"How did it go?" Marlene asks avidly when they reach their seats. Raney has met her in a Bayard Street luncheonette not too far from police headquarters. He carries his suit jacket; his shirt collar gapes open, unusual for Raney, who had a rep in the department as a snappy dresser. "Gentleman Jim" was one of his nicknames. It's the heat, she thinks. It's over ninety, and his face is flushed and beaded with sweat. She, on the other hand, loves the heat, and is lettuce crisp in a white linen pants suit.
"Okay, I guess," he answers, dabbing at his brow, grateful for the way the air conditioning is drying his face and back. He would like a beer, but he's on duty, and he's strict with himself about that: the good lieutenant. "At least they didn't kick my butt out and bust me down to patrol. But, obviously, the situation has changed."
"Changed? Oh, right, you mean the explosion in Astoria. They think that's it?"
"They sure as hell want it to be. The evil Manbomber gets his just deserts and they avoid the expense of a trial. Of course, it'd also show how incredibly dumb-ass these guys were and make the department and the bureau look even stupider than they do now for not nailing them months ago, but they're not thinking that way yet. So, we got a couple of dead guys in the ruins, and there's your culprits. It's neat enough, at any rate. The explosives check out, exactly the same as the ones used in the Manbomber bombs, plus you got bits and pieces of a bomb lab, they all check out, too- the same technology. There's no question in their minds that this is where those bombs got built." He looks around and signals a waitress. After she's taken their order and hustles away, Marlene says, "But you're not convinced."
"Hey, Marlene, I mean what the fuck- who am I to be convinced or not? I buy that it's the right place- the forensics are rock solid. But there's a couple of things. One is that at least half a dozen witnesses described a guy with a ball cap and dark shades around the blast sites, the parking lots, the buses, the theater that got bombed, and we even got a useless sketch out of it. They disagreed on the details, but two things they all agreed on: the guy was a moose- not that big but strong, a bull neck, shoulders- and that he was white. Now the guys in Astoria: okay, they had to put together the pieces a little, but neither of them added up to that guy. Not built-up, not Caucasian. These were average-sized, light-brown types of people. So what happened to that guy, Ball Cap, and who the fuck is he?"
"But you like him for Felix?"
"Oh, shit, I don't know! What we do know was Felix was a bull and that he was white. We know that and so there's another coincidence we got to explain away. The second thing is we canvass the neighborhood, talk to people about that house. They all agree, it's a bunch of Latinos there, working stiffs, they figured maybe illegal immigrants, three regulars, and from time to time a bigger group of them. One of the neighbors is an elderly PR lady, she says one of the boys came over and brought her little doggie back when it ran away. Said he wasn't a PR but he spoke good Spanish, guy told her he was a Bolivian. Nice guy, she said. She said there was another guy, a fourth guy, living there, too, not a Hispanic, a white guy, always wore a ball cap pulled low. S he says he was a hunk. A guy who works out. Okay, the time of the blast, she sees this guy staggering around just outside the house. So he was there, he survived the blast. Was that Ball Cap? If not, there's coincidence three hundred and fourteen."
"On the testimony of one old lady?"
"Yeah, I know, and it's not my case, so I can't poke around in it. She could have been wrong. The guy could've just been a bystander. But doesn't it nag the shit out of you? Anyway, we didn't get into that at all. I had my captain there, Stacy, and Deputy Chief Inspector Moellen, from the Manbomber task force, and a couple of his clones and drones. Lechman, the bureau liaison guy. I led off with my double murder, the pattern of the relationship, Felix, and then the bomber so-called coincidences- the targets connected to Felix: Lutz, the witness against him, Balducci, the cop who collared him, the lawyer, Klopper, plus you. Then I added the Latino guy in Elmhurst who speaks Arabic on the phone…"
"It's not Arabic. We don't know what it is."
"It's close enough for these guys," says Raney. Their order comes and they are silent for a few minutes, chomping. A little badinage with the waitress here, about the heat, the only subject just now in the city. Worse than the bombs, she jokes, and leaves them and Raney takes up his thread: "Anyway, the problem is there's nothing solid, no linkages. Over and beyond the fact that Felix is officially dead, we got no connection between Felix and any terror group, and he's got no background in bomb construction. Also, from day one we've been more or less denying the idea that Manbomber is an Arab thing, out of al Qaeda or what have you, because the fingerprints are all wrong. There aren't the expected targets- prestige structures, government buildings, Israeli interests, synagogues. Plus, according to Lechman, there isn't a peep on the intelligence network about any operation like this. So they're playing it like a psycho, a Unibomber on steroids, maybe multiple guys with a grudge. So they don't want to hear about your Arab, especially when it looks like it's closing time for the Manbomber."
