Paul Gable
Raped nurse


"Dr. Granger. Dr. Granger. Please report to the burn ward."

Lisa Murray heard the crisp, mechanical sounding voice as she pushed open the large glass entrance door at the hospital and walked into the lobby. She squinted her eyes for a moment, trying to get used to the sudden bright light. Glancing down at her wristwatch, Lisa noted she was fifteen minutes early for the night shift.

"Lisa," the young blonde heard a woman's voice call out from behind her. Looking over her shoulder, the big-busted nurse saw it was Marilyn Nesbett. "I shouted at you in the parking lot but you kept right on going," the brunette huffed out as she ran up to her friend.

Lisa tried to smile. But she found it difficult to act pleasant now. Her mind was a whirlpool of wild passions and emotions. The last thing she wanted was to end up in some bitch session with anyone.

"Hey, cheer up. Chad's not the only man around here, you know," Marilyn said in a low whisper as she leaned into her friend and gave her a reassuring pat on the arm.

"I don't want to talk about it," Lisa said, turning away and starting for the first-floor nurses' lounge. Lisa strode through the large lobby, then broke into a run as she heard Marilyn protesting behind her. It was all she could do to keep from breaking out into tears as she turned and ran into the nurses' lounge. Thank God no one was there. Lisa stumbled to the dressing area and took a good look at herself in the floor-length mirror. Even emotionally torn as she was now. The blonde could see an attractive, exciting woman. Why had Chad dumped her?

Lisa raised her chin slightly and cloned her eyes until there were two dark slits under her long lashes. She had high cheekbones and glowing skin. Especially now in her high emotional state, Lisa's face and neck seemed to radiate a kind of highly-charged glow that made her even more attractive. She seemed to burn with an intense, inner fire that flickered high, then low with her changing emotional state. Her full, red lips seemed now extraordinarily exotic. Her shining blonde hair was pulled tightly back and tucked under her cap.

Lisa looked at her complete body next. Her large tits, pushing out and forward like two ripe watermelons against the tailored white uniform; her rounded, well-fleshed hips; her full firm buttocks curving gracefully against the white silk pants; all this suggested a warm, sensuous woman who needed a man.

Why did he leave? Lisa thought, shaking her head then burying it in her hands as Marilyn opened the door and walked into the tiny roam.

"Hey, honey. Pull yourself together. I just bumped into the man out there, and he wants to see you," the brunette said. She'd walked up to Lisa and put her arms around her friend's waist, pulling the sobbing blonde tightly against her body.

"Wh-who?" Lisa sobbed.

"Dr. Chad Duvalier," Marilyn said, her voice revealing her displeasure in giving that news.

"Oh God! I can't see him now," Lisa said in a panic, pulling away from her friend.

"He's not gonna wait all day, honey," Marilyn said, putting her hands on her hips. "Look, Lisa. I know it's not easy to see him. But at least give him a chance to explain. I know he's been acting like a rat. So you caught him screwing some nurse."

"She's not the only one," Lisa blurted as she wiped away the tears and looked intensely at her friend.

"But what can you do? You're not married to him. All right, so you two've been going out for the past year or so. But he's a man, Lisa – a free man," Marilyn said. "You can't expect him to stay faithful to you without a ring. And besides, most men don't do that anyway with a damned ring on the finger."

"What does he want?" Lisa asked after several seconds of silence passed. She felt a twinge of emotion and curiosity hit her at the same time. It had teen almost one month since she'd caught Chad with the girl in his office. She'd told him in no uncertain terms to take that fat cock of his and fuck himself with it. She didn't need him. She'd be able to find any man she wanted. Of course, Lisa hadn't dated anyone since that fateful evening.

"I don't know what he wants. Go out there and find out," Marilyn said, reaching behind her and pulling the exit door open.

"I-I still don't know why he left me," Lisa stammered as she walked toward the door.

"You threw him out of your life. What did you expect?" Marilyn asked as she motioned for Lisa to get out into the corridor.

Lisa smiled sadly at her friend's explanation. It was true. She was acting like a spoiled teen-age prom queen whose gown had just been ripped on the dance floor. It was Chad who had pressed for marriage and Lisa who had refused. Yet she made demands on him as if she were married. Lisa wanted all the benefits of marriage without a license. She saw just what a stupid idea that was.

Stepping into the long corridor, Lisa turned and started walking toward Chad's office. Just as she passed a door leading to the cafeteria, Lisa saw Chad turning from the side corridor into the main hallway. Both of them stopped dead when each caught sight of the other. Lisa felt the blood rush to her face while her heart began pounding. She'd hardly seen Chad ever since she'd stormed out of his office three weeks ago. All that time Lisa had tried to drive the image of Chad out of her mind – and nearly succeeded. But now the same powerful feelings that swept over her when the two of them were alone were washing over her lush body now. Lisa could feel the blood easing down into her pussy, swelling her cuntlips and warming up her snatch and Chad broke out into a broad smile and sauntered over to her.

