Hannah did not come up to my room that night, though she had promised to; still the weather was again so damned hot that I was in one sense rather glad of it. About four a.m., however, she came up to call the indefatigable sportsmen, but Leveson had already risen, and had entered my room in his shirt and trousers, so that when Hannah gently opened my door she was petrified at finding her master there trying to persuade me to go with them.

'What the devil do you mean, you minx, by coming into a gentleman's room without knocking first?'

I immediately interposed, and told him what a sound sleeper I was, and spoke of the difficulty the girl had experienced the previous morning.

'Mr. De Vaux is up, so you needn't trouble to call him, and you needn't bring up any coffee to your mistress, for she's as sound asleep as a rock. So you won't come, Clinton?'

'Not this morning, old boy; I'm deuced tired and sleepy.'

Very well, then,' he said, 'I suppose we must manage without you.' And presently I heard both the noble sportsmen quietly taking their departure.

I at first tried to compose myself to sleep, but found it impossible, for my prick had become a cursed encumbrance. The advent of Hannah had excited it to start with, and now there was the tantalising fact that within a few yards of me was lying the lady of the mansion, yet, in respect to approachability, as far off as if she had been at the Antipodes.

Still the old proverb of 'faint heart never winning fair lady' came to my rescue, and I quietly arose and softly opened my door, just to see if there was a ghost of a chance.

As I previously mentioned, my room faced that of Mr. and Mrs. Leveson's. Judge then my delight when I saw that my host had actually, and I presumed by inadvertence, left his door ajar.

Stealthily and silently as a cat I crossed the corridor, scarcely daring to breathe, and pushing the door open, inch by inch, I put my head inside.

There, lying on the bed with nothing but a sheet to cover her splendid form, was the woman for whose possession I so madly longed, but the knowledge that her chastity was an insuperable bar to the ordinary preliminaries of a fair fuck suggested my attempting the siege in another fashion.

Stooping down and going on all fours, I approached the bedside, and gently lifting up one end of the sheet I revealed her naked form, for, like me, she had got her night-chemise rolled up as far as her titties. Her legs were lying temptingly open and, as little by little I worked myself under the sheet, my face drew nearer to the lovely little cunt whose pouting lips looked fit to be kissed.

Gradually, and without sufficient movement to alarm or even awaken my sleeping beauty, I got my head well between her legs.

She did move once, and passed her hand down over my head, murmuring the while — 'Oh George, wait until morning.' And as I remained perfectly quiet, she dozed off again.

Presently I got well into position, and putting out my tongue, gave the lips a gentle lick. I could feel that there was a slight tremor, but as that was only the natural effect of the electro biology, I knew that she was not yet awake.

Another lick, this time a trifle further in, and the next second I plunged my tongue far up, until it touched the clitoris. She was instantly awake.

'Oh George darling, it is years since you did this. Why, you dog, you haven't thought of such a thing since our honeymoon.'

I renewed my licking, thrusting her splendid thighs aside (though, in reality, there was no need to thrust, for she opened them as far as ever she could) until my tongue was in right up to the root, and I found from the rapid up and down movement of her bottom that, unless I speedily withdrew it, she would most certainly come.

In my excitement I muttered 'my darling', and she, hearing a strange voice, threw back the sheet, and I suppose looked down.

She must have seen at a glance that it was not her husband, for she put her hands on my head, and in a low voice, half anguish, half pleasure, said-'Oh, who are you? How could you?'

But the matter had gone too far now to be remedied, and she must have felt this, for the movement of her arse continued, and was getting more violent.

I could stand it no longer, so taking out my tongue, I looked up at her.

'I guessed it was you, Mr. Clinton. You are doing a very wicked thing, but I really must have it now, I can't wait,' and pulling me on to her, she guided my prick to the already well-greased hole, which was full of slobber from my own mouth, and with several quick movements, long thrusts, and about half a dozen wriggles, we both spent at the same moment.

I believe, had her husband come in at that instant, we could not possibly have disengaged ourselves from each other's arms, for we lay mere in a transport of bliss, and I could not help pluming myself on the admirable savoir-faire I had manifested in my management of the whole business.

'What on earth made you do this, Mr. Clinton?' said Mrs. Leveson, still holding me and keeping me in her, with her legs entwined around my backside, but blushing all the while.

'My darling,' I said, 'the moment I saw you I felt that if I had to commit a rape I should be obliged to enjoy you, though it cost me my liberty, or indeed, for the matter of that, my life.'

A light movement outside the door attracted our attention, and hiding me under the sheet, Mrs. Leveson enquired who was there; to this there was no response, and we breathed freely again.

'My darling,' said Mrs. Leveson, looking at me with beaming eyes, 'I am so delighted that although I know we have both committed a great sin, I feel as if the pleasure had not been too dearly bought, but for fear of discovery, hurry back to your own room.' And kissing me affectionately, both on mouth and prick, she prevailed upon me to take my leave of her for the time.

I had no sooner got outside the room and pulled the door to after me than I was struck dumb with surprise and fear, for I found my own chamber door open, and I felt certain that I had not been such a ninny as to leave it so. I entered the room on tiptoe, in fear and trembling, and found De Vaux standing by the window, looking white and thoughtful.

'Hello,' I said, 'what, in the devil's name, brings you here?'

'I came back,' he replied, 'to fetch some large shot which I had in my other shooting pouch.'

'Well, you've lost your bet,' I said triumphantly.

'I know it,' he gloomily made answer, 'and what worries me is I cannot understand it. You are not a better looking man than I am. Except in the matter of a few thousands a year and a larger tool, nature, luck and birth have not favoured you more than me, yet you absolutely mount a woman you have only known forty-eight hours, while I have for three long years tried in the same direction, and utterly failed. I will let you have the pin tomorrow.'

'But you only saw me coming from her room, how do you know that I absolutely won the trick?'

'How do I know? Why, I opened your door quietly to see if you were asleep, and finding you absent I looked around, and saw Mrs. Leveson's door open. I also heard you both hard at it, and could not forbear from peeping in. Oh, what a sight it was; there was she, lovely thing that she is, rising to every stroke, and I could see your long prick actually coming clear out of her, reculer pour mieux sauter, and then dashing in again till the sight nearly made a lunatic of me. How in the name of God did you work it, for it seems to me little short of miraculous?'

I didn't satisfy his curiosity, but left him to ponder over it, while I wrapped myself up, for the morning was getting chilly, and fell asleep.

De Vaux proceeded to the battue, but if his shooting was not superior to his spirits, the birds must have had a distinctly fine time of it, for if ever there was a man at a country luncheon table possessed by the megrims, De Vaux was that individual when I met him a few hours later.