"And the Felix angle? If they wanted a psycho, you couldn't ask for a better. What about that?"
A rueful smile, eyes rolling upward. "Oh, that. Well, when they heard I was Peter's partner on the Tighe arrest, it was clear as daylight. Detectives get obsessional about suspects, and here's a clear-cut case. It's unusual that the suspect's dead, but…"
"They shined you on?"
"More or less. The fact that the funeral home seems to be fake was the only thing that saved me from being asked to take a leave of absence and see the department headshrinker. They want me to check out the prison, see if there was maybe an inside guy or a clerical mistake. They'll think about the double murder as maybe being connected to Felix, but they don't buy the connect between Felix and the Manbomber, or that he's alive. Uh-uh, that's a bridge too far."
"So, we have to go up to Auburn?"
"There's no 'we' about it, Marlene. I'm taking a puddle jumper up there tomorrow morning. It's all arranged."
"I can't come? I'll buy my own ticket, if that's the problem?"
"No, that's not the problem." She notices that Raney looks uncomfortable. Is that a faint blush? He clears his throat, takes a swallow of his club soda. "I thought it was better to leave you out of it, I mean when I presented the thing. Also…"
"Yes?" Dryly.
"Okay, you want the embarrassing truth? Girl, if I went off for an out-of-town overnight trip with you along, Nora would go ballistic. She already thinks I'm halfway up your pants."
Marlene guffaws in an unladylike fashion.
"It's not funny, Marlene. You don't know her."
"It's hilarious. You want me to call her? Tell her I wouldn't have you on a plate, even though I did chew illicitly on your face a time or two?"
"Oh, please, that's all I need. But you can tell her whatever when you come over. You're all invited this Saturday."
Roland Hrcany was taking his sweet time with the fatal bullets and his expert witness. It was now the morning of the second full day of this testimony and they had just started on bullet four of the seven that had helped kill Moussa Onabajo. Karp could understand why he was going so slowly. The roaring of the fans placed strategically around the baking courtroom made it difficult for the jury to hear the testimony or the questions. He could see several of the jurors leaning forward, cocking their heads, cupping ears. Those were the ones still interested in the case. Others, stunned by the heat or by the usual boredom, had given up entirely and were frankly dozing. And Roland was going slowly because lies, which were what he was selling now, were always more complex to convey than the truth. This last was one of Karp's deepest beliefs, that the truth was always clear and simple, and one he clung to despite almost daily demonstrations to the contrary.
Bullet number four was the first really magical bullet, and Karp was, unlike the majority of the jurors, truly interested in how the defense intended to play it. The first two had come from Nixon's gun, shot during the struggle, causing only flesh wounds. The third had been Gerber shooting the struggling Nigerian through the chest to save his partner. Police ballistics and the People's case maintained that bullets number four, five, six, and seven had been fired at the victim after he had fallen to the ground, helpless, hence evidence of intentional homicide. But no: it turned out, according to Hugo Selwyn, that number four had been fired while the victim was still hanging on to Detective Nixon, still allegedly scrabbling for the detective's pistol, still a danger to the officers. That the bullet itself, squashed flat against the asphalt of the parking lot, had been found under Mr. Onabajo's body, was explained by a marvelous set of rebounds within the corpus of Onabajo, enabling the projectile to end up looking "as if" it had been fired into a recumbent man.
Bullet five had done a little dance around Onabajo's pelvis before winding up in the soft asphalt right next to its predecessor slug, in remarkable coincidence. Bullet six had bounced off a spinal process of the Nigerian desperado and was directed in a downward direction, ending up within six inches of numbers four and five. And now for bullet number seven. Karp let a smile slide onto his face, and he made sure that Roland and the jury saw it. He leaned forward in his chair and clasped his hands, as if riveted by a performance.
