Letter from Helen
Thank you for choosing Return to The Little French Guesthouse.
I have had so many lovely comments from readers telling me how much they enjoyed following Emmy’s adventures in The Little French Guesthouse, so it has been a delight and a privilege for me to be able to continue her story as she, Alain, Rupert and friends negotiate the minefield of daily life at La Cour des Roses – romance, good times, bad times, heartache; as Emmy would say, ‘the whole caboodle’.
I enjoyed exploring some of my secondary characters a little more in this sequel – especially Jonathan and Ellie. So many readers have said that La Cour des Roses seems like a real place to them. It does to me, too! I only have to picture it in my head, and I can imagine all my characters there.
If you enjoyed the read, I would love it if you could take the time to leave a review. It makes so much difference to know that readers enjoyed my book and what they liked about it… and of course, it might encourage others to buy it and share that enjoyment!
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Thank you!
Helen x