I’d like to thank the following people for their kindness, support, and patience: Sally Richardson, John Sargent, Thomas Dunne, Kate Parkin, Nick Sayers, Jennifer Enderlin, Pete Wolverton, Christian Rohr, and Esther Newberg. As always there are others who mattered so much-family and friends-but the unwavering support of such outstanding publishers, editors, and agents has been more than meaningful.

Few books succeed without the tireless efforts of caring, knowledgeable people, and no one understands that better than a working novelist. In that spirit-and in addition to the industry professionals listed above-I would also like to thank Emma Stein, Jeffery Capshew, Ken Holland, Cathy Turiano, Kenneth J. Silver, Paul Hochman, Jeff Dodes, Tracey Guest, Emi Battaglia, Justin Vellela, Jimmy Iacobelli, and Michael Storrings. I would also like to thank the Macmillan sales force-true professionals, and simply the best.

I’d also like to mention the Honorable James Randolph, who advised me on the law. Any mistakes in that arena are mine alone. I’d also like to thank Markus Wilhelm, who has always been supportive. Inman Majors read an early draft and offered exceptional insight. Special thanks goes to the boys of The Hung Jury-Corban, John, Inman, and Chad-you guys are the best, and I love what we’ve built.

My wife, as always, was a saint, and my children spectacular. Final thanks, then, to Katie, Saylor, and Sophie. None of this makes sense without you.