"Long time no see, Lisa," Chad said, stopping a few feet in front of her.

Oh God, touch me! Lisa screamed mentally as she felt her body sway forward. Her mind grew light and buzzy as she felt her cunt moistening. She was blushing furiously and she knew it. Lisa could feel the heat in her cheeks that increased when she realized Chad was enjoying this little scene. He sensed what was going through her mind as he stood only inches away from her hot pussy.

"Yes. I haven't got much time to talk," Lisa said, trying to speak normally. Her throat was tight and dry from the sexual excitement that was rippling through her body. She couldn't help but remember Chad's expert fucking and the way his mouth could – no, she couldn't think of that now. They were through!

"Let's go into my office. Really, Lisa. I've got something to tell you. It can't wait," Chad said. His smile turned into a serious look. The blonde swallowed hard, then nodded quickly. Just as Chad was tuning around, Lisa glanced down and noticed that the knob of his prick was pressing against his pants. Was this the big important talk he wanted to give her in his office? Was he getting tired of his little number up on the second floor, and now wanted some experienced pussy to liven up his balls? Well, he'd have another think coming. Lisa swore she'd cut him down if that's what he had in mind.

Then she thought about her panties which were sticking to her crotch. They were damp and gooey, moistened by the hot pussy juice that had oozed from her cunt. She could feel her soaked cunt hair, the tight curls matted against her puffy labes.

They finally came to Chad's office and walked in, looking carefully around to make sure no one had noticed them. Even though fucking went on regularly in the hospital, it was done with discretion. It was one of those cases where everyone knew what everyone else was doing. But no one actually saw it.

"All right. What's so damned important?" Lisa asked between her teeth as she closed and locked the door behind her. She kept her right hand gripped tightly around the brass knob as a kind of moral support. She purposely made her voice cold and cutting. Lisa wanted Chad, but she wanted him on her own terms. She couldn't let him know what a raging furnace her pussy had turned into. She couldn't let him find out that her long, hard nipples were swelling up and pressing stiffly against her bra.

"It's two things, actually," Chad said, moving quickly behind his desk and flicking on the study lamp. The darkness of the room was partly broken by the bright, concentrated glow of the lamp. A bright pool of white light washed over the large oak desk while the rest of the objects stayed hidden in the shadows. Books lined two walls of the tiny office that had only two chairs besides the one behind the desk for furniture. It was a typical chief resident's office.

Yet how much wonderful fucking had gone on in there. As Chad shuffled through a pile of papers on his desk, Lisa closed her eyes and gave herself over to the hot, lush feeling sweeping her body. She remembered how the two of them crawled over one another, rubbing their hot, sweaty skins together as the minutes ticked away. Lisa giggled, thinking back to how her ass used to show rug burns all the time.

"Here it is. We've got some problems coming up on your floor tonight," Chad said, handing a piece of paper across the desk toward her. The blonde opened her eyes and shook herself out of her trance. Maybe this call to the office was just a professional one. Maybe. If it were, Lisa knew she'd scream. She felt her emotional tolerance collapsing. How could he ignore her. It was as if he'd completely forgotten about all those times they'd shared together in this worn!

Lisa wiped her sweating hands on her pants and reached out to take the paper. She noticed that it was a patient report.

"What's so unusual about this. Everybody has one when he comes in," Lisa said angrily, tossing the paper back on the desk.

"You didn't notice the name of the patient. The police shot him tonight, and they're bringing him in Art Decker," Chad said, looking into Lisa's widening eyes.

Lisa's mouth dropped open. A cold chill of terror and revulsion crept up her spine as she remembered what the papers said about this sex murderer. He'd been terrorizing the city, breaking into homes at night and sexually molesting women. Age didn't matter to this man. Old and young, the women were often raped in front of their husbands, then murdered brutally by the laughing man.

"He's coming into surgery tonight, then onto your floor for observation. There will be police protection, of course. But you'd still better be careful. He's got two brothers the police say were in on this whole mess with him. They know he's here. God only knows what they'll do to get him out," Chad said, shaking his head as he handed the paper back to Lisa.

The blonde took it and studied the information, wondering what she'd done to deserve this.

"You said you had two things to talk over with me tonight. What's the other?" Lisa asked as she folded the paper and slipped it into her pocket. Chad was still sitting behind his desk, rummaging through the paper mess on his desk.

"Yes," Chad said, looking up and staring hotly into Lisa's eyes. The blonde felt her titties swell and her cuntal muscles squeeze shut under that strong stare. She recognized it as good old lust, the kind of look he'd given her just before he reached up and started unbuttoning her uniform.

