing regularly from Falmouth? Would she write regularly even when she received his letters only intermittently? That was----- A rustle of silk behind him interrupted his thoughts and without looking round he knew Miss de Giraud had returned and was standing right behind him. Touching him lightly on the shoulder she whispered: 'Surely not homesick? You look so sad standing there alone and looking out to sea!'

'No, not homesick—just thinking about this and that; the view, the bonfires dying out in front of those huts...'

'Yes, it's very beautiful: I never get tired of it.'

'But you've seen it—for a year?'

'From here for a year; from other places round the lagoon for much longer.'

'But you aren't a Grenadan?'

'No, not Grenadan.'

It was neither a rebuff nor an evasion. Nor for that matter, an answer.

'I shall be sorry to leave Gr------'

High in the hills behind Government House a tom-tom suddenly began a rhythmic beat No, not rhythmic: it began with a rhythm, then changed to equally spaced beats. Then stopped for a few moments, began more beats, and broke into a rhythm again.

Tum-dee-dee-tum-tum ... tum-dee-dee-tum ... turn ... rum...

'That's the first time I've heard tom-toms here.'

'Oh? They're often beating.'

It stopped but Ramage continued listening and suddenly walked to the edge of the balcony, leaning over so his head was dear of the building. Faintly in the distance, away to the north, another drum had taken up the beat, very faintly, barely distinguishable above the croaking frogs.

'What are they doing, passing messages?'

'No—at least, I don't think so. Usually it's some voodoo rite—you know, black magic.'

'A sort of ceremony?'

'Yes—perhaps someone in a family is ill. They send for a witch doctor—though officially they don't exist—and a drummer. They have some ritual to cure the people.'

'Does it cure them?'

She shrugged her shoulders. 'I don't know. At least it can't make them any worse.'

Ramage realized several people were coming out from the doors farther along the balcony.

'We've been out here rather a long time—would you like to dance?'

'For fear my reputation would otherwise be compromised?' she whispered, laughing quietly at Ramage's discomfiture. 'Don't worry my Lord, we've been standing in front of a door all the time!'

'Nicholas, not "my Lord".'

She curtsied, again with that mocking look in her eyes. Or was it mocking? Ramage wished he could be sure.

'And I—my Lord—am Claire.'

'And may I have the pleasure of the next dance, Claire?'

'I must look at my programme.' She pretended to read it. 'By chance I am not engaged for the next dance, Lieutenant.'

They danced, paused for refreshments and danced again for nearly two hours. By then Ramage had given up trying to conceal that she was making him tremble: the silk of her dress moved so smoothly under his right hand that she might well have been naked. She knew it, she accepted it, and she responded. Time was forgotten—until a planter dancing with his plump and drab wife growled, 'It's past ten o'clock—I want a drink!'

With that Ramage jerked himself out of the sensuous little world he'd been briefly sharing with Claire. Damnation! Had the schooner sailed?

Suddenly he realized that the rest of the dancers were swirling past while he stood in front of Claire, who was watching him anxiously.

'Is anything wrong?"

'The heat—I'd like some fresh air. Would—do you think we can risk gossip and go on to the balcony?'

She laughed gaily, relieved at his explanation. 'There's no risk attached to gossip; one either accepts or rejects it.'

'Or ignores it.'

'Or ignores it,' she repeated as they walked to the door.

'Which do you do?'

'I've never been thought important enough to be gossiped about!'

'The Governor's "Lord Chamberlain" is too modest. . But------'

'But if I was? I'd ignore or reject: it's the same either way.'

As they reached the balcony he saw the schooner had sailed. The last bonfire was nearly out; the last torch fisherman had gone home. The lagoon and the harbour looked like glass; just a breath of wind rippled the surface and there was only an occasional tiny green splash as a fish jumped and stirred up phosphorescence. His watch showed it was eleven minutes past ten.

And a tom-tom, which had been beating as they came out on to the balcony, gave a few more desultory beats and stopped.

'There's more music in a tom-tom than in the Governor's orchestra,' he commented.

She shivered unexpectedly. 'It's cold out here!'

'But wait a few moments—you enjoy this view year after year. In a couple of months' time I might be in a snow storm off Newfoundland!'

There was no one else on the balcony and he kissed her, and what seemed hours later, when she'd whispered 'Will you remember me when the snow is falling?' the distant tom-tom had long finished beating out its message to whichever heathen god was listening.
