Quaeryt was working with Vaelora in her ministry study on Samedi morning when one of the clerks brought in a dispatch from Justanan, indicating that Northern Army would be arriving at headquarters slightly before noon. Quaeryt carried the message up to Bhayar, who read it and said, “I’ll have a message ready in less than half a quint, commending him on his speed and politely requesting that he deliver the tariff golds here and then meet with me. The rest of Northern Army can return to the headquarters holding.”

“I’ll have a trooper standing by to carry it back with the courier.”

Bhayar nodded and sat down at his desk.

Three glasses later, Justanan and a full company of troopers-and two armored wagons-arrived in the rear courtyard of the Chateau Regis. Vaelora took charge of having the golds-in locked chests-transferred to the underground vaults, while Quaeryt escorted Justanan from the courtyard and up the grand staircase.

The older commander studied the staircase and the walls. “You and your imagers rebuilt this, didn’t you?”

“No.” Quaeryt smiled. “They did it all. I was still recovering.” And out of my mind amid the whiteness of ice and death.

“I didn’t know that.”

“Many people don’t. The two imagers I left on Imagisle have done wonders there already.” After the slightest pause, Quaeryt asked, “How is Commander Nieron?”

“He’s in good spirits now. What happened at Fiancryt unsettled him, but after he saw the bridge your imagers built, and all the improvements to the roads, I think he understands just what a boon the imagers could be.”

And that he wants me heading them and not the armies. But Quaeryt just nodded, rather than voice that thought.

“Do you know what Lord Bhayar wants?”

“To talk to you,” replied Quaeryt. “He only told me that he wanted to meet you immediately upon your return. I did tell him that I thought you could handle a position of greater authority well, but that was only my recommendation.”

“Only your recommendation? Do you make many, Commander?”

“More than Lord Bhayar would like at times,” said Quaeryt wryly. “Did you encounter any unforeseen difficulties after we departed?”

Justanan shook his head. “Everything went as expected.”

When they reached the closed door to Bhayar’s study, Quaeryt looked to the guard. “I’ll announce us.”

“Yes, sir.”

Quaeryt eased the door open just slightly. “Commander Justanan is here, as you requested, sir. So are the tariff golds. Lady Vaelora is overseeing their transfer to the vaults.”

“Have the commander come in, Quaeryt. I’d appreciate it if you’d wait outside until summoned.”

“Yes, sir.” Quaeryt turned to Justanan and gestured for him to enter, then stepped back.

A quint passed, then two, and then three, before the bell rang and the guard at the study door opened it. He listened, then motioned for Quaeryt to enter the study.

Quaeryt did so.

Bhayar rose from behind his desk, not the conference table, and Justanan quickly stood from one of the chairs before the desk.

“Commander Quaeryt,” said Bhayar formally, “I have offered the position of marshal of the armies and Commander Justanan has accepted.”

“Congratulations, Marshal,” offered Quaeryt. “You have my support and loyalty.”

“As he should,” said Bhayar, adding after a pause, “There will be a meeting of all available senior officers, major and above, in the upper great hall at fifth glass. I will make the announcement at that time. Until then, you are not to mention the appointment.”

“Yes, sir,” replied both Quaeryt and Justanan.

“I will see you both a quint before fifth glass. I realize you both have much to do, but I do not wish to leave the marshal’s post vacant any longer than necessary.” Bhayar offered a wry smile. “You may both go.”

Once they were outside Bhayar’s study and well away from the guard, Justanan looked to Quaeryt. “Being marshal is not something that I ever sought.”

“That’s likely one of the reasons you are receiving the position.”

“I know what you have said about it not being wise for you to be promoted…”

“I’m too young in the eyes of many, too close personally to Bhayar, and I’m an imager. Bhayar and the senior officers need a trusted and trustworthy officer of proven experience. You recall how Nieron reacted to the idea that I might take over command of Northern Army.”

“Still…” pressed Justanan.

“It should not happen, and I should never be more than a commander.” Quaeryt smiled. “And you have much to do before fifth glass.”

Justanan chuckled. “I suspect that’s all the answer I’ll get.”

“That’s because it’s the right answer and right for the officers and men.”

Once Quaeryt had seen Justanan off, he returned to Vaelora’s study to try to get caught up on more of what Vaelora had handled in dealing with various matters of administration while he had been gone.

He kept at that until a quint before fifth glass, when he met Justanan. The two walked up to Bhayar’s study. When they entered, both were surprised to see Deucalon, in full uniform, standing somewhat stiffly by the conference table.

“Both Marshal Deucalon and I thought that a formal transfer of position would be the most suitable way to commemorate his service and to begin Marshal Justanan’s responsibilities as marshal of the armies,” said Bhayar pleasantly.

Deucalon nodded stiffly, and Quaeryt half wondered just what Bhayar had said to him.

“Commander Quaeryt,” Bhayar continued, “you will enter first and call the officers to attention. Then you will join the other officers. The marshals and I will deal with the rest of the ceremony. You should leave shortly, and send a guard to inform us when all officers are present.”

“Yes, sir.” Quaeryt understood perfectly what Bhayar was doing, and he appreciated its necessity. He inclined his head, then turned and left the study. Once he reached the area outside the double doors to the upper great hall of the chateau, he took his position and waited.

The first officers to arrive were, unsurprisingly, Zhelan, Calkoran, Eslym, and Khaern. And Khaern’s four battalion majors. All eight stopped short of Quaeryt.

