“I’m going to have some breakfast,” Lady Holt said. “You find out when the hearing is scheduled.”

“What if the judge hasn’t set it yet?”

Her stare made Tanner wish he hadn’t said that.

“I’ll get it done,” he quickly added.

“Good,” she said. “Then ride to the ranch and tell Paulus to drive those rebranded cattle to town. Fast. We’ll turn this thing around real quick.”

She smiled a wicked grin that caught her eyebrows and cocked them. “Tell Judge Opat to expect a telegram from the governor.”


“Do we have another governor?”

“No, of course not.” He returned the cigar to his mouth and his hat to his head.

“Tell Jaudon his defense remains the same. Exactly the same. This will be the day the Rangers will never forget.” Her laugh was more of a snort.

Tanner spun and left.

“Iva Lee, by tomorrow the Rangers will be history!”
