This is the same Ken Hersh who went on to run Natural Gas Partners, one of the most successful energy private-equity firms in the world.
The Polish national airline.
Pub manager.
Police constable.
GUM was a major department store like Macy’s.
The founder of Tiger Management Corp., one of the industry’s most successful hedge funds.
The founder of Templeton Asset Management, one of the largest mutual fund companies in the world.
If this sounds notable, there were probably more vice presidents than secretaries at Salomon.
The name of Burkle’s investment company.
The Russian equivalent to Gallup in the United States.
Barrel of oil equivalent, or BOE, is a unit of energy used to compare cubic meters of gas to barrels of oil.
Russia’s FBI.
The predecessor organization of the KGB and FSB.
That is, Senators McCain, Cardin, and Wicker.
Supergrass is British slang for «informant».
The lower house of the Russian Parliament.
After serving as president, Medvedev returned to the office of prime minister in May 2012.
Member of the European Parliament.