They left Preeti and Genaro in the basement. It was obvious why Preeti wasn’t invited to the party, plus she’d be in a better position to support them where she was. In addition, although he was a U.S. Navy chief petty officer, Holmes was unwilling to send Genaro Stewart into combat untested, so he was asked to remain with Preeti, if for no other reason than to protect her, especially once she briefed the team on what she’d found.

While Walker and YaYa had been making their way back, she’d cleaned the footage, combined the two feeds, and run it through MI5’s biometric processor, which had just been upgraded with new software, thanks to a partnership with the Israeli Defense Forces—the pre-eminent biometric-capable organization on the planet. It wasn’t long before she discovered the identities of nine of the persons at the party. Five were Members of Parliament, three were high-ranking military officials, and one was the Deputy Minister for Education.

That this group reached the highest levels was both unsettling and expected. All along Ian and Holmes had found it difficult to believe that the Hunt was something a previously unknown organization could pull off. Ian and Holmes argued whether or not to contact Lord Robinson, but in the end Holmes relented. After all, this was Ian’s country and ultimately Ian’s battle. Triple Six had been sent in for support, even if Ian was the sole surviving member of the organization they’d been sent in to support.

Lord Robinson doubted Ian’s contention at first but came around when Ian offered to show him pictures, including the image of a naked Minster of Education, returning from a romp with some anonymous masked partygoer. Lord Robinson promised to send them additional help, as well as pulling together a group of trusted MPs and Ministers whom he knew to be honest and uninvolved. Ian tried to dissuade Lord Robinson from doing this, since he couldn’t be sure who was who, but the Lord would hear nothing of it. He’d insisted that he could judge character well enough to determine who was a devil-worshiping sot and who wasn’t.

When the conversation ended, Yank was the one who pointed out the danger. “As much effort as we’ve spent to find them, I can’t help but think they’re expending exponentially more trying to find us.” He’d pointed at Ian’s phone as he put it into his pocket. “Once Lord Robinson outs himself, it won’t take long for them to trace his phone calls and find you. The phone’s Global Positioning System will give you away like that,” he said, snapping his finger for emphasis.

Laws held out his hand. “He’s right. Let me have it.”

But Ian hesitated.

Holmes stepped in. “Got to give up the phone, Ian, or we’re not going through with the mission.”

Ian nodded. “I know. I just can’t believe it’s come to this.” He pulled the phone out and handed it to Laws. “To think I can’t trust my own people.”

Laws began taking the phone apart. “These aren’t your people. These are folks who want an all-white England. You have no more in common with them than I have with Jeffery Dahmer.”

“Well said, I suppose.”

Lieutenant Magerts offered Ian the use of his phone, but he had the same problem. His could be tied to Lord Robinson as well. So Laws eviscerated that phone of its sim card too. Preeti offered the men the use of her phone, so it was with a pink, rhinestone-encrusted phone that the mission began.

They were literally heading out the door when Preeti screamed and began to sob. Her brother had sent her a URL, which had recently propagated. When she’d clicked the link, it took her to a picture of Trevor. His face was beaten. His eyes were swollen. Blood was crusted in his nostrils. If there’d been any doubt before regarding the Red Grove’s desire for Trevor, it was now obvious that he was designated as Lord of Misrule. The sign around his neck said so. The conical party hat on his head was so out of place to make the image even sadder.

Walker placed his hand on her shoulder. “This means he’s alive. We’ll get him.”

“Do you promise?” Her gaze lingered on the image on the screen.

“I do. I promise.” As he said it, he caught the gaze of Laws, who shook his head slowly. Walker knew good and well that he shouldn’t have made that promise. But he was serious about it. He’d lost his girlfriend to the same people who now had Trevor, the same people who were the architects of the largest coordinated serial killings in England. Walker was going to be a success if it killed him. And if he died, at least he’d ensure that he’d take some of the bastards from the Red Grove with him.
