A funny thing happened not long after I began working on this novel. My son Samuel Oliver Zajonc, our first, was born January 21, 2016. Those first few incredible months were spent in a blurry, sleepless, love-filled daze of feedings, diapers, and other trappings of new parenthood. Amidst this beautiful chaos I somehow found myself with a finished novel in hand, but only vague and fleeting memories of actually writing it.

What I do clearly remember is the amazing people who helped me every step of the way. Great thanks go to literary agent Carrie Pestritto, editor Kristina Makansi and the rest of the team at Blank Slate Press. My eternal appreciation is once again owed to Jonathan Wu and the writers of The People’s Ink of Portland, Oregon for their wisdom and insight on this project. Most of all, thank you to Andrea, my wife, for all that you do.
