Lisa was aware of the helpless expressions she saw on the officers in the corridor and Marilyn's whimpering behind her. Claude and Hank Decker negotiated with the police for three hours while the two women crouched in the doorway-right in the line of any fire if there were going to be any shots fired. They wanted a car and three hours head start before the police started looking for them. They promised to let her and Marilyn go safely once they were sure no one was after them.

Lisa kept wanting to shout out for the police to shoot. At least then she and Marilyn might have a chance of crawling away. But the cops didn't want to take any chances. Besides, one of their own men was in that ward bleeding to death. And unless they agreed to the Decker brothers' terms, more lives would be lost than if they held out.

In the end the city provided them with a car, some clothes and money.

"You ready to travel, little brother?" Claude, the blond brother who had held Lisa so roughly earlier asked as he motioned with the gun for both women to get up and start walking.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get the fuck out of here," Art whispered, wincing with pain as he leaned on his two brothers' arms and started limping out of the ward. "We'll have two real pros taking care of us now," he said, laughing softly, then groaning as bolts of pain shot up from his fresh wound.

"Take it easy, Art. We'll be out of here in a few minutes," Claude said, grunting under the weight of his muscular younger brother.

Lisa turned around as she rose from the floor, helping Marilyn to her feet.

"Let's go, girls. The car's waitin'," Claude said gruffly as he pointed the muzzle of his pistol at Lisa's head.

"Ohhhh, God," Marilyn whimpered as she held tightly onto her friend's arm. The two nurses walked slowly down the corridor toward the elevator, anticipating more shooting.

But everything went along smoothly. They walked down the steps to the first floor and out the lobby. Ever step of the way their path was closely watched by the police for any opportunity to get them away from the Decker brothers. But the two brothers who carried Art so carefully also watched for any signs of trouble from the police.

"Open the door, blondie," Claude growled as they stood at the main entrance.

The rest of the trip was like a bad dream. Lisa and Marilyn walked quickly to their car, the Decker brothers closely behind them with guns pointing back at the main entrance. They walked backwards, making sure no one was going to interfere with their getaway. Claude and Hank literally threw their wounded brother into the back seat with Marilyn and Lisa while they slipped into the front seat.

"Where are you taking us?" Lisa asked in a quivering voice as Claude reached down and turned on the radio. He twisted the tuning knob until he found a news station. The two men ignored Lisa for the moment, listening to the reporter's account of what had happened at the hospital.

"We're famous, brother," Claude said, laughing and slapping Hank on the back.

"Never mind that," Art said from the rear seat. "Like blondie asked, where you goin'?"

"Don't you worry about it, Art," Hank said, turning around and looking at the three in the rear seat. Lisa could tell all the brothers were cut, from the same cloth. There was the identical leer on his face she'd seen on Art's earlier that evening. There was that same cold sadism gleaming in his deep-set, steely blue eyes that glowed in Art's Hank's. They were a family of killers.

"We got us a cabin up in the mountains, near the Spahn ranch. Shit, it took us days just to find it. The cops will never find us there. We can rest up before we head on down to Mexico. Claude here's workin' on a deal with some guy to smuggle us over the border secret-like."

"How did you get past all the police in the hospital?" Lisa asked, breaking into the conversation. She had to know.

"Blondie's kinda curious, eh?" Hank asked, resting his head on his hands and sneering at her.

"That was easy," Claude said, driving faster as the car sped out of the city limits. "We knew Art'd be brought over to Central Hospital. We picked that up on Hank's radio. We just got there before the cops had a chance to put up the big blockade outside. Then it was just a matter of time. It's easy to sneak around in a hospital if you look like you belong there. We borrowed some of those operating room gowns from the laundry and kept on walkin' around till we heard that Art was in your ward. You know the rest."

Lisa groaned and held tightly onto Marilyn as their Monte Carlo sped down the deserted highway toward the Decker brothers' mountain retreat. Far a while the blonde prayed the police would follow them. Then she remembered their threat – they'd kill her first, then Marilyn if they even suspected that the cops were following them.

As Claude suddenly turned the car onto a narrow mountain road, Lisa hoped the police would lag behind until the Deckers were safe in their cabin.

Claude followed the twisting road for twenty minutes, nearly driving the car off the road as he tried to keep the car going at fifty.

"Shit, you're gonna kill us before we get there, Claude," Hank yelled at his brother.

"My leg's killin' me," Art complained as Claude turned onto a smaller gravel road.

"You bring any drugs?" Claude asked. The car slowed down as it threaded its way through the thick mountain forest.

"Yeah. I grabbed some stuff from that medical cabinet before we split. Blondie here and her friend are gonna come in real handy for a while," Hank said as Claude pulled the car up to a small shanty at the end of the road. Lisa peered but of her window. The thick trees and overgrowth surrounding the tiny building seemed to hide it well. The road leading up to it was so narrow and its entrance obscured by bushy trees that Lisa was sure the police would miss it. Even if and when they found it, the Deckers would probably be gone. And she and Marilyn? Lisa shuddered as Claude climbed out the front seat and opened her door. She didn't want to think of what they'd do to the two of them.

"Get him inside," Hank said to Lisa and Marilyn as he followed the two women closely behind. "Hide the car behind the place."

The four of them entered the tiny, dark cabin. A strong, stale, musty odor hit Lisa's nostrils as she and Marilyn dragged Art to a cot at one end of the cabin. The furnishings were sparse: one table, three chairs, a small fireplace at the other end of the cabin, two other cots near the fireplace, and a pile of several pots, pans and tin dishes scattered around the floor near the table.

She and Marilyn laid Art gently on the cot. Lisa turned around and faced Hank. He stood up the table, both hands pressed against the edge while he smiled obscenely at the two women. Only now did Lisa get a really good look at the oldest Decker brother. His eyes sparkled with an almost unnatural intensity as he kept on staring at the two women. Lisa noticed a long, jagged scar that extended from his ear to the corner of his mouth. He was still wearing the operating greens he'd stolen from the hospital. But even with the loose-fitting material covering his body, Lisa could tell he was big-framed and muscular.

All that power for cruelty, Lisa thought as she felt her skin crawl with horror. Then she thought of the descriptions of the Decker brothers' victims, and Lisa had the urge to get up and run shrieking from the cabin.

"Thought you'd never get in," Claude said as Hank threw open the door and stomped in. "Got the car stashed?"

"Cops'll never find it," Hank said, wiping his mouth with, the back of his hand. Hank was the largest of the three brothers although he was the middle one in age. His long, almost greasy black hair hung down in his eyes almost constantly. He had a full, thick moustache that drooped down over the corners of his mouth. His shoulders were wide and thick, supporting two thick, muscular arms that looked as if they could break people apart easily. Thick matting of hair covered his chest and arms.

"Let's eat," Hank grunted, throwing one thick leg over a chair.

"Let's make sure the broads know where we stand first," Claude said, curling his upper lip into a sneer.

"Oh God, leave us alone!" Lisa pleaded as she watched Hank and Claude walk up to her and Marilyn. Claude stopped and reached in his pocket for his cigarettes.

"Smoke?" he asked Lisa, shoving the pack under her nose.

"No," she said, raising her hand protectively over her tits. She watched as the blond man lit his cigarette, then flicked out the match and tossed it on the floor. Suddenly she felt something fly by her face. There was the sound of a sharp crack, followed by a cry of pain. Claude had struck Marilyn hard across the mouth, sending the brunette sprawling onto the wooden floor. Lisa started to bend down to help her friend, but felt Claude's strong, ape-like hand gripping hers tightly and forcing her down to her knees. He laughed, then knocked her on her ass.

"Please, you're hurting me," Lisa wailed.

"I know. We'd do a lot more, but we need you for our brother. We wanna let you bitches know what to expect if you try anything funny."

Hank moved up next to his brother then turned facing Marilyn. The brunette had just pulled herself up to a squatting position when the big man drove the toe of his heavy boot into Marilyn's belly with a sickening thud. Marilyn screamed and fell back, vomiting on the floor as the two men laughed.

Lisa felt a scream building up inside her as she watched her friend. She started to crawl toward the cot when Claude noticed what she was doing.

"Gag her," Claude said to Hank as he stooped down and caught her under the arms. The blonde struggled helplessly as the two brothers ripped her uniform off. She felt their powerful fingers tearing away her clothes. They laughed and made lewd, frightening comments about what they were going to do to her pussy.

After stripping her, Claude and Hank dragged her across the dirty cabin floor to one of the cots near the fireplace. Pressing her roughly on the cot, they stuffed a foul-tasting rag in her mouth while Hank grabbed her hands and stretched them high over her head.

"What are you doing?" Lisa wailed as the big man pulled her arms down and tied them to either leg of the cot under her head.

"Let's take care of her now. We've got another nurse," Art said, propping himself up and watching what was happening. Lisa saw the insane glare in his eyes. Lisa felt her heart pounding as she saw Claude and Hank pondering their younger brother's suggestion.

"Naw, no good. We might need both of 'em later. We'll wait," Claude finally decided.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, then gasped when Claude took the cigarette out of his mouth and brought it down to her tit. Hank had moved around to her feet and was holding her legs widely spread apart.