“Can you tell us what the meeting is about, sir?” asked Khaern.

“I can only say that Lord Bhayar has requested that all senior officers gather so that he can address them. I wouldn’t wish to say more, since I don’t know exactly what he wants to say, only the general subject, and he’s requested that I say nothing yet.”

Calkoran and Zhelan exchanged quick glances. Khaern smiled faintly. “I understand, sir.”

Quaeryt smiled in return. “I’m certain you do, but I’d appreciate your keeping any speculations to yourselves.”

“Yes, sir.”

The next officers were several subcommanders Quaeryt did not recognize, although he possibly knew their names from various dispatches, along with their senior majors.

Then came Commander Pulaskyr, who stopped and addressed Quaeryt. “Commander, any word on what Lord Bhayar will be saying?”

“I don’t know what he’ll say, only the general subject, and he’s requested that I not divulge that so that he can address it in his own way.”

Pulaskyr nodded and smiled. “Thank you.”

Shortly after Pulaskyr entered the hall, Subcommander Ernyld stopped and looked at Quaeryt. “Commander … I find myself at a loss. I’m the chief of staff to the marshal of the armies, and I have no idea about the subject of this meeting. It seems most … irregular.”

“A number of things have been rather … irregular lately, Subcommander,” replied Quaeryt, his tone mild. “This meeting was called by Lord Bhayar to restore a certain … regularity to the activities of the armies. I’m certain he will make that perfectly clear.”

“I would hope so, Commander.”

“Whatever he says or does, Subcommander, he is the head of the armies, and the one to whom all officers and men, whether rankers, undercaptains, or marshals, owe their allegiance and loyalty. And that is how it should be.” Quaeryt smiled.

Ernyld swallowed just slightly.

“Everything will be fine,” Quaeryt added. “You’ll see.”

“Thank you.” Ernyld did not sound convinced.

That’s another problem Justanan will have to address … but in his own way.

It was almost fifth glass before Quaeryt felt that all the officers were present, slightly less than seventy in all, and sent word to Bhayar. The ruler of most of Lydar and the two marshals appeared almost within moments. When Bhayar approached, he nodded to Quaeryt, who stepped inside the great hall and to one side.

Deucalon was the first one through the door, and at that instant Quaeryt announced, boosting his voice slightly with image-projecting, “Lord Bhayar!”

All the officers stiffened.

Deucalon led the way to a place before the assembled officers, followed by Justanan, and then Bhayar, who took a position just forward of the two, with Justanan to his right and Deucalon to his left.

“Commanders, Subcommanders, and Majors,” began Bhayar, “I appreciate all that you have done in our efforts to unite Lydar into a single land. Without you and your men, what we have accomplished would not have been possible. One whose knowledge and experience in this has been most noteworthy is Marshal Deucalon. He served my father loyally and faithfully, and in leading you and in serving me, he always put foremost his beliefs of what was best for Telaryn. He is stepping down after a long and distinguished time as a senior officer, and I have appointed him as a High Holder. Which high holding he will receive will be announced within the next week or so, once I finish determining which of those who have no heirs as a result of the war will be most suitable.” Bhahar smiled broadly and warmly. “I am sure that you all can appreciate that such long service should be rewarded.”

From where he stood at the side of the great hall, Quaeryt could see that most officers were nodding, although Khaern, Zhelan, and Calkoran were understandably not among them.

“The new marshal of the armies of Telaryn is former Senior Commander Justanan, who has most recently commanded Northern Army and who has been most effective in assuring that northern Bovaria is completely loyal.” Bhayar turned to Justanan and nodded.

The new marshal smiled, almost shyly, then said, “Most of you know this is a position I did not seek and did not expect. One thing I have learned, especially from others, is that demanding anything as due or owed is usually the road to disaster. Doing one’s duty as well and as faithfully as possible is not merely a goal for an officer. It is a necessity. I have attempted to follow that precept all my life, and I intend to continue following it as marshal. I also expect the same of you.” He smiled again. “I’ll probably have more to say later, perhaps too much.” He turned back to Bhayar.

Bhayar glanced to Quaeryt.

“Attention!” Quaeryt amplified his voice with image-projection.

Bhayar followed the two marshals from the great hall.

Once they were well clear and on their way back to Bhayar’s study, Quaeryt made the last announcement. “As you were.”

Within moments, Quaeryt was joined by Pulaskyr.

“You handled that rather well, Commander.”

“I just announced people,” replied Quaeryt blandly.

“That you did, but it was better this way. A pity about Myskyl, though.” Pulaskyr’s voice was so matter-of-fact that it was clear he felt no sympathy whatsoever.

“It is,” Quaeryt replied.

“It’s said that you don’t plan to remain a commander.”

“Only so long as necessary. I’ll likely become head of the imagers’ Collegium. Lydar needs a place where imagers can be schooled and where they can feel safe and be productive supporters of Lord Bhayar and his heirs … and their heirs.”

“That’s also likely for the best,” replied Pulaskyr. “I don’t know if I’ll be seeing you again.”


“Bhayar has asked me to serve as regional governor of Solis and acting governor of Telaryn during the transition … and to arrange for Lady Aelina and the children to come to Variana. I’ll be taking several regiments, of course.”

“I wish you well.”

“And I you.” Pulaskyr smiled, then turned.

Bhayar had definitely been busy, Quaeryt reflected. And that’s good.