"Look, Chad. All that's over. I haven't changed my mind," Lisa said, sighing deeply as she started to turn around to go.

"Hey, wait a second," Chad said, rising from his chair and moving quickly up to the woman. Lisa sucked in a ragged breath as she felt Chad's strong fingers wrap around her slender arms. She felt his hot, wet breath against the back of her neck. Lisa's cuntlips fluttered teasingly as Chad began to speak.

"Listen, I know I can't explain away what happened that night. It's just natural for me to be attracted to other women. That's just the way I am. Anyway, Lisa, you're the one who said we both should go out more. You kept on saying that we'd been seeing too much of each other," Chad argued, drawing closer to her. Lisa could feel his crotch brushing against her asscheeks. The blonde closed her eyes and held her breath, picturing that big, thick cock of his pressing up against the fly of his trousers. The woman fought the urge to reach back and rub her hands over the telltale bulge in his crotch.

"It's just over," Lisa almost shouted, shrugging her shoulders and walking toward the door. She had to get away from him or she'd give in.

"Like hell it is. I can smell you, baby," Chad said thickly as he tightened his grip on her.

"You-you filthy…" Lisa cried out, struggling in vain to get away. She struggled not only against Chad, but against herself as well. Lisa knew that a good part of her wanted the young resident's prick shoved up her snatch. But her pride just wouldn't allow it.

"Look at me. Look at me and tell me you want to get out of her," Chad said, whirling the blonde nurse around and suddenly letting her go.

Lisa reached back for the doorknob for support as she focused her eyes on Chad. There was that strong-featured, nearly square face with high, angular cheekbones that had attracted her in the first place. The way his black eyes sparkled with excitement and lust was quickly arousing Lisa.

"Let me go," she said. But the tone of her voice gave her away. Chad smiled broadly at Lisa, then wrapped his strong arms around her slender waist. This time Lisa didn't do anything to fight him off. Lisa turned her chin up and saw Chad's handsome face slowly descending to hers. "Please, don't, Chad," she protested weakly. Then all sounds were made impossible as their lips met. Slowly, hesitatingly, Lisa opened her mouth and received Chad's tongue. She sucked in his tongue, fighting back with hers. Their bodies ground together, rubbing slowly back and forth as hot spittle flowed from one mouth to the other. Lisa let out a low moan as she felt Chad's hot, fleshy tongue sand across her cheeks and over her tongue. Lisa could feel Chad's hands slowly crawling up her sides, squeezing into her soft flesh as they gradually made their way to her tits.

"Lisa, Lisa, I've missed you," Chad whispered as he pulled away and looked deeply into her eyes.

The blonde was too hot to talk. Her breath came in quick, short pants as she felt Chad's fingers sliding up her silk uniform and press into her forty-inch tits.

"Ohhhhhh," she moaned as she leaned against the door and closed her eyes.

Chad stepped back and started undressing. Lisa watched him silently, feeling her blood racing around her body even faster when the doctor's broad, hairy chest came into view. She swore she could see the muscles rippling across hit rough skin as he reached down and started unbuckling his trousers. Chad kept his eyes glued onto hers as he shoved his thumbs under the elastic waistband of his white cotton briefs and pushed both his pants and shorts down to the floor.

Lisa's eyes widened with lust as she stared at Chad's lush, dark, soft-haired balls that swung gently back and forth while he lifted his right leg and slipped his trousers and shorts off.

"It's been too long without you, honey," Chad said in a low growl as he finished undressing. He smiled teasingly at the panting blonde as he slid his hands over his powerful hips and cupped the weighty bulk of his cock and balls. He squeezed the pliant flesh, pressing in on the base of his thick-shafted meat as he massaged his balls and dick over and over. He tilted his head back and opened his eyes as a pleasing ache formed in the pit of his belly. Lisa licked her lower lip with unbearable excitement. She wanted that thickening cock shoved in her cunt, in her ass, in her mouth. It didn't matter. Only now did she realize just how much she'd missed that prick. The woman watched in fascination as the great weight of Chad's oversized cockshaft lurched, twitched, then started to arc upward. It thickened and stiffened more and more as Lisa felt her cuntlips thickening.

Slowly, the blonde reached up and started unbuttoning the top of her uniform. She couldn't stay dressed while the resident was standing only inches away jacking off. He was moaning now, his left hand sliding up the length of his hard cock. Lisa groaned and shook her head.

"No, don't Chad. Let me do that," she cried out. This was the first time since that night when she showed any interest in him.

"I was wondering when you'd finally come around," he said, looking at her and smiling weakly as sweat poured down from his forehead and trickled into his eyes and mouth.

Lisa kept her eyes on Chad's pointing, twitching dick as she shrugged off the uniform top and reached back to unhook her straining bra strap.
