Top ten ways you can tell that your boyfriend really loves you:

10. He puts up with your weird mood swings, even the one where you have PMS and you accuse him of liking Fergie of the Black-Eyed Peas better than he likes you, although you know perfectly well he’s never actually met Fergie.

9. He lets you pick the movie most of the time.

8. Ditto what dessert you guys are going to share.

7. He knows your friends’ names and asks how they’re doing (although in David’s case this isn’t exactly hard, since I basically have only one friend).

6. He makes sure (to the best of his ability) that when you come over for dinner, the White House chef is serving something you will actually eat.

5. He calls, often, just to see what you’re doing.

4. He thinks you look great even when you don’t have any makeup on.

3. He listens when you whine about your problems and tries to offer you viable solutions for them, even if most of the things he suggests are totally stupid and would never work because he’s a guy and he just doesn’t understand.

2. He doesn’t get upset when he overhears you going on with your best friend about how hot you think that new guy on Gilmore Girls is.

And the number-one way you can tell that your boyfriend really loves you:

1. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it when you opt to spend your Saturday night in front of the TV instead of with him.