For bullet number seven was the worst bullet from the point of view of the defense. It had not participated in any of the merry bone dances of its earlier associates. It had been a simple gut shot, entering three inches to the left of the midline, blasting through the soft liver and exiting through muscle, fat, and skin tissue into the pavement, penetrating deeper than the others, and carrying with it (which the police department forensic experts had already established) bits of liver tissue, undershirt, shirt, skin, and beer, this last from a spill on the surface of the parking lot. It was like a scientific core from an ancient glacier or a redwood, recounting history in neat layers.
As Karp had expected, Roland admitted all this, as it gave him a chance to reiterate the position that the other three shots had glanced off bones. He asked Selwyn whether the trajectory and rest position of the fourth bullet could be explained in any other way than the way the state had explained it, and Selwyn, naturally, answered in the affirmative. Easel charts were brought out and set up, and, guided by Hrcany, Selwyn began to describe how hydrostatic forces generated by the hollow-point bullet entering soft tissues could have deflected the projectile so as to make it turn nearly ninety degrees and plough into the pavement, as it would have had to do if Gerber had shot Onabajo while Onabajo was on his feet and struggling. There was even a chart of partial differential equations to support the trickology. Karp rose to his feet.
"Objection, Your Honor. No foundation."
A stunned silence for a beat or so, and then mutters among the courthouse cognoscenti. "No foundation" is an objection associated with exhibits. You object in that way if, for example, the photograph of a crime scene is not a photograph of how the crime scene looked at the time of the crime. Judge Higbee said, "Explain yourself, Mr. Karp."
"These equations violate the Law of the Conservation of Energy, which law, Your Honor, with all due respect, lies outside the purview of this court. It's like supposing perpetual motion or antigravity-"
Roland raised his voice. "Your Honor, I must protest! Counsel will have plenty of time to cross-examine our expert."
Oh, don't stop there, Roland, Karp hoped to himself. And Roland did not, adding, "In any case, it's outrageous for counsel to advance himself as an expert in ballistics."
"It's outrageous for your witness to do so," said Karp in a stentorian voice.
Bang of the gavel, amid titters. "Sit down, Mr. Karp," Judge Higbee snapped, "Objection overruled. Jury will disregard Mr. Karp's remarks. Proceed, Mr. Hrcany."
Roland did so and Karp sat back, ostentatiously reading through his notes, seeming to ignore the remainder of Selwyn's testimony. He was well satisfied with his move. Whichever members of the jury had been dozing had been awakened by the gavel and by the dueling lawyers, which was what all juries yearned for, having been trained for it by television. He had also recalled for the jury the state's original trashing of Selwyn's reputation, which would make it easier for Karp to impeach him during cross-examination. A neat little tactic. Roland could never resist putting in an extra twist of the knife, and thus the perfect straight line had been set up. And Karp had almost nailed it, the key to impeaching the cops, something about the position of Nixon and Onabajo, that had to do not with Gerber's five bullets, but with Nixon's two. So close, but not quite in hand.
Lucy was walking up Crosby Street from Howard, on the shady side, for it was a blazing day, and her mind was full of deep thoughts. She had come from doing a number of necessary errands and was looking forward to shedding her sticky clothes, taking a cool shower, and lying nearly naked on her bed and having a conversation with her boyfriend. It was not exactly phone sex.
Among the places she had visited was the language collection at Columbia, the office of a professor of Semitic languages, and the offices of the Lucia Foundation. At the first she had learned the identity of the language on the tape her mother had made of the man who called himself Gonzales. At the last, she had experienced a somewhat spiky interview with Father Dugan. Giving away millions of dollars had eroded his pastoral chops, or maybe he was less interested in her problems than he had once been, since his daily work now consisted of sticking Band-Aids of various sizes on the world's festering, incurable wounds. She had brought up the demon and been told to stop being silly; she'd had her exorcism, the man wasn't hanging around anymore, a little less mysticism, please, just now. And there was no such person as Sharon Larsen in child protective services, so she could forget about the swine in good conscience. The romance issue, her sacred virginity? Gosh, here was a project to get Thai preteens out of the sex trade, made it kind of hard to focus on Lucy Karp. Maybe it was time she stepped up to the plate- drop the guy as an occasion of sin, or do the sin and take the consequences, but for the love of Pete, stop this endless shilly-shally. She had not exactly walked out in a huff, but he'd received a call and taken it, and she'd slid away while he was on the phone with someone who had two hundred and fifty thousand starving children on hand.
