So many dead because of what you have created, Dennis. And more now Good reasons for me, Dennis Hamilton, to kill you, the imposter. ..


More? More dead?


The servant – Kipp…

(He attacks, backing DENNIS toward the stage right wings.) Kronstein – your fellow player…

(He attacks again.)

And your dancing master – the one who liked men…

~* ~

Patty Munro gasped as Kronstein closed with Frederick, grasping his sword arm, throwing them both off balance so that they toppled together out of sight behind one of the side flats that, Patty remembered, were called legs, from when she was in the Damn Yankees stage crew.

"Oh God," she whispered to her husband. "Now I'll never be able to tell them apart…”

~* ~

(DENNIS and THE EMPEROR struggle offstage, unseen by all, then move toward the stage again. When they reappear, the attitudes and expressions of both are identical – weary, wary, and determined. They circle each other slowly.)


Now they don't know who we are. You could be me. I could be you. And I will be, because I have all your memories too. It will be all mine now, as soon as I kill you. All mine – your life, your Ann…

(DENNIS attacks, driving THE EMPEROR back. THE EMPEROR parries, and evades him.)
