
I’m incredibly fortunate to have some of the finest folks in publishing in my corner. Chief among them are my agent, David Gernert, and my editor, Joshua Kendall, who helped shape this book into the best version of itself. Thanks, gents. I owe you big-time.

Special thanks to Ellen Goodson, Anna Worrall, and the rest of the Gernert Company team; Pamela Brown, Sabrina Callahan, Betsy Uhrig, and everyone at Mulholland/Little, Brown; Sylvie Rabineau of RWSG Literary Agency; and Tracy Roe.

Thanks also to Steve Weddle, at whose urging Michael Hendricks was created; my family-Burns, Holm, and Niidas-for foisting my books on anyone within reach; and the crime-fiction community, who’ve embraced me as their own at every turn.

My deepest gratitude is reserved for my wife, Katrina. Without her unwavering love and support, Lord knows where-or who-I’d be.