So she was in the process of kicking herself for being a spoiled brat, but dragged up a smile nonetheless for the whores hanging around outside the brothel just south of her front door. The girls were cheerful Fujianese for the most part, their clients, men of the same nation, sweated labor shipped across the oceans to the Gold Mountain in containers, like spare parts. Lucy, while officially disapproving both as a Catholic and a feminist, thought it rather distinguished to have a whorehouse on her street; and since she was the only local available who spoke their language, she had become a great favorite among the soiled doves. She explained a littering ticket, described the procedures at a free clinic, warned against a Ponzi scheme. Amid giggles, then, the girls informed her that she had a boyfriend, a man asking them about Lucy, where she was, when she would return. They knew enough American to understand what he wanted, although of course they had said nothing. They pointed, laughing. That man.
He was lurking in a deep entryway across the street. Even in the shadows she could tell it was the guy from the soup kitchen, Larry or whatever his name was, the demon. She left the group of women, moving toward Grand Street and her door. He spotted her and accosted her just as she was getting her keys out. She saw at once that he had been sleeping rough, for he was unshaven, dirty, and there was a peculiar scorched smell about him, as if he had rolled into a trash fire.
"Lucy, could I talk to you a second?" She looked him in the face and what she saw there prompted a faint nausea: violence and terror roiling behind a scrim of pathetic sincerity. She swallowed heavily and said in what she meant as a cheerful tone, "Sure, Larry, what's up?" Going to the prom, Larry? Want to split a milkshake? He must see it in my face, she thought, the horror- but no, clearly empathy was not Larry's strong suit.
"Look, I'm in trouble," he continued. "I really need some help."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Oh, man, I got myself into a jam. I been out on the street for two days."
"What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything!" he said indignantly. "Why do you think I did something? Jesus!"
That's incredible, she thought, he's working on my liberal Catholic guilt and sure enough, I feel guilty. She said, "So what happened?"
"I was just looking for work, you know? So a guy I knew told me to hang out on Eleventh and Fortieth with all the illegals, I figure I could get some day work. So a guy shows up, says his name's Carney, he's got a job unloading trucks. I go with a couple of other guys, Spanish, Latinos, you know? In his pickup truck. We go down to a warehouse in Chelsea and we unload semis all day, appliances, stereos. Then Carney pays the other guys off and the split. And he says to me, 'You want to make some extra?' And I say yes. What else, right. So he says, 'Settle down, it's not for a couple of hours.' I get something to eat and go back. Now it's like ten at night. A semi pulls up and I start unloading. It's all cigarettes, and I figure, Uh-oh, this can't be legal. I'm about to go to the guy and tell him I can't afford to get mixed up, because of my parole thing, when all of a sudden, this big black SUV screams up and four guys get out. I'm in the truck, and the driver says, 'Wait a second,' and he goes out and I hear yelling, so I like, peek around the side, and I see these guys have got Carney and the driver up against the wall, and they're hitting them with pistols. Then I hear shots, and man, I just took off. They saw me and they shot at me, but I got away. I went right up a razor-wire fence, tore the shit out of my clothes and my back. I've been staying in a burnt-out building, scared out of my mind. They were yelling in Spanish. I figure Dominicans, they're into cigarette smuggling."
"You have to go to the cops, Larry," she said. Her voice sounded strange in her ears, strangled.
He shook his head violently. "Nah, I can't do that. I can't get busted. I mean, I was working an illegal scam. They'd put me back in jail."
"But you'd be safe."
He laughed bitterly. "What, are you kidding? You think these guys don't have people in the jail? I'd get shanked the first day." He snapped a look over his shoulder, the universal gesture of a confidence to be offered. "Lucy, I don't know, I'm really in trouble now. I got a sister in Plattsburgh I could stay with, me and the girl, I could get away from this fucking city… but I got zilch, man. I got no cash at all. They killed him before I got paid."
"How can you do that?" The words blurted out without thought, almost without volition. She meant the lies, but he didn't understand. He said, "What? Do what?"
