Command Container, Wilderness, Siberia

Boris was agitated. It had been three days since the battle. Janna had remained unconscious. Due to the necessity of destroying the equipment that couldn’t be salvaged from the bunker, it had been a full day before they’d been able to meet up with the container. She still remained unconscious. This limbo, especially after what she had said, was worse than his headaches. Each day had dragged like a year of headaches.

The special phone rang, the ID indicating Frank. He hit the button and answered gruffly, “Boris”

“Hey it’s Frank, Boris. Lance and Dan were concerned that the strike on your bunker might indicate that someone had figured a way to trace our communications so we went back over the first half of the battle. We had footage from three angles of the shot that hit the bunker. The vehicle was the lead, and the turret had been knocked askew by the initial strike. It looks like they already had a round up the spout and it cooked off.”

There was a frown in his voice for the next discussion. “The crater and damage were not consistent with the standard HE round, though. Looks like the Russians, or at least the NVG, have cooked up something new. Something more powerful. Be careful. There may be some other Weres or even vampires on their side, too. I’m getting rumblings that the head of this NVG group is different. Different enough that none of my contacts were willing or able to sell information to European or American foreign intel about the group. The only reason I got anything was that I already knew their name. Even then it cost me a favor. One I need your help with.”

Frank continued, “I need you take out a facility for the favor. Best to keep our accounts current. Besides, they said this one would put them in our debt. Apparently, an NVG linked company has taken over security for one of the Siberian oil refineries. Now production is officially down fifteen percent. The ministry my contact works for has proof that they are siphoning that fuel into their own supply lines, but Defense and the other government departments are refusing to act. He wants it stopped, with no indication of outside help. Dan is biting at the bit and wants to come.”

Boris sighed. It would be good to go and cause some mayhem, but that would leave either Danislav or Paul in charge. Danislav, he thought with a frown. Paul was just too… oddball. “If Janna were operational, I’d say certainly, Frank. Between her, Danislav and Paul they could do anything that was needed while I was away. But she is not up. I am getting worried. She is losing weight despite being on a nutrient IV. I would guess nine or so kilograms over the last two days. If some…” He cut himself off.

He wasn’t going to admit that if something went wrong if she died, he wanted to be next to her. The confusion of his emotions made it difficult for him to sort things out. Somehow, his failure to be with his last love when she died and the situation with Janna had become entwined. He had no idea why or when that had happened.

There was a loud sigh over the line. “Boris, Why didn’t you mention the weight drop earlier? Dan will come down to pick you up. A spare pod will take Janna to Bethany Anne. Dan needs some time out of the office anyway. You and Dan will head straight to the refinery. We’ll get Janna into the medical pod and get her better. Capiche? Bethany Anne is gonna be pissed at you, again. The only reason you haven’t gotten a visit for the bunker incident is it was probably bad luck. Oh, we are keeping a pod loaded with sintered metal/silver ammo on standby for your first op. With other Weres in the opposition, your guys might need it, and there’s space for it in that container.”

Boris slumped a little, partly in relief and partly in shame. Both offers of help were something he should have considered. “Yes, Frank.” His voice was a little disconsolate. Then he perked up “But the refinery, we are just taking out their security right? Not the plant operators?”

“Of course. Bethany Anne wouldn’t consider any other way. Be ready in an hour, it’ll take me that long to find a medic to put in the pod with Janna.”