"Sure you don't want a cigarette?" Claude asked, laughing as he lowered the burning cigarette toward Lisa's thigh.

Lisa tried to pull her legs together and roll away from the cigarette. She yanked her arms first to the left then to the right, pulling at the rope wrapped around her wrists. It was useless. She was tapped. Lisa cringed away as she felt the heat of the cigarette slowly grow more intense. She could smell the strong odor of the tobacco drifting into her nostrils.

"Mmmmm," Lisa wailed through the gag. The glowing cigarette end was reddening the skin of her outer cuntlips. She writhed more desperately. A little sob escaped past the foul rag stuffed in her mouth.

"Gonna give us any trouble, honey?" Claude asked, sneering obscenely at Lisa.

The blonde shook her head violently back and forth. She closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that welled up in her eyes. Terror of what was to happen and fear of the singeing pain of that cigarette gripped her heart. In the background she could hear Marilyn whimpering.

"If you cause us any trouble, we'll do more of this to you," Claude said, touching the cigarette to her skin, then dragging it toward her pussy.

Lisa's body arched upward and trembled like a leaf. The cords stood out in her neck as she strained to be silent. The line of pain moved closer to her cunt. With a whispering crackle, the first curly hairs on her snatch lips burned. The smell of singeing hair added to the odor of the tobacco.

Oh God, please let me die now, Lisa thought as the pain became more intense. The blonde nurse felt as if hot coals had been dumped over her cunt. She shuddered again, straining every muscle in her body against the hands around her ankles and the ropes around her wrists in a vain attempt to scramble away from the searing pain.

"God, don't do anything more to her. Oh please, she said she wouldn't cause you any trouble," Marilyn wailed from the other side of the room.

"Shut up, bitch," Claude said, pulling the cigarette off Lisa's trembling body.

The blonde nurse sighed in relict relaxing and falling back to the cot. She gasped for breath as Claude reached down and pulled the gag out of her mouth.

"You read the papers much? You ever read about how we took care of some of them dumb broads?" Art chuckled as Claude moved around to her head and untied her arms.

"N-no. I'm too busy to read papers," Lisa stammered, unsure of what she should say to keep Art happy and his brothers off her back.

"Hank here's the knife man," Art said in almost a high giggle.

Lisa turned around and stared blankly at the big, black-haired man. She watched closely as Hank walked slowly over to the pile of pots and pans around the table and bent down, fishing around noisily until he found what he was looking for.

"My baby," the big man said, puffing out a leather pouch. Lisa didn't have to wait long to see what was in it. Unsnapping the top, Hank pulled out a long knife with an ornamented ivory and silver handle.

Lisa gasped as she watched him walk over to her cot and sit down on the edge. Claude had gone over to Marilyn and towered over her, warning the brunette not to make any noise.

"I've done a lot of things with this baby," Hank said, running his finger lightly over the dull side of the shining metallic blade lovingly. There was something almost erotic the way Hank treated that knife. Lisa watched him like a hawk. He was capable of driving that weapon into her naked belly at a moment's notice.

"Ooowwww!" Lisa cried out suddenly. The knife cut through the air in a broad arc and sliced a thin line across Lisa's forearm.

The blonde tried to inch away from the sharp pain, covering her slight wound with her hand and backing up on the cot. Sweat broke out on her forehead when she saw how delighted Hank was with her terror. He licked his lips while blood oozed from that stripe on her right arm.

"Turn over, baby," the big man ordered, wiggling the knife for emphasis.

"What are you going to do?" Lisa asked. She winced under his hot, evil stare and drew her hands up to her neck instinctively for protection.

"Do what I tell you to, bitch," Hank said.

Lisa didn't want to argue anymore. She just wanted this nightmare to end, even if it was only for a few minutes or hours. She rolled onto her belly, clutching the edge of the cot in terror. She didn't dare look back at the older Decker brother. She could see his big shadow moving on the floor of the cabin as he moved around on the cot.

Hank licked his lips as he stared at her firm, round asscheeks. Lisa's buttocks quivered and moved, tightening and relaxing continually until it looked as if the blonde were actually inviting Hank to do something with her ass.

Hank breathed harder. His deep breaths seem to fill the room. He carefully moved around the cot, spreading Lisa's trembling legs and kneeled between them.

"Up on your knees, baby. You're gonna pay like every bitch pays Hank," the dark-haired man growled.

Lisa had little choice but to obey him. Slowly she brought her knees up, raising her asscheeks in the air. Lisa waited. She kept thinking about the headlines in the newspapers and what the Deckers did to their victims. The blonde was certain Marilyn and she would fall to the same fate. The only question was when.