"Nothing," she mumbled. She felt the violence cruising beneath his skin, like a shark under turbid waters. Lucy was already reaching into her bag. She knew the man was lying, but his terror was genuine. He had the true look of someone on the run, but she suspected he was closer to the source of the evil than he had let on. It didn't matter. She was seized by a visceral passion to be free of him, to not occupy the same air. She plunged her hand into her bag, brought out her wallet, and snatched all the currency out of it. She thrust the sheaf of bills at him. As he took it from her, there appeared on his face a mask of sincere gratitude. Little tears glistened in his handsome eyes. "Gee, Lucy, thanks! God, I'll never forget you for this, I mean it, and I'll pay you back, I swear it, every penny…"
She felt the pressure of a fixed smile on her cheeks. She couldn't wait for the elevator car. Instead, she inserted her key, murmured a quick good-bye, slipped inside, and slammed the door on his professions of eternal gratitude. Then she ran up four flights of stairs, faster than she had ever run them before, as if the devil were on her tail, until, at the last landing she had to sit, panting and nauseated, with her head down between her knees.
"What's wrong?" her mother said instantly upon seeing her. Lucy would have tried to sneak by her room, but the dogs caught her, which was one of the problems with having dogs. Besides, she desperately needed a cold drink.
"Nothing," she said as she got a bottle of mineral water out of the refrigerator, with the dog Maggie whining hello and nudging at her thigh.
"Not nothing. What happened?"
"I said nothing, Ma." She poured water into a large glass full of ice, and added a chunk of lime. She drank and wiped the dribbles from her chin with the back of her hand. The dog rested its hot head on her knee, and got the desired scratch between the eyes. "I gave all my cash to a street person with a sob story, is all. And then I ran up the stairs to punish myself for being such a sap. Still. It's hot. I almost got heatstroke."
The mother inspected her, using a surface-penetrating sonar more accurate than anything the Pentagon had. "You weren't mugged, were you?"
"No, Mom, just conned." To change the subject she pointed to the kitchen table. This item, its surface mottled with a century of immigrant life, had belonged to Marlene's grandmother and was the largest horizontal surface in the house, far larger than the table in the dining room. It was covered with legal folders and papers. "What's all this?"
"Paul Agnelli's case. I told you about this?"
"The butcher, uh-huh, the statutory rape. Are you going to get him off?"
"It's looking a little better. This is the material I got from the DA, and from Paulie's old fart attorney. I can't believe he didn't see this right off."
"See what right off."
"There's no rape kit. The alleged vic didn't go to the hospital. In the Q and A she says she was so upset she went home and showered off. She didn't report it until the Wednesday after the Friday it allegedly happened."
"I love the way you always say 'allegedly' even when you're talking to me."
Marlene cast a sharp eye on her daughter to see if she was being needled, but Lucy had nothing on her face but frank interest, and could that be a hint of admiration?
"Yes, well, it's a good habit to get into in this business. Anyway, aside from the girl's testimony, their whole case is forensic- his car showed hair, fibers, and fluids from the girl on the backseat, plus matching semen on the girl's underwear and skirt. Paul says he can't imagine that any woman he slept with during the right span of time would have participated in a scam against him. Which is a problem for us, because we know there had to be a scam, and the girl had to be in on it. Do you know a real estate guy named Fong?"
"Hiram Fong?"
"Is he in local real estate?"
"I guess. He has an office on Mott with a big-character sign out front. A tong guy."
"You know this?"
"Everybody knows this, Mom," said Lucy, meaning everybody who spoke the half-dozen most popular dialects of Chinese and had lived in Chinatown her entire life, and knew the sociology thereof.
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh, just a notion. This Fong made an offer on the building Paulie owns and Paulie turned him down. I'm trying to think of an angle here. Why would anyone go through all that trouble to frame a Mulberry Street butcher? A rival Italian butcher? A grudge from way back? A spurned lover? All possible, but not likely. Somebody had to get to Cherry Newcombe and get her to make the complaint in a fairly elaborate and risky way, and somebody had to get to a source of Paulie's semen, and absent any evidence that Paul Agnelli is such a monumental son of a bitch that two women would go out of their way to shaft him for free, it means that someone put up a nontrivial amount of cash, or put the scare in, to make them do it. Fong sort of fits the picture as the kind of fellow who could do either or both."
"So, you're saying what- he sends his yellow minions secretly after Agnelli, finds out who he's been balling, gets a fresh sample from her by threat or payoff, and frames the guy so that he'll sell the butcher shop? It doesn't sing to me."
