Once again, I have many people to thank for their help in writing this book.
All the publishing professionals who have offered guidance, support, friendship, and on various occasions have prevented me from making a complete fool of myself: Nat Sobel, Judith Weber, and all at Sobel Weber Associates; Caspian Dennis and all at Abner Stein Ltd; Geoff Mulligan, Briony Everroad, Alison Hennessey, and all at Harvill Secker and Vintage Books; Bronwen Hruska, Juliet Grames, and all at Soho Press.
Those who have been so generous with their knowledge and experience in helping me research this book: Ruth Dudley Edwards for her first-hand accounts of the Irish corridors of power, and for acting as a wonderful sounding board; Mary McVeigh for her insights into the Dublin of the early 60s; James Benn for pointing me in the direction of some invaluable historical information, as well as being a great travelling and shooting companion; Jay Faulkner for the fencing tips; Armagh Branch Library and the Irish & Local Studies Library for giving me a place to write and research. Any errors or liberties taken with historical reality are entirely my own.
My friends and family for their constant support: My lovely wife Jo, who somehow puts up with me, even when I least deserve it; our daughter Issy for helping me finally understand the point of it all; the wider Neville and Atkinson clans for being such supportive families; my best friend and go-to poetry consultant, Dr. James Morrow; Betsy Dornbusch, without whom I would have given up writing years ago; David Torrans and all at No Alibis in Belfast for running one of the best bookstores on the planet; Hilary Knight for working so hard on my behalf; my many friends in the crime fiction community whose kindness knows no bounds; our faithful, excitable and hairy friend Sweeney, who took me on many long walks while I figured out what to do next.