"Me, either. There's a missing piece, but I don't know what it is. I should go see McKenzie, the arresting officer, see what he has to say for himself." She regarded her daughter with a considering eye. "Would you like to be momma's little helper on this one, too?"
"I'd be glad to help in any legal endeavor."
"Is that legal as in pertaining to the law, or legal an in noncrimonous?"
"What do you need, Mom?" asked Lucy, ducking this jab.
"Fine out what Fong is up to, his rep, and would he pull something like this? Just pick up on the street stuff. Nothing involving break-ins, torture, or bribery."
"Like you usually do, you mean? Okay, Mom, not a problem."
"There'll be per diem expense money."
"Fine. Oh, and that guy the other day, not really Gonzales? He was speaking Tamazight."
"Tamazight. It's spoken by about three million people in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and Algeria."
"Berbers. These guys were raised in Tamazight, and then went to Spain at a fairly early age, or else they were raised in Spain with Tamazight as a cradle tongue."
"Guys? We only saw one guy."
"Well, him plus whoever he was talking to on the phone," said Lucy.
"Thank you, and duh!" said Marlene. "The old lady's brain has half-rotted away, but she passes the falling torch to the next generation. Which God forbid."
Felix went into a restaurant on Lafayette and counted his money under the table. It came to sixty-seven dollars. He had been so astounded when the little bitch yanked the cash out that he hadn't done what he should have done, which was getting her to go to the bank and cleaning out her account, and then going with him to pick up his supposed daughter. He'd had her eating out of his hand for a while there, he could see it in her eyes. The plan had been, once he had some serious money and her credit card, to rent a car with her, drive to some alley, tonk her on the head, into the trunk, and over to his storage locker. Then after he'd had his fun, and she'd told him what he wanted to know about this slope Rashid was so interested in, he'd see what the information was worth. A bonus in more ways than one.
He took the last of his pills with the ice water the surly waitress had placed on the table, along with the teapot. Jesus, these fucking people, drinking tea in weather like this! They were giving him the eye from the kitchen, because of the way he looked. That was one thing he would have to take care of. First get more pills. He took out his little notebook and made a list. Pills. Clean up. Clothes. No, clothes first, then clean up. He changed the list. Bag. Call Rashid. That was going to be fun. The waitress came over and stood stolidly over him with her pad ready. He ordered a beer and pointed to a picture of something that looked like spaghetti. He figured how bad could they fuck up spaghetti, even if they were chinks.
Three hours later, Felix was feeling a lot better than he had in a couple of days. The blast at the Astoria place had shaken him up more than he had admitted to himself, mainly because of how dumb he'd been. When the bomb hadn't killed Karp's wife, they'd decided to write him off, and he hadn't seen it coming, had walked up to the front door like a moron. Of course, they figured he couldn't be trusted anymore, and since they knew he knew their big plans, they'd decided to take him out, along with the evidence at the Astoria place. He had stayed in the locker the night before, which was like being a fucking pizza in an oven, worse than the joint, and had come out in the morning completely wiped, with hardly carfare in his pocket, hungry, raggedy-assed, and burned in several places. It had been inspired to go after the girl, and even though he hadn't made the big score, he'd scored enough. One advantage of hanging out with all those losers at the soup kitchen is that he'd learned a lot about how to survive in the city's underground- where to get a shower, a meal, cheap clothes, unofficial medical attention. The city was apparently loaded with people with nothing better to do but to give stuff to piss bums.
So the late afternoon found him in Midtown on the west side, fresh from a shelter shower and shave, dressed in plaid Bermudas, an I Love NY T-shirt, a Mets cap, plastic sandals, cheap sunglasses, and carrying a plastic fabric sports bag from St. Ignatius High School in Weehawken, all from the Goodwill on Twelfth Avenue. He was clean and indistinguishable from the other million or so tourists wandering the city. A tourist was nearly as good as a workman for invisibility. Now he entered Penn Station and found a phone booth on the Amtrak level. He dialed Rashid's cell number. After a few rings, the Arab's voice came on the line. "Hello, you little piece of shit," said Felix cheerfully, "remember me?"
There was a long pause on the other end, and Felix realized with delight that the Arabs had thought he'd been killed in the explosion.
He heard Rashid say, "Felix?" and heard the fear in the voice. Felix had to laugh, it was going to be so good. It was going to work out for him now for sure